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Damn, why are Democrats so cool on Twitter? This will probably get like 100k retweets. Why can't conservatives into Twitter?
i guess it deserves a kek
This is like Christmas in March
yes, as three times the cost before Obamacare was introduced asshole
Does that mean that my insurance will wink at it because I haven't met my $20,000 deductible for the year?
stop posting this retarded fucking picture obamaleaf
isn't this guy going to federal prison?
Someone call ICE
The best part of the joke comes when people see their premiums and fines. XD
Nation going bankrupt due to lib entitlements, the left cracking jokes.
Trumpcare was so visionary and had none of those crazy things
Haha yeah fuck those beaners haha my pa paw shot a couple in his life time. Maybe i should inherit his rifle
Bob Menéndez is under investigation for corruption.
he was cleared...
That's right. This guy is dirty as it possibly gets. Fucking Jersey
found the shill
Isn't Trump under an FBI investigation?
So libcucks do realize that if it doesnt get replaced they wont have anything when it gets repealed, right?
lmfao. OWNED
What burn?
Fucking spicz iz alwayz dirty haha
i love how stupid they all are. it makes it so much easier for us to when. they always play right into trumps hands
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa KEK IS JOINING THE DEMOCRATIC
Your reply had absolutely nothing to do with what I said
haha he's just one of us hip millenials hyuck hyuck
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Doesn't matter they should have let GOPCare pass and let that shit blow up in their hand but they're so far up their own ass they rather take the temporary victory. Good job idiots.
They can't think about two things at once
But still dont have health care because its not affordable
Nope, it's actually getting pushed up in the newsfeed
He WAS, iirc. That was the Alfa bank thing that came up with diddly squat
But it's called affordable. Never mind the $450 a month premiums.
Sorry you can't afford it, here's a $6000 fine. Thanks Obama.
Were burns not covered prior to Obamacare?
Fucking dumb bitch i got three threes and that meanz kek is on my side lil fucking dumb fuck
Praise KEK
did trump ever win? so far everything he says gets denied
Can you sue on the Affordable part lmao? Like sue for Jewish tricks
I admit, we were truly BTFO here
By a guy being investigated for corruption? Lol
I'm out of the loop here, what burn is he referencing?
Did Sanders say something stupid again?
This is what happens when you become the top official by losing the popular vote.
>Democrats are cheering because Americans are still stuck with an expensive, unpopular healthcare system that Democrats created
Trump is ending the push for Trumpcare and letting Obamacare reign on
Yeah, good luck suing the federal government in claims court
How many times do liberals have to get BTFO before they realize Trump isn't a just bumbling toddler with the best luck in the world and that they're actually ring manipulated?
Shhh! Don't let them know that the bumbling billionaire strawman isn't real.
>Republicans couldn't kill it for fear of pissing off their base
>Republicans control every branch of government and have nothing better to put in place
>implying trumpcucks are less manipulated than libcucks
All the NEETS finally woke up, and started their shilling.
Lulz the people that voted for trump don't even want universal healthcare. It's a win for them. One step closer to repealing and not replacing with anything
Maybe when Trump actually does something instead of constantly failing
Where's the wall?
Why is Obamacare still here?
What happened to that Muslim ban?
Sure it's all feints and ruses, but when will the real things happen?
Retweets don't win elections. It has been proven countless times that millennials are the only ones who are politically involved on social media, most people are centrists and don't expose their ideas for the world to see.
You say this but Obamacare will just get repealed and healthcare will be back to how it was pre Obama. Which was a perfect system anyways.
You have to go back, Pedro.
Obamacare isn't popular with anyone. It has even lower approval ratings than the fake numbers they out out on Trump. The problem is that Republicans couldn't find a bill that appealed to the conservative wing.
How will drumpf ever recover?
its another episode of "aging politician tries to be hip on twitter"
f-fake news! all of this is fake! trump doesn't actually suck!
>Where's the wall?
Takes time. It took Bush like two years just to put the fence up.
>Why is Obamacare still here?
Incompetence. Trump should've never sided with Ryan. Even if this is 4D chess and Trump was setting Ryan up to embarrass himself from the start, I still think that is a waste of time. Obamacare is going to fail and fail hard. As much as I'd like to see it happen and watch Democrats try and pin it on someone else, you can't do that.
>What happened to that Muslim ban?
Democrats stopped it and most Republicans are too frail to support it anyway.
I guess Trump won so hard he actually ended up losing. He really is the true master of 7D pachinko.
The wall is being built as we speak. Hell, illegal immigration has already fallen 40% since Trump took office. He needs to step up deportations.
The Muslim ban is being held up by absurd judges. It'll be appealed and approved by SCOTUS if it comes to it.
Obamacare is going to be replaced.
It's been two months, have some patience.
You remind me of this little chubby white balding dude I have on my facebook.
I have to admit, that's pretty good.
You don't Understand, Trump is a genius
Didnt the republicans withdrawal the bill. Why are dems celebrating like they did it?
>muh accurate media narratives
>won't have premiums
>Which was a perfect system anyways.
What timeline are you from? I remember a system where people kept awful jobs for awful insurance that wouldn't cover their spouse because he or she had back problems.
Burns are only covered after my $6000 deductable.
Was also covered under my previous plan.
At half price.
Faggot i am 100 pure aryan.
Profff bitch
for under 20,000 dollars that slight burn on your buttcheek can be taken care of, but only if you've been paying for obamacare for 3 years straight and were told that it would only cost 4000 dollars
>Thanks obama
How will they EVER recover holy fucking shit.
Yea, you're not white wasn't worth it. We should have supported Cruz or Rubio or someone who actually knew how to get things done in the government. Trump is becoming more and more of an embarrassment everyday. His Muslim ban got blocked twice, his health bill was DOA, it doesn't seem like he can get anything done.....
lick the shit from my anus
Fuck you Menendez you corrupt sack of shit, you don't represent new jersey
More importantly, how is it a bad thing that bullshit cooked up by Paul Ryan was canned?
>humiliate Trump supporters and then charge them with $6000 as additional punishment
Damn.....the Democrats play hardball....maybe we support the wrong party
One step closer? GOP gotta win big next election to even have a chance to repeal it. What the fags going on about just repealing it don't understand is that Senate Democrats can endlessly filibuster any attempt to do it unless the Senate GOP has the 60 votes required to end a filibuster.
And as for winning big, do you think Trump's series of globalist staff picks, vacations, and other missteps is inspiring more people to vote Republican?
Thank god I have this ointment that costs 799 plus tax
>What the fags going on about just repealing it don't understand is that Senate Democrats can endlessly filibuster any attempt to do it unless the Senate GOP has the 60 votes required to end a filibuster.
No, they just need 51 votes, Harry Reid ended the 60 votes threshold for everything other than SCOTUS
Are you seriously trying to argue this when Trump has a twitter account.
Get on with the times grandpa, now conservatives are the cool ones.
kek betrayed you Sup Forums, it's over.
>series of Trump globalist staff picks
The idea that the globalist suddenly back Trump is absurd. Turn on the TV and you'll see exactly how much the globalists support Trump.
nah, it's some of his associates, and the FBI couldn't find anything too
I fucking hate that guy so much
>tfw both NJ senators are cucks
>life in NJ is suffering