European /Axis/ thread

Invited: Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Balts, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary

Welcome: Spain, Sweden, France

Fuck off: Allies and Japs

Other urls found in this thread:

Hitlers first move should have been to annex Italy to keep you guys from fucking the whole thing up.

Its okay lads.

>Invited: Italy
what the fuck i love leafs now


t.Italy who ruined the entire axis war effort
off yourself

>inb4 faggots argue Romania's loyalty to the axis considering how strong the eastern front was

Mobilized 10% of our manpower only to be remembered as "balts"

Romania was pretty fucking loyal.

Remember Stalingrad?

You were the most useless ally

Eh, they didnt really fuck up that much harder than germans regarding the africa campaign, excluding ehtiopia of course.

You really have to blame Mussolini more than anyone else for having such shitty generals.

Not invited but still crashing the party and backstabbing nazis in the back!

Japan did more than Italy and had less shitty guns.

Codreanu was based. I'm starting to like him more than Hitler.

>be a bunch of cucks and fight for invaders who want to exterminate you

>Japan did more than Italy.

I would even go on to say that Japan was just as strong as the German Army, if it wasn't for the Nuclear Bomb, the Axis would still technically have a chance, even without Germany. 11 million Japanese Soldiers where active across Asia in 1945.

Mussolini made the same mistake that brought down Chiang Kai-Shek, his lust for power and autocracy made him surround himself with corrupt lackeys who couldnt handle shit

>italy shittalking japs


Any plans for a new war, without the cucked krauts?

You lost.Get over it.

>this triggers the eternal pasta

And you got communism, even worse.

At the time this was how many non-Latvians and commies we had. Pretty good fucking deal.

Sorry, not 11 million, 70 million.

>Traitors to the cause pretending they are part of the Axis.

Hello my friends :)

hello , how are you my fellow axis

>70 million
What the fuck I love Japan now.


still better than being deported to cold Siberia by the eternal kraut

Well the thing is though is if Hirohito would've felt a need to go liberate Europe. It's entirely possible once Asia was in Japan's sphere he would've just peaced out but who knows?

Yes, 70 million.

Technically Japan was still on the winning side, the Americans died in their millions hopping on tiny island to tiny island, killing only a few 1000 Japanese Troops each time.

invited in my book

Goralenvolk reporting in

>being deported to cold Siberia by a churka manlet is better
at least krauts are white

To this day I have not seen any Italian user posting anything good.

What about me guys?

WE WUZ (kind of, but not really) OSSEWABRANDWAG N SHIET!!


First let me state that I find this thread morally wrong and overall absolutely repulsive, never forget the 7 million

That said, round III when?


Reminder that Mussolini disliked Hitler and thought he was an idiot.

Viņiem bija žīdi.
They had jews.

we created our battalions very late
but we fought with third reich(not against them you get the message) in eastern front
and then ruskies came and took some men to fight in berlin

I'm with this guy. Round 3 is way overdue!

Digits confirm round 3?

>never forget the 7 million
>7 million
it's 7 gorillion, you fucking anti-semite.

round III soon pls

I know Mussolini was unhappy about the Nazis killing Engelbert Dollfuss as well as disagreed with many key parts of National Socialism. Ultimately it doesn't matter since Mussolini was still willing to become Hitler's bitch if it meant getting more land.

When did you realize that after unification, Germany was destined to rule most of Europe and serve as a modern substitute for Holy Roman Empire? Dream of united Europe only ever lingered in the shadows as we fought each others, embracing nationality-state concepts.

Nazi occupations were only a hint of something about to come. Germany is simply too strong and too powerful to let others do what they want. 4th Reich is more real than you think.

Merkel threatens schengening-out countries that won't take their share of immigrants - number she decided upon. She also may as well be aware that her creating this crisis gives her political advantage once things get rough. She'll seek more power and turn into a super-chanchellor, tightening grip over other EU countries as they keep trying to make their way out of EU.

Remember 10 years ago when Germany was equally or even less represented than France and the UK, back when even Spain or Italy had a say in things.

It was more about France and England not showing him much love and him being left with no choice but to align with Germany to prevent conflict with Hitler. He had originally tried to cozy up to the Brits and French against Germany.

Next time without Italy

We invented fascism faggot, without us there would be no Adolf

Of course and Hitler more than gave Mussolini and the other Italian fascists more than enough credit for this. Italy still was garbage in the war though.

Canoli land is based but you need fascio system back mate.
I want to see pure Catholic Italia.

japan is inivited
i love anime

And we invented football, doesn't mean that you get to be best at it



Politically and Ideologically we weren't shit, as for military wise I agree with you, but don't deny the facts many of our soldiers fought very well and bravely. Our Military was garbage I admit that but of course Italy won't be renembered on how we fought against the tyrannical communists and Anglo Saxon invaders. We're only renembered as by "switching sides" which we didn't in both World Wars.

your tanks were bad (but working)
compared to german


Also watch this video, it will make you feel you were born in the wrong times.

To those who actually want to know more about the situation of Italy and the myth of the "delaying Barbarossa":

At least we had based Aircrafts.

Oh I think Mussolini deserves credit in many regards. He saved Italy from communism and unemployment dropped heavily under his rule. I just don't think Italy was ready for another world war though I won't take away the bravery of the Italian troops. If Mussolini had more time to build up Italy probably would've done a lot better.

Why no Japs?

Undercover Austrian reporting in.

Servas, burschn.

they look nice

Wos mochstn bei de Inseljuden

Wow those guys sure look threatening..

Schekel verdienen. Ma kummt hoid a bissl rum wenn ma Forscher is..

And we invented Britain.

>Invading Slovenia and Croatia, taking Istria and dalmazia back...

My grandfather fought in North Africa as a tank driver. He was living in Venice and he ran away from home at 17 to fight in the war.

He was in a POW camp for 5 years and he spent most of that time in "the hotbox." The hotbox was a metal box in the sun where prisoners had lay in as punishment. My grandfather was saying mechanic and he would constantly sabotage the trucks as well as the generals carat one point by sticking bananas into the exhaust pipes.
Who did he fight agaisnt? I've never been told the answer to this one.

Checked and keked

I just teared up a little, thanks

>We wuz romans n shiet

Nah, m8. You're descended from visgoth barbarians, all the real Romans fled east to anatolia.

reporting in

NSB reporting in


Can some user post more of these emotional videos of Adolf, I want to cry this Friday evening.

i love anti-bolshevik posters

A man can wish user a man can wish

Right here

C-c-can I join?


Your digits are your answer. Kek blessed you.

SdKzf 234 reporting in
>Recon light vehicle
>shredding sherman

Leaf, please, you're fucking with the worst european civilized people.

Absolute kek


>this thread
Is this why that Reddit-tier Polandball ripoff animu portrays Italy as a spastic retard?

95% jew deportation rate here, gotta love bureaucracy

Ossewa Brandwag

didnt know we have /losers/ general



So much a loser Zionists begged to be Hitler's friend?

We got a live one ere.


C..Caann...Can I cuck for you?