I don't believe it is the islamic religion which provokes all this aggresive behaviour but rather some genetic disfunction that they are butthurt about anything and always resolute in violence. If they found a chest filled with old tapes of Sesame Street in the desert, they would find a way to justify blowing each other up to clear who gets to be Elmos neighbor in paradise.
Not just in the extreme examples ISIS or Erdogan these days but in everyday encounter, no matter where in the world: why the fuck are they ALWAYS aggresive? Any thoughts?
And don't give me this eco-liberal bullshit "those are just the exceptions", fuck off. In my experience the exceptions are those who have integrated themselfs in society and stopped clinging on to their homecountry, somehow this step resolutes in relief of Aggression.
If you said "short fused" you'd have a lot more (you)s
Ayden Martinez
I think it is a combination of the following > our men are pussies > they have a sensitive concept of honor > their patriachal culture means in their family they were spoiled > we are lesser in their minds, because we are infidels
Andrew Murphy
Addendum > it is proven, that arabs in general have a problem with incest > lower average IQ, making them more aggressive > in general being infused with the idea of honowful violence
Hunter White
When you take a baby out of the womb and circumcise it, it creates a negative feed back loop in the brain which raises the probability exponentially of the man have anger management issues
Jayden Allen
Many of them are inbred.
Jacob Hernandez
Low iq Incest Genetic predisposition to not think ahead
Ian Richardson
they have no cultural identity except islam. They have no role models, nothing to feel pride about except their religion and family. there are next to none famous muslims who have contributed anything to world culture or science for almost a millennia. Anything that messed with their personal pride, religion or family will piss them off, since there is nothing else to take pride in.
Carson Fisher
Julian Morgan
They're driven by compulsion and primodial instincts, just like animals. That's why we don't call them humans.
Hunter Green
Massive cousin fucking makes them inbred and retarded.
James Powell
>I don't believe it is the islamic religion which provokes all this aggresive behaviour It isn't. It's the fact that they're niggers with better organizational skills. Islam is simply the lens through which they project their greed, envy, and hatred of whites, and also serves liberals as a useful distraction from that core issue, which is really race.
Liam Howard
Because it's an effective strategy.
Every time they chimp out or blow something up you Europeans give them what they want, and go protest evil Israel and America forcing the poor sand monkeys to act all violent in contravention of their peaceful and religion and nature.
Basically because you faggots let them and reward them for it.
Fuck (you).
Carter Mitchell
Being aggressive and short-tempered is 100x better than being so not "aggressive" and so not "short-tempered" that you literally let your whole identity,both racial,religious and national down the fucking toilet because "muh we wuz evil in the past n shieeet" and not do anything about,and sometimes even encourage it.
Asher Jones
Shit family lives.
Angel Young
Sand monkey makes a good point, actually, while the Muslims chimp out too easily, the European really is too much of a fucking pussy.
The only way to deal with Muslims is to use the only language they understand: violence. Something that America and Israel seem to realise but Europeans keep complaining about.
Camden Sullivan
As much as Sup Forums hates women and feminism....the truth is that Arabs are like this because they grow up with cowering mothers who cater to their every whim.
In Arab society, a toddler son is considered higher in the family structure than a wife/mother. Boys are consequently never told "no" by their mothers. Mothers walk behind their sons when they hit puberty.
Patriarchy is a big problem because it de-legitimizes the role of the mother as a teacher and authority figure. Arab men consequently grow up with superiority complexes which colors their views about religion and society.
Because they view the West as culturally womanly, they feel the need to conquer it. That they are piss poor fighters and thinkers is lost on them because in their minds men always conquer the weak and feminine. This causes an internal conflict (female west in a position of power vs. masculine arab in submission).
The problem in the west is that feminists are attacking patriarchy where it doesn't exist. Feminism works in moderation. Completely male dominated societies are shit.
Logan Adams
apparently not
Lucas Allen
Wow, an insightful post from a burger.
Gavin Foster
No fap- and repressed homosexuality- centered culture.
