> Party Rundown Vazrazhdane/възpaждaнe - Based, and /ourguys/. Pro-Bulgaria, anti-refugee. GERB/ГEPБ – Commies LARPing as centre-right KB/Кoaлиция зa Бългapия – Non-LARPing commies DPS/ДПC - Turkish Minority Party. Absolute cunts. UP/Oбeдинeни Пaтpиoти – Electoral alliance of pseudo-nationalists. Leader is former head of intelligencre agency. RB/Peфopмaтopcки блoк - Generic Centre-Right Bulgaria without Censorship/ Пpeзapeди Бългapия – Pretend to be right wing, are commies.
Thread is for discussion of and exploration into the Bulgarian elections and Bulgaria as a whole.
At the risk of getting shitposted on, could anyone tell me what this sticker is?
Benjamin Ward
It says vote /14/ (the number on the voting bulletin for a political party)
Grayson Myers
Essentially, a sticker for /ourguys/, who are Vazrazhdane. An user had them custom made.
Daniel King
What's the chance of /ourguys/ getting in the parliament?
Brayden Sanchez
They'll need 4% which is about 130,000 votes. Big, but doable.
Michael Russell
inb4 same "red-but-not-dead" fags trying to get a piece of the banica... when will some decent islamic citizen demonstrate the religion of peace in the parlament?
Asher Reed
Fuck america and fuck the west. Now with the coming rotation in the EU we can even sabotage these cucks from inside and help are real allies.
Levi Flores
red are pretty much dead tho
gerb will win for sure
hopefully UP will get a good percentage too
/ourguys/ will not get in, most likely, hence why they are our guys, cause they're not drenched in shit
Logan Edwards
nah most people in 14 are lolbertarians
Wyatt Butler
> wanting to put socialists and Turks into power
Easton Fisher
The government will be bsp-patriots-dps. It might even be two party with indirect support from the third one but nonetheless grob's not touching power ever again as these are probably their last elections. Borisov will resign and with it that shitty party will go in history.
Our socialists aren't cuckolds like yours, there's massive difference between being descended from Marxist-leninists vs retarded trotskysts . And DPS has proven itself not to bend over erdogan so they are definitely true Bulgarian party.
Now brexit and KYS island nigger.
Justin Hill
ugh, I have to admit I'm not well aware of /ourguys/ agenda... desu I currently see only kebabs and ex-commie-now-mafia-lord kind of people there
Nicholas Brown
> Turk > true Bulgarian
Pick ONE (1).
Xavier Watson
well, it's over
the buses will come, as they do every year
fucking turks
Isaac Diaz
Do you guys think we can see some actions from those para-military things (BNO Shipka and such) and/or Dinko The Gunship if the elections sour up?
Lucas Bell
Could DOST win a seat?
Julian Lopez
tensions are high enough a lot of people wont stand for being pushed around
erdogan is on the edge so he will be aggressive too overall it's a recipe for a disaster
I'm not seeing it, turk/minority vote is split between 2 parties DPS and DOST, so thats good
Joshua Perez
That will be catastrophic to Bulgaria's ethic model as it'll essentially split the turkish vote between one bulgarian and one legit turkish separatist party. I wouldn't mind some behind the scenes fiddling if they get the numbers high enough... I sincerely doubt they'll be allowed to breach the 4% barrier though. The danger's to our country and politics is just too great.