Based Muslims thread
Based Muslims thread
Look at all the replies flooding in....
There's lots of based Msulims and I hate Muslims more than anyone on Sup Forums because my dad is Jewish. Most Muslims are shit, though.
Pic related.
>based muslims
There's no such thing.
desu i only know about one, maajid nawaz
>hates pol
>goes onto pol regularly
Wew there sunny boy
I said I hate Muslims more than anyone on Sup Forums - I don't hate Sup Forums I just hate all the Muslim dick sucking and conversion that goes on here.
He's pro Syrian refugees.
If they were based they wouldn't be muslims anymore. Thats like starting a based pedo thread
>implying pol is one person
>implying any significant number of people on here actually believe what the few little shits are trying to shill out
No, little jew, pol does not support muslims any more than it supports jews
I'm not running a fucking polling company you faithless goy, I don't give a fuck.
Fuck Muslims until they all go back to their own countries then I could care less what they do I would have no quarrel with them.
>2 billion muslims
>just 1 of them is almost tolerable
Maajid is just a liberal these days. Obviously that's preferable to being an islamist, and I think he means well. He's good on free speech, he has balls, and overall is a good guy, but he's wrong about a lot of things.
He claims to be mr evidence and objectivity, but still believes in the ramblings of a man in the desert from hundreds of years ago.
Where do you live?
Small town in Eastern Ontario. Actually hoping to move even further innawoods.
exactly. the extermists ram it down everyone's throats and the cucks think the "based" muslims are ok. They're there to normalize a takeover of white christian nations.
look up the term - Taqiyya
extremist muslims, moderate muslims, sjws, and poltards hate him. must be doing something right.
Hi from the inside. To all the mongoloid westboys who think we are your main problem:
Muslim are the poison, but Jew is the assassin.
Also the only based Obama there is.
>Muslims believing in their own bullshit excuses
When will you stop trying to throw us under the bus, Mohammed?
Stay in your own country and no one would have a problem with you in the West, Jews or otherwise.