Samuel Harris
Isn't that actually pol's dream society
Jaxon Wright
P. based.
Jaxson Jenkins
And a relatively non-shitposting Canadian. The sky really is a nice shade of blue today
Isaiah Gray
wait, do moose burgers ever have insightful posts?
Jeremiah Bell
Turks and Arabs, or other Muslims are not "so sensitive and short tempered". We tolerate a lot of stupid attacks from the West to our Sacred. You Westerners claim to have values and these are to be respected. But we have our values as well. Imagine our feelings when the European media collectively publish stupid cartoons attacking our Prophet, who is to us more beloved than even our parents. This is something you will have difficulty to understand because Westerners are secular beings. Because of that, when the Zionist media attacks Jesus in similar terms, you don't react. But this is not the case with us.
The Cartoon crisis is not the only case. Satanic verses, Bush's remark of crusades,
There are not only verbal attacks. Our people are killed almost on a daily basis by Western armies. What would you do if for example your house was bombarded by drones, depleted uranium, phosphore bombs and other deadly weapons would be utilised on you and your relatives? Would you not be "so sensitive and short tempered"?
I don't understand how Westerners fail to read the status quo and accuse Muslims to be aggressive. It is a ridiculous myopia. The only large Muslim attack on the West since around two centuries was 9/11 and assuming you are red-pilled you must well know that it was a false flag, ended with two millions dead Muslim bodies. You are a German, you can read Jürgen Todenhöfer and Daniele Ganser... Also read Arjana's teratology to see who has been the aggressor throughout the history.. Would it be ok to connect the Western aggression with your race? Well, as a Muslim, I find this connection ridiculous, too.. Peace.
Jack King
>boo hoo someone called my rapist conquering prophet a conquering rapist
There's a difference between feeling distaste and shooting people over drawings.
It takes a weak minded man to justify violence with LITERALLY PICTURES.
The difference between whites and browns is that white people don't care when you attack our symbols. You call us heathens, spit on the bible, burn and trample our flags, but so what? Those are merely symbols.
Only idiots are preoccupied with symbols.
Samuel Morales
Read some history man. The West has killed more people than the sum of other civilizations. Two World Wars, the ongoing "war on terror (or Islam?)", genocides, ethnic cleansings in everywhere they went (Australia, America, Africa, Asia, even Europe..), Inquisition, torture, cannibalism (Crusaders), nuclear attacks to Japan, persecution of Jews, ..
But in the end "Why are Muslims so aggressive and violent terrorists, barbarians.."
We have a saying in Turkish. "Külahıma anlat". Google it.
Look at the current situation. The whole time Western media and politicians have been accusing Erdogan of being a cruel dictator. Your fellow Boehmemann or whatever his name was wrote "poetry" to identify Erdogan with paedophilia and other disgusting things. Now when he reacts and calls them "Nazis" in retaliation, they start to whine.
Shortly, "Western logic" appears to be not so Aristotelean sometimes..
Dylan Gonzalez
"You call us heathens, spit on the bible, burn and trample our flags, but so what?"
Show me one single event when Muslims called you heathens, spit on your bible or did similar sacrilegious things. Muslims throughout the history have shown respect to your faith. Because Christians is regarded as "people of the book" by Muslims. Read the Qur'an to find out what Muslims think about Jesus and Mary. Perhaps more positive than the New Testament itself..
Burning flags is another issue. It has nothing to do with your religion. It is usually done as a reaction to direct violence (verbal and physical). I personally would not do it but thanks to God my family has not been (yet) attacked by Western drones.
Also that you dont care about symbols does not mean we would do the same. Do not assume narcissistically that we have to show the same reactions as you. You are not the universal determiner of norms. We have our own norms and values.
Jace Nguyen
Literally hundreds of years of incest causing a whole ethnic group with neurological disorders. Combine that with a way of life that basically says conquest is and destruction of anything that disagrees with you is not only just, but your duty, and you have a recipe for the Muslim world.
That's why it was pure shit way before colonialism was all the rage, despite leftists always claiming that the ME is fucked just because of how borders were drawn.
