
Until XVIII century nationalism wasn't a thing, people saw themselves as christian first, spaniards or english second. Ever wondered why idea of worshiping your nation instead of God gained traction with stronger jewish influence? What a convinient way to weaken christianity! Just. In time to catch those not lured by communism. This is why nationalism fails. It is on itself a controled opossition.

Why is Poland always so woke?

Better question is why are czechs and estonians more cucked than swedes.

I don't think so

Christianity calls the Jews the Chosen people of god?

Goood Meme.

“A holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.”(Deuteronomy 14:2)

Get out Jew.

Sup Forums doesn't really believe in God. Or at least a large chunk of it. The same people here that complain about degeneracy and the decline of the white race are degenerate themselves and are doing nothing to save whites.

What are you talking about?
I doubt white people are worth saving. Its whites who are behind most degeneracy to begin with.

Most of the degeneracy is precisely because the west turned against Christianity and embraced cultural-Marxism instead.

>Its whites who are behind most degeneracy to begin with

Try jews. They push homosexuality, transgenderism, transvestites, nigger love, and other filth in America.

religion is a mental illness. Believing a magical man in the sky. Kys

Your'e not wrong. The problem with the liberal idea of the nation-state seems to be the one red pill that most of Sup Forums can never quite take.

You're right, although nationalism as an ideology wasn't relevant because national identity wasn't threatened until pretty recently. A better government would preserve us without needing to make the state an idol, which the Christian Feudal system did pretty well

Learn more about Martin Luther and Lutheranism. Cut out the Catholic church and stick to the firm belief in god and Nationalism.

Wake up, your own religious body is working against you, the pope wants to embrace other fucking faiths and compares the Muslim refugees to Jesus' apostles.

This user gets it.

Yeah except for the fact that there are bible verses telling you to not mix your blood and that racial groups stayed very pure, I guess you might have a point.

The point is more that people didn't have the intellectual framework to accurately describe tribalism on a state level yet. You're a retard.

They are only for jews. There is no longer jew nor greek, user.

But whites enable it. Jews aren't as succesfull anywhere else.

That's only as far as the religion itself goes, it doesn't mean racemixing or letting them overrun and wipe you out.

Shill detected.

One of the grandfather Jews just recently died.



God>USA>Europe>rest of world>middle east

Sorry JIDF time to leave.

Christianity worships jews as the chosen people of gos and every major christian organization espouses its love for Israel and sends them money by the millions.
Kill yourself christcuck.
Sup Forums is not a Christian board.