Why do people hate antifa so much?
Why do people hate antifa so much?
They are subversive kike terrorists.
Just remember what you where told in the last 6000000 MUHH GOMMUNISM threads you leftist shitposter have started.
I love Antifa. Racists BTFO.
They're cuck terrorists who get treated like protesters
Im legitematly asking a question never read any other posts
Modern day fascist that are against freedom of speech.
>Just remember what you where told in the last 6000000 MUHH GOMMUNISM threads you leftist shitposter have started.
this desu
The whole movement is utter hypocrisy. As states, anti-facists are just borderline-facists who use virtue signaling and cognitive dissoance to feel superior.
People are actually jealous because antifa are rich kids
Communism is nothing but a system of laws designed to rob the productive to give to the lazy.
Ok, ive never seen any of this happen. But what about the ones that are strictly against racism? Whats wrong with that? (Also this is probably the worst place to ask As this board if full of alt - right supporters) but give me your honest opinion
They wear masks to avoid arrest, despite the fact that they operate in leftist towns that agree with them. How pathetic do you have to be to do that?
If that's not enough, they destroy property and attack innocent people.
It's like asking "why do you hate riots so much". Because they are cancer.
Arent talking about communism but about antifa. Also Communism is made to counter the, as you call "productive" selfish people from robbing the working class of their wealth too. So called "trickle down economy" is a lie.
>But what about the ones that are strictly against racism
Who's to decide what's racist? Antifa attacks innocent trump voters who just voted for who they thought was a better leader.
Im pretty sure they wear masks to hide identity. Over the past few months antifa has gained a reputation from their big demonstrations to do horrible things. But you are never informed about the little things that add up to more. If the kkk were demonstrating they wear masks too. Im pretty sure almost any radical demonstrator masks up to protect themselves.
Yes that is true. They made bad mistakes. But again, the others that fight strictly against racism and dont attack anyone. Whats wrong with them? So many hear about the the one big thing but not about the multiple little things.
I'm a lib but these guys annoy me so much. If they were really on the side of the disenfranchised they would take the masks off, but instead they leave them on... and then the black people in the march are identified and arrested instead. Disgusting
Everyone has a problem with the masks. I dont really get it. Anonymous wears masks? We are technically wearing masks here right now user, protecting who we are. Whats wrong with that?
The KKK isn't doing shit these days. They certainly aren't destroying property. Also, the KKK is just as bad as antifa.
>Im pretty sure they wear masks to hide identity.
There's a difference between hiding your identity to express your views, vs dressing in uniform black to commit crimes and aid and abet others who are.
Antifa will all dress nearly identically. One will run out and break something, then rejoin the black bloc. All of them are therefore responsible.
Protesters that actually choose to damage property are usually wearing masks. So they get away with it and shift all legal penalties onto those who weren't wearing masks, who march peacefully (talking only about my own town here).
Fags in OP pic are wearing communism related material. Seemed relevant.
>"trickle down economy" is a lie.
Ah yeah. I have job getting payed that I probably wouldn't have been able to achieve on my own. Though I am curious about accusations about big business using government to drive out competition though. I would have liked to have owned a gun shop or something similar. I'm watching someone trying to get permitting for an indoor range and they are giving him the run around.
That is a very good point. Away from the masks though. What else bothers you about them?
It seems to make sense but not all choose to do those types of actions.
>I'm a lib but these guys annoy me so much.
Are liberals doing anything about them? I think the majority of liberals agree with you, but you're working against the newspapers and the mayors.
Also, liberals support antifa directly when they show up to the same rallies as them with an angry attitude. It distracts the police. When antifa shows up, liberals should disperse, report them to the police like responsible citizens.
I dont quite get what your tring to say here. Could you please elaborate?
>who's to decide what's racist
how about the victims of racism you mongoloid
George Soros funds them.
violence, rioting,anti-free speech,extremists, who hate democracy, pro communist (it's a failed system even worse than unregulated capitalism) they are mostly upper class college students, they deny science (biology)
...and they have terrible fashion sense
(if they come here i have a rake to rake myself)
> liberals should disperse, report them to the police like responsible citizens.
We do. The nuts who join protests to break things usually show up when the protest is winding down- generally people will protest peacefully in the afternoon and evening, and the people who stay through the night are the violent ones. No one defends them.
However if you're trying to say that any protest at all supports antifa, I don't agree.
Then where's my check?
I have no issue with people who can participate in sincere discussion. Or if they want to stand with their friends with signs.
Have you been to rallies with antifa before?
subversive commie terrorists.
also it's somehow illegal to mow them down in a hail of bullets.
they beat people with different opinions
I have been to one really small one. Very nice people just fighting for what they think is right. No violence or destruction of any kind.
I really want to like this group but it seems very hated. I love the idea but the people sound like total duchebags.
Because they're ugly, scrawny beta cucks who turn a blind eye to industrial scale gang rape of European women and children by their precious brown migrants. If they were anti-racist they would all be marching Rotherham to fight that violent sexual form of racism, instead they attacked the ones who dared to speak up about it. Fuck antifa.
They are slaves to kikes who fight against their own biological species for shekels paid by their natural biological enemy.
Probably spent on a brazzers subscription
>hating antifa
Why would I hate people doing gods work?
Using violence against everyone disagreeing with your absolutely degenerate and retarded ideas tends to have that effect.
Because they are maniacs who hate everybody that isn't them.
To give you an extent of how hated across the board they are, yesterday some communists (yes, actual hardcore stalinists) came in my uni and beat some ANTIFA up with iron knuckles and wooden stakes.
>using violence against anyone who disagrees with you
Nazis confirmed for degenerates
Because they're useful idiots.