Islam started by a genocidal pedophile incestuous warlord, but after the initial shitstorm of conquest and infighting and society finally settling, things were gradually getting less crazy, even with the incest issue (which was falling by the wayside as the first signs of general reform were starting to appear). But the Mongols came and raped and burned what little hope for civilization the Middle East had, and it's been a post-medieval-apocalyptic held together with violence by inbred subhumans ever since.
Dominic Bennett
Butthurt Turkroach
Lincoln King
Shoo shoo.
Levi Jenkins
Most of us are abused as children. Beatings are understood to be common and expected here.
Bentley Hernandez
The lower the IQ, the higher the ego. They're just vain and can't stand being told that they're in fact, retarded. So is their religion.
Benjamin Perry
yes, at it's core the arab mentality is an inferiority/superiority complex based around male ego.
Sebastian Ward
Spare me your lies.
I've spoken with Christians from the Middle East that moved here to get away from you lunatics.
Evan Bell
Well quit beating your kids so much, it's affecting the rest of us around the neighborhood.
Samuel Price
This deserves more attention. The middle east is literally a massive inbreeding hotspot...
Jason Hill
>"We're not oversensitive, we just chimped out because of a cartoon!" >"You attacked us"- Brings up the crusades which were a response to constant Islamic invasions
You can't honestly think that even today with drone strikes, that the level of aggression is anywhere near as bad on the Western side is it has been from the Arab world. The entire Muslim world is one that stands on the skulls of the hundreds of ethnic groups that were genocided in those areas, and anything of note was built by tens of millions of dead slaves because the Arab world still somehow managed to have a wildly higher slave count than the west despite the population differences between eras.
This is the first era in history where Islam was on the defensive for any real amount of time, and it's only been post WW2, and it's nowhere close to the scale if Islamic invasions of it's neighbors throughout history.
Jacob Garcia
Shoo! shoo!
Jacob Sullivan
>leaf >not shitposting ever
Mason Perez
>the aggressor throughout history
That's you, Mahound
Nicholas Wilson
"incest": Muslims can marry their cousins. This is not incest. If you consider it incest, than Christians are also incestuous because they did the same throughout the history. Look at your royal families for a start.. Also let me remind you that currently it is the West which tries to normalize incest, not Muslims.
"a way of life that basically says conquest is and destruction of anything that disagrees with you is not only just, but your duty" You are confusing Islam with Christianity here. Muslims did not apply ethnic cleansing on inhabitants. All the Balkans stayed under Ottoman rule for half a millennium. They still speak their languages and follow their faith. Do you think Turks were unable to destroy them if they wanted? Same with Arabs in Spain. 800 years.. What you mean are Westerners, everywhere they went. Look at what they did to Muslims and Jews in Spain during Reconquista and Inquisition. Look at how they genocided all the American continent including Canada. No, but it was "the diseases European settlers brought and American natives were not immune." Yeah right. Read Bartlomeo de las Casas. Spanish theologians were discussing in Valladolid whether Amerindians were humans or not. Same story with Africans. In fact Sup Forums still believes that non-whites are inferior and do not have any right to live.. I mean if you want to be cruel, take this path, its your decision. But do not lie so grossly.
Finally, I do not know any abused child in Turkey. This doesnt mean that there arent any. But "most of us are abused as children" is a stupid remark that has nothing to do with reality.
Thanks for the baygon btw.. I desperately needed it as a "Turkroach" :)
Joseph Howard
> genocides, ethnic cleansings in everywhere they went >Inquisition, torture, cannibalism
Muhammad and the various caliphates throughout history did the same thing.
>persecution of Jews
your prophet personally murdered and enslaved jews and told his followers to do so. muslim regimes throughout history murdered and expelled jews.
>Muslims throughout the history have shown respect to your faith
Dhimmitude is not showing respect or tolerance.
Lucas Ortiz
This, this is why they're such faggots about MUH DISRESPECTING ISLAM, it's the only thing they have
Christian Wood
>fapping is forbiddent(most imams say so) >sex/porn is forbiddent >get fucked if you stare at a girl >marriage is too expensive >angsy teens with sexual issues are promissed 72 virgins in heaven >angsty teens+sexual frustration=rage
Gabriel Kelly
"Spare me your lies.
