Trump is a genius

Trump is a genius.
Trump has used the House freedom caucus as unsuspecting pawns in his game of 7D Tic-Tac-Toe.
By causing such a shit show with this Healthcare bill he's put Establishment Republicans like Paul Ryan and all the others who supported this bill in a position were they have to do what he wants, when he wants, otherwise they get torn to pieces by the likes of the freedom caucus.

I guarantee there will be a "revised" Healthcare bill sometime later down the line, one that Trump drafts up himself.
Hail Trump
Hail Victory

Is this a jojo reference?

I don`t see how anyone is surprised trump let fucking paul ryans bill fail

Yes, yes it is

It's a bill that literally no one wanted. It does seem like it was a planned disaster for Paul Ryan to step into.

>This kills the Ryan

Obamacare implodes on it's own next year so the end game is coming regardless.

Likely to see combination bill with deregulation of insurance industry so products can cross state lines while removing much of Obamcare's mandates, combined with opening up medicare to everyone or at least those below a certain income threshold.

I would be more or less ok with this.
Do you think he would allow Obamacare to fuck us over to put added pressure on Congress when the time comes? I do and I'm not even mad, I'm glad :^)

>I guarantee there will be a "revised" Healthcare bill sometime later down the line, one that Trump drafts up himself.

pretty much

after Obamacare, majority of Americans wanted a replacement. Sad fact is illegal "DREAMERs" benefit from Obamacare which is a tax-payer funded Government safety net.

That's my shoop I made when Trump said he was gonna run for POTUS...
*sniff* you make a drunken man very happy, user.

90 dimensional chess!

You made this? My hats off to you! Thanks user, I've kekd countless times from looking at that image

but trump is just as much affected as ryan
when paul uttered the words : we'll live with obamacare for the foreseeable future'' i fell that a lot of trump supporters didn't feel so well

I tried for ages to get one with that "Dio sneer" but this is the one that fit the template best.

Polls have shown that the proposed replacement to Obamacare was more unpopular than Obamacare.
I believe Trump wanted this bill to fail, and he wants Obamacare to continue for a predetermined period of time as to add more pressure on Congressmen from their constituents to vote for his new replacement later down the line

I've been assuming it's a 4D Chess move to fuck over Ryan. Trumps threat to GOP COngressman who didn't support seemed over the top even for him.

And in an "Art of the Deal" sense, it made NO SENSE. Obamacare is going to fall apart in the next 18 months or so regardless. Why push this now when it's a political loser if even one person loses coverage? And if you look at Trump's history, he's kinda okay with .gov providing insurance. And he knows the fact that we don't puts us at an economic disadvantage. Plus imagine the win he scores when he can say he provided medicare for all, even if it was by necessity and going to happen either way. He will hand the GOP the Union vote in perpetuity. @POTUS is always playing the long game. It's definitely a Real Estate guy's nature...

I think it's beautiful user, you've truly made a masterpiece out of it

Now that I think of it, that shop reminds me of this one as well. Did you do this too?

Not guilty of that one, but wish this was real. DONALD TRUMP WILL MAKE ANIME REAL!!!


all Sup Forums's favorite flavors

I'd call you guys mentally ill but that only scratches the surface of your miserable state.

Not mine either... it seems Rex Tiilerson's comments (Trump fans are peeps who whack off to anime) caused a lot of anime fans to entrench their support, and caused a few Hildawgs to ditch that bitch


Rex tillerson said that?
I thought Rick Wilson was the one who said that, Tillerson is the Secretary of State

I am drunk and not that clued-up about US journalists but I see you are correct (after a quick check on Google). Seems I owe Mr Tillerson an apology

Trump cant draft it himself. The executive branch is strictly forbidden from legislation. He can give his endorsement to a particular piece of legislation but ultimately it's up to the house.

There are other ways around Ryan too. Like he could cozy up with some back bencher and convince them to introduce a bill he likes

>I guarantee there will be a "revised" Healthcare bill sometime later
sure, but he doesn't need to spend time doing this crap, he can let someone like Rand Paul take care of it
He needs to focus on the big four

2 failed bans, 1 failed helathcare bill, FBI investigation, so far so good.

Shadilay Brothers, Shadilay!

valid point
ryancare was unpopular because of media propaganda ''MUH 24 MILLION UNCOVERED'' and other bullshit like that
I think it was a decent bill- massive cuts to medicaid , PP etc. Yeah sure the regular joe thought it was bad, but some even some libertarians thought that it was a decent step forward away from socialist obamacare.
Plus now Rs have much less munition to use for tax reform, they relied on obamacare repeal to fuel tax cuts. Thats how I take it- botched tax reform, botched healtchare- and when obamacare implodes do you think people will only blame schumer and pelosi? They will massively blame R's as well because they promised a fix
Im still unsure who benefited from this clown fiesta.

Ryan will remain speaker because no one else wants the job, but in a sense he does not “lead” the House Republicans, let alone the House. He is continuously caught in the crossfire between the moderates and the far right, just as his predecessor was. He will have his hands full keeping the House together in the future on controversial, “hard” votes. The lesson members learned was to look after their own interests. Calling Ryan and Trump’s bluff worked well for them.

While Ryan loses stature, Trump does not necessarily gain any. Previously he claimed victory merely by decimating the opposition (GOP challengers, Hillary Clinton, a reporter, etc.). Now Ryan’s loss is not Trump’s gain. (It might be Stephen K. Bannon’s gain, but not Trump, who needs to show results.) Trump shares responsibility for a bill he endorsed and lobbied hard to get. (Press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump “left everything on the field.”) His rallies and threats and his vapid cheerleading count for nothing when it comes to governance. What worked in a campaign no longer serves any useful purpose.

Trump now will rightly be seen as a weakened, if not inept, president. His attention span lasts only a couple of weeks before, starved for adulation, he moves onto the next thing in search of affirmation. Democrats know this, as do Republican opponents. You can wait this guy out.