What I'm saying in general is that the liberal apparatus allows this to happen. You might not support it, but your papers do, your mayors do, and your police do. You have a violent, extreme element in control of your party. You HAVE to deal with it yourselves. You can't rely on right wingers to bash antifa skulls - you gotta kick the element out of your own party. Right wingers quickly expel nazis from their rallies, while liberals are happy to march alongside black bloc and commie flags.
Whenever the police do their jobs and try to keep the peace, these people will complain about police brutality.
Very simple. They're fucking fascists who label themselves anti fascists. Also, the ones I've seen in action weigh about 90 pounds and would never do anything on their own. They are giant pussies.
Violent shitheads.
Because they're a cancer on society.
Yeah I can't imagine canadian antifa getting violent. If they aren't violent then I guess no problem - but that's not my experience at all.
I live in the san francisco area, california. Antifa is violent here. Berkeley, Oakland, San Jose, and Sacramento are in the vicinity, and antifa has become violent in all these places.
Speaking of that, there is a Trump rally in Sacramento, tomorrow at noon.
Deal with it leaf cuck
What is wrong with racism?
Do you think black people are equal to whites?
They act in a way that suppresses discussion, showing up to small protests/rallies in massive numbers so they can effectively drown out the original protest using intimidation and noise.
They are "anti-fascists" when they are both exhibiting fascistic traits in their own group as well as attacking movements that are not fascistic.
They commonly support anarcho-communism/socialism and impede hard working citizens (the proletariat, who they should be supporting) from traveling either to/from work, then scream for the police when they get mad.
They incite violence and damage America far more than Trump supporters.
Recently in Canada there were various protests for Motion 103. Many Canadians had issues with this motion because it limits free speech. Somehow Antifa identified this as fascism (???) and called everyone who disagreed with the motion racists and shit.
It's gonna happen, they're gonna push one American too far, then there's gonna be bloodied antifag's everywhere !
So you're telling me that antifa are just a bunch of retarded kids who took Sup Forums seriously?
>tfw in real communist country that fuckers will be considered as counterproductive neets and would be gulag'd
They are commies, race traitors, and generally whiny little faggots. What's to like?
Do you believe that Trump is an immortal galactic emperor that will rule for over 1000 years?
Antifa are based
>pretend to be a fascist
>get pretend bashed
Just be happy the LARP on LARP action in the street isn't escalating.
"racism" is a code word popularized by communist jew leon trotsky to shut down dissent from the traditional people of a nation, in their case pro tzar russians in our case pro constitution white Americans, that's why you can all anyone a "racist" and no one asks for proof or evidence, society just rolls with it. So when the left or media labels someone under this vague label, knuckledraggers like yourself come out to physically assault or intimidate them, and thats why i hate you and "antifa".
If the organization was truly against racism, they would hate the black perpetrators as well, but they dont for obvious reasons, they are leftist shock troops
From the bit that I've seen of antifa at M103 protests, their main tactic is to make lots of noise and discourage discussion. Not illegal, but it's pretty clear why people hate them.
With your picture - I find it ironic how Trump rallies often talk about unity of America and inclusion of everyone, and Trump supporters on HWNDU were far more ethnically diverse than the liberals. Then the antifa facebook pages are all about "destroying the fascists" and "getting rid of the white supremacists". It seems pretty clear which side is more inviting and sustainable.
>OP on the far left
from the same Berkley riots as stickman. Anti-fascist got punched. It was funny going on their websites and them complaining about violence used against them.
Limp wristed fags who dont have any real reason to be smashing up their own neighborhoods
Domestic terrorists
So you believe that this person is a nazi who is going to put all the jews in gas ovens because they made an edgy joke on the internet right?
>They're fucking fascists who label themselves anti fascists.
"Anti-fascism" is a descendant of left wing movements that predate fascism by decades. Fascism actually arose as a reaction to communist and anarchist political violence. These people calling themselves anti-fascists is like cancer cells calling themselves anti-chemotherapy.
So Antifa in the US is like Nazis in Germany? Its always the same people traveling from protest to protest.
Antifa in Germany can be based when they travel the whole country to incestuous little villages and bash the fash. Most of them are pure cancer though. American Antifa on the other hand is maximum autism. 60kg nu-male transgendered homofucks who can't fight for shit.
No, of course not.
>respecting retards who just run around in masks hitting people
>why do people hate commies
>why do people hate traitors
I wish I'd know mate
Is there a way to filter a whole country? Germany is lost we get it
I will kill you, I will know that its you, and you will know that its me.
Pol doesn't like us because they:
Don't understand what fascism means
Think horshoe theory is real
Don't understand free speech
Think we attack people at random
Because they don't love our new overlord king Trump.
We operate in your town too buddy.
We only wear the mask for protests/disruption
>51% white
>shart in mart
>never won a meaningful war
>autistic capitalism
Don't you ever dare to respond to one of my comments again you genetic mutt.
Do you mean that our "neonazis" are a bunch of worthless numbnuts who think they are chaning something by their pityfull protests?
I acctually agree, I have talked with a few on ts, they acctually said 2 things that were absolutly contrary to Mein Kampf and claimed that they had red Mein Kampf and supported Hitler. They are commies basicly.
They all chose to stand in unison with those people, besides a few ("hey guys that might make us look bad"), and they support the idea that speech they dislike should be stopped with force of some kind.
nice airsoft guns bro
fuck off, bait
What's to like?
Their efforts to assault people or theirefforts to silence people?
You still watch anime?
Fucking manchild. Grow up. This place isn't for you.
>british banter
Hate speech is not free speech nor do we need to tolerate you.
You are protected from the government but not us
We also support various grass roots organizations and fix potholes
what's that flag on the right?
t. asker
>a-americans are not white!
whatever you say hans