I've spoken with Christians from the Middle East that moved here to get away from you lunatics."
Read what Edward Said has to say about that. He was a "Christian from the Middle East".
Bentley Nguyen
Only because you were allowed to rape little boys if they were Christian, so the pedo roaches had a vested interest in keeping a Christian population off which to feed.
Michael Green
>what is this Sup Forums thing anyway
Perhaps I'll consider your advice when you've figured out basic navigation of this website, such as how to reply to my posts.
Asher Sanchez
>Same story with Africans
The Arab(muslim) slave trade of Africa and Europe is responsible for the enslavement of tens of millions of Africans and Europeans, starting in 661 and lasting well into the 1900's. It was the Europeans that ended it.
Jonathan Anderson
"Muhammad and the various caliphates throughout history did the same thing. your prophet personally murdered and enslaved jews and told his followers to do so. muslim regimes throughout history murdered and expelled jews. "
If you want to know what happened at Madina at that time between Muslims and Jews, read P.L. Rose's article about "Muhammad and the Jews. Retrieving the historical kernel." He is an authority on the issue. It was the treachery of Jews of Medina which made them expelled. Banu Qurayza massacre owes to the Jewish plot to kill the Prophet. They even recruited a team of three rabbis to kill him. Their poets were calling people to assassinate him. It is all written in historical sources. Read Rose's article.
"Dhimmitude is not showing respect or tolerance." Muslims gave the status of "dhimmi" to Christians and Jews. It means "protected ones". They had to pay taxes and yes they were not in the foreground under Muslim rule. But what did others do at that time? What are Christian societies doing to Muslims at the moment? I lived long years in the West and have direct experiences. Even a political meeting is not tolerated and police attacks civilians with dogs.
When Muslims could not protect the dhimmis, they repaid them the taxes (jizyah). You guys are so biased that you dont even bother to read.
Imagine what would happen to Jews if Muslims did the same things to them what Christians did. A Jewish scholar said "It was Islam which saved the Jewish people".
Owen Thompson
1 4 0 0 H U N D R E D Y E A R S
William Ortiz
This is literally scientific fact, throughout the Arab world.
Remember, 1400 hundred years of inbreeding
Jack Ross
"The Arab(muslim) slave trade of Africa and Europe is responsible for the enslavement of tens of millions of Africans and Europeans, starting in 661 and lasting well into the 1900's. It was the Europeans that ended it."
Enslavement after conquests is not only an Islamic thing. Everyone did that. Christians enslaved millions of people during the "transatlantic slavery enterprise". Hard to match with any other group of people. Read some works of postcolonial and decolonial studies.
Isaac Murphy
50 generations of cousin fucking. That'll do a number on anyone.
Owen Jones
Liam Morales
Cousin fucking IS incest. Yes christians used to do it, but it is now illegal in many western countries for very good reasons. Besides, while is was common for our royal families to in the past, it actually wasn't all that common among the populace. On the other hand the common populace in Muslim societies are quite highly inbred to this very day.
Your defense of cousin fucking tells me you're either a product of incest or your wife is a blood relation. It might not be true, its estimate half of you people aren't inbred... so chances are... However, saying "marrying your cousin is not incest" is going to make people come to that conclusion you're ok with it.
We really don't understand how unique the European people are, and how far ahead they are, compared most other societies.
Especially in the things we're told are problems and shameful, like gender roles and inbreeding. We're lightyears ahead of the rest of the world, and our view of women, family structure, societal roles is infinitely better and more equitable than even the developed East Asian world's.
The slovenly and ignorant will never accept it, but European common cultural is objectively the best on the planet.
Jack Garcia
Then defend your countries. Everything you're saying is nationalism against imperialism. Muslims still come here like vermin, to the destroyer of their societies and blasphemer of their prophet, and demand to be accommodated.
No one respects you. Pity from the liberal, hatred from the conservative. If you picked up a gun and sent your western-capitulating government, and your foreign occupiers packing, and made something strong and prosperous out of your society, then we would truly respect you.
