So what the fuck do you shills want to see in a health care bill?
So what the fuck do you shills want to see in a health care bill?
Drug screenings for anyone applying for Medicaid.
I don't want a health care bill.
I just want it repealed.
I don't care, only immigration matters to me.
They don't want to see anything. They just want their 0.02 dollars per 10 posts.
>i don't want health care
>just take it away
But who will take care of your autism?
All I want is to not have my taxes go to illegal's healthcare
I just want to people to take responsibility for their own shit and a government that is as small and insignificant as possible.
Single payer government funded healthcare. But more realistically a public option for Obamacare.
Nice try shareblue even trump supporters aren't that fucking stupid
this board is so terrible now
its just 1 post by this id bot threads and shareblue/ CIA shill spam
Single-payer, with every citizen guaranteed the same health insurance we pay to give members of Congress, our public SERVANTS, with OUR money.
Health care is a HUMAN RIGHT.
I want government out of healthcare you drumpfcuck
if you can't afford to be alive, just die.
free euthanasia and legalize drugs. seriously, why not?
>The right of the citizens of the united states to have full access to heath insurance, regardless of conditions existing prior, during or after, shall not be denied,
what is classified as healthcare tho?
Should every time my butt gets itchy and I go to doc be subsidised?
You're in the Netherlands so why would you ever worry about healthcare?
Only idiots in America worry about healthcare. I've got permanent disability so unless they take away Medicare, I'm fucking good.
>If you don't agree with everything Drumpf says or does you're a shil!
You can't argue that we're being shilled like crazy atm.
Hi, Arab Money.
>Should every time my butt gets itchy and I go to doc be subsidised?
You laugh until you find out the nigger who served you food gave you pinworms.