Eli Robinson
I mean, if cousin marriage is incest and it distorts your dna, you guys have been doing it much earlier than us. So your dna must be more distorted. :) Even if you do not do it anymore, your parents did.
About the Armenian genocide.. It was the Armenians who allied with Russians and attacked us as the fifth column from inside. They gathered civilians in mosques and burnt them inside. Considering your ideology, 80% of Sup Forums would be supporting that I guess.. What an irony that I must still explain these things to you. According to a historian, Armenians killed 500.000 Turks in Anatolia at that time.. Armenian genocide is not a historical-scholarly fact. Thats why Westerners and Armenians do not want to open their archives, although Turkey has suggested this. It is a political weapon.
About the Kurds.. Many of the current ministers in the Turkish cabinet are Kurds. Turks have no problem with Kurds. The problem is PKK. The terrorist group Westerners sustain with direct and indirect support. Also, one of our ministers said that many of PKK terrorists are Armenians. Turkish soldiers find crosses in their necks.
Things are different than what you think..
Blake Cox
erdogan go to bed
Brandon Baker
Circumcision at 13.
Lucas Lewis
So are we, but that doesn't make us incapable of large-scale thought, and thus, unable to have a peaceful, functional society. You don't have to be a German to understand the social contract, or just its autistic cousin, the "golden rule".
You cannot, as a group, think ahead and control yourselves, and so will never prosper in our society, and stand only to harm it.
Xavier Hughes
I blame massive inbreeding in the Middle East, a fact no one ever seems to bring up.
Anthony Parker
You honestly believe a thing your government tells you?
Joshua Smith
"We're lightyears ahead of the rest of the world, and our view of women, family structure, societal roles is infinitely better and more equitable than even the developed East Asian world's."
Wow. "Mental masturbation". :)
"Muslims still come here like vermin, to the destroyer of their societies and blasphemer of their prophet, and demand to be accommodated. "
Thats what I dont understand either. After studying in the West I had the chance to stay there but did not even think for one second and returned to my dear Turkroachistan. :) But those refugees are mostly uneducated people. They seek their dreams. Just like your ancestors did when they went to United States. Still, many of them return after being "treated" by Europeans.
"o one respects you. Pity from the liberal, hatred from the conservative."
This is not something new and it is not because of us. Read Arjana's work to find out how Westerners "respected" Muslims throughout the history. Some titles are "dog-headed men", "rapists", "barbarians", "retarded." This list is very long.. The West has never respected us, no matter what we do. It is always our shortcomings which are capitalized. But this tells more about Westerners themselves, not us.
Austin Thomas
It's not a shit post. There are measured permanent alterations in the brain after circumcision.
Elijah Fisher
"You honestly believe a thing your government tells you?"
I trust my government more than you trust your government. I am 100% sure they are more honest than your corrupted governments. Have you heard about pizzagate? :)
Cooper Long
Incest wasn't as common among the common populace, even the common folk found it weird the Royal families did it, and we still do. You cite christianity and judaism as a source of it... guess where Europe imported that culture from? Oh the middle east... oh right.
Why do you think Europe has been doing it longer... you guys are doing it RIGHT NOW on a massive scale. The incest rates vary from country to country in the muslim world, but its pretty fucking alarming: A couple of examples Pakistan 50+% Turkey 20+%
Seriously the West have evolved. When will you?
Caleb Richardson
>t. room temperature iq
Wyatt Torres
"It's not a shit post. There are measured permanent alterations in the brain after circumcision."
Jesus, his brother James and all early Christians (who were Jews) all obeyed the Mosaic law. They were all circumcised. Is your brain permanently altered? :)
Lucas White
>m-muh people are victims >muh crusades Filthy brown vermin.
Carson James
Because they know you're all pussies and will fold like a Pixie Stick in a hurricane if they yell at you a bit.
Isaac Robinson
Rampant inbreeding for 600 years will do that to a people.
Angel Rodriguez
>constant reward/punishment structure >makes you paranoid and on edge, always >everyone around you is the same
Muslims are by far the most angry people I have ever met. In fairness I have never known an Asian Muslim, but all of the ones from the ME and certainly the converts are just pure anger.
>t. one-time potential convert and prayed with them for years
Adrian Reed
Why should we respect men with dog-heads?
Dominic Scott
">m-muh people are victims >muh crusades Filthy brown vermin."
Western logic strikes again! :) That crusaders failed is not my fault. Also calling Crusades a "defensive riposte" is "idiotic" in one word. Crusaders were barbarians who would even rape and kill their fellow Christians in Constantinople in 1204. Orthodox never forget that. They ate dead bodies of Muslims (brain alteration?) in Maraa and were not ashamed of cannibalism. Almost all Christian chroniclers of crusades report it. But they started killing with Jews of Rhineland. "Defensive Riposte"? LoL. Oh, they also killed thousands of people in Northern Europe. They were not Muslims.
How your brains work, I do not understand.
Blake Campbell
t. the country that just made Islamophobia illegal
We're all in this together m7
Jeremiah Ortiz
They're quick to anger because:
Low IQ
Don't know how to better deal with opposition
Chained to slave for their warped ego
Views themselves as Alpha males all women want to fuck; must show dominance wherever they go
Lazy (Which worsen their short fuse)
Stuck in the past worshipping old glories
Race concious to such an degree they put SS to shame, why if someone outside their race will elicit extra anger if a confrontation happens.
Stupidly proud of their pedo-worshipping culture.
Generally unproductive, therefore poor. Which leads to feeling of inferiority which they must at any opportunity do away with, instead of improving their productivity
I known and know Muslims; I work with Muslims; I often serve Muslims and I fucking hate most of them.
Robert Brooks
"Why should we respect men with dog-heads?"
Because they are in reality not "men with dog-heads", but ordinary human beings like you?
Liam Powell
A slave in madina is 1000 time better than a master in rome
Isaiah Richardson
Christians and Jews were only allowed to practice their faith under oppressive conditions. Under Muslim rule, anyone who converted to Christianity or Judaism were put to death, nor could any new churches or synagogues be built. Jews and Christians were not allowed to to pray or read aloud or in their homes,churches or synagogues. Muslims went to great length to punish dhimmis for not converting to Islam and made the dhimmis feel inferior by imposing many laws that made life difficult. Pagans probably had it worse.
There are many many instances of muslims, Christians, pagans and Jews. Portraying Muslims as being more tolerant and enlightened than Christians and Jews etc. is an outright lie.
The transatlantic slave trade only lasted for a couple hundred years, the Arab muslim slave trade started nearly 700 years before any European slave trade and lasted well on after the Europeans stopped (14 centuries). The global scope of the Arab muslim slave trade was beyond anything the Europeans have done. Some muslim countries to this day still practice it.
Ian Flores
Heavily inbred and they follow a militant ideology called Islam, both of those things make for nasty retarded people.
Jaxson Jenkins
but what about actual dog-men? Would your extremists behead them for worshiping fire-hydrants and sniffing butts?
Charles Green
I'm not, yet I still find holes in my wall.
Jonathan Ortiz
Josiah Peterson
"Christians and Jews were only allowed to practice their faith under oppressive conditions. Under Muslim rule, anyone who converted to Christianity or Judaism were put to death, nor could any new churches or synagogues be built. Jews and Christians were not allowed to to pray or read aloud or in their homes,churches or synagogues. Muslims went to great length to punish dhimmis for not converting to Islam and made the dhimmis feel inferior by imposing many laws that made life difficult. Pagans probably had it worse. There are many many instances of muslims, Christians, pagans and Jews. Portraying Muslims as being more tolerant and enlightened than Christians and Jews etc. is an outright lie."
I am not claiming that the dhimmi status meant a utopian multiculturalist system of equality. But compared to what others did, Muslims were far better. All historians agree on that. Just read the history of Christianity/West. Full of genocides, ethnic cleansings, persecutions and other atrocities. As a dhimmi under Muslim yoke you were perhaps subject to some rules which made you a second class citizen, but you still could survive. Oh and don't forget that Muslims gave Christians and Jews important roles in their states. Christians never allowed other people such things in their countries.
Read Bernard Lewis' works on this issue. He is a fanatic Zionist and generally hostile towards Islam but even he cannot distort history.
"The transatlantic slave trade only lasted for a couple hundred years, the Arab muslim slave trade started nearly 700 years before any European slave trade and lasted well on after the Europeans stopped (14 centuries). The global scope of the Arab muslim slave trade was beyond anything the Europeans have done. Some muslim countries to this day still practice it."
This is again a very crude distortion of history. Muslims and Christians cannot be compared in this issue. Again read Lewis' works on the Muslim enslavement of other people.
Luis Russell
>Muslim arab ethnocentric religion conquers many regions completely eradicates other religions and cultures in regions of India, Eastern Europe, Asia and Anatolia >b-but u western piggus m-made war crimes!
Nah you were just the more barbaric, less successful civilization who got cucked by the big dicked cross carriers.
Brody Morris
Those barbarians marched 2 thousand miles and defeated armies that outnumbered them. Christian regimes ruled the holy land for as long as U.S has existed. It was not really a failure, they ran out of money. Crusades, funding and maintaining armies and castles are expensive.
Christian Green
We are pussies because we have been poisoned. Testosterone levels and sperm count in developed countries are declining since decades.
Zachary Turner
Crusades was a defensive war: Europe was attacked by Muslims for about 500 years before responding defensively.
No one condoned cannibalism, least the Europeans who had strong feelings against it. The same is true for the Muslims . . . or anyone for that reason except the odd cults and tribes. Insofar there is only one account of cannibalism done by the crusaders, which appalled many in both camps of the war.
The Christians did kill fellow Christians (As if Muslims are strangers to killing their own. Lol! Fucking hypocrite.) during the crusades. It wasn't rare that feuding lords used the crusading armies to point them against enemies as to gain more power. But rest assured that the authorities didn't see light on doing so, hence why one crusader army was excommunicated.
Everyone killed Jews! As if its an sport or similar to it; no one is innocent of this so sit down or go home and fuck a goat instead of being a hypocritical cunt!
Yes, they did kill thousand of non-Christians in Northern Europe. Muslims killed about 50 millions in Anatolia but that's just fine, right?
Muslim logic: Thousands > Millions
Am I right?
Pfft! Fuck off.
Asher Perry
>This is again a very crude distortion of history.
not an argument
Noah Sanchez
if i ask a jew or a christian do you want to live your faith as a dhimmi under the ottoman sultan or as citizen of a republic imagine what would his answer ?
We are well familiar with the numbers of bodies your religion has produced. We have kept our history and our data very close - you have destroyed yours many times. All you have is a dialectic comprised of reactionary finger pointing that predictably assumes no responsibility for any crimes your people have committed, a cliche of your type. You claim you needn't keep to our values but your own values are of acceptable and justified violence indiscriminately and with malice towards those not of the faith.
For how long do you feel you should be allowed to continue as you do?
With every willfully ignorant denial of your well documented slayings of the West you beg us to send more of these supposed omnipresent drone and bomb strikes. Ultimately you cry out to be exterminated just as you have exterminated those cultures weaker than yours. Western values demand genocide be treated as the highest crime, the only reason 1.8 billion of you are allowed to live. But this is not an immutable circumstance.
Tyler Russell
"but what about actual dog-men? Would your extremists behead them for worshiping fire-hydrants and sniffing butts?"
"Those barbarians marched 2 thousand miles and defeated armies that outnumbered them. Christian regimes ruled the holy land for as long as U.S has existed. It was not really a failure, they ran out of money. Crusades, funding and maintaining armies and castles are expensive."
lol someone needs history 101
just google "saladin" bro.
Tyler Young
The U.S is a republic in which i am a citizen of. I am free to practice a religion without persecution.
Parker Collins
apparently so ;)
Austin Fisher
First crusade 101 bro, which i was obviously referring to.