White Genocide in South Africa
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how the fuck can it allow me to paste this shit but not my real post?!
Was wondering when there was going to be a new thread, bump
You have to go back :(
Pls come back to europe
dunno lol
>tfw your dad was murdered on our farm in the Natal
kom thuis blanke man!
South Africa is a black country.
Afrikaners GTFO or die.
Share some shit from SA, man.
when will white africans create their own ethno state?
Get all the whites and leave zimbabwe 2.0. Europe needs you for the coming culture war.
Any one else /whiteafrican/ here?
Fucking hell thats so scary....
Who needs sleep anyway :(
bumping with more
Consider the following and add if you want;
If we do not take action we in the west will end up like our boers, like our brethern down in south africa.
We will let them into our homes, clothe them, feed them, nurture and raise them.
Only for them to turn onto us.
To start going after us.
South Africa is what faces Europe.
It is still the same...
Rhodesians Never Die!
>For that reason, Newman says it is time for President Trump and the U.S. to allow white South Africans, especially the 3 million Afrikaners descended from Dutch Calvinists, French Huguenots and German and Scandinavian Lutherans, to be allowed into the U.S. as refugees fleeing violence and state persecution.
3 million more White Protestants???!!! Fuck yeah! Come home white man!
We will gladly, GLADLY, take you. Come home.
Just never forget the lesson you learned there and don't let it ever happen again here.
Come on home boys. I'll put some steaks on the grill and make up some corn bread and some mashed potatoes and we'll pop some beers and we'll shoot some stuff and you never have to think about that continent again. Welcome to the promised land! Welcome to God's country!
I wouldn't worry about it
>3 million more White Protestants???!!! Fuck yeah! Come home white man!
How can we help them ? Where I live im called a racist just for mentioning that white people might need help too.
Did they died?
Niggers literally ruin everything over and over. It's hard to believe that western societies refuse to recognize this.
Are you fucking stupid? South Africa was uninhabited before the dutch came and built a civilization. Then the fucking niggers decided they wanted it only after it was built.
WTF is that real ?
Yeah, as far as I k ow he hasn't even deleted the Facebook post.
You get people posting some really retarded shit on Facebook, especially wannabe politicos that want to get the edgy vote by advocating black power in a country that's 80% black
Kek uses his digits to reveal the truth behind the SS Soros!
So basicly a serial killer in america is a normal black south-afrikan? Hell, even Dahmer wouldt give a kid aids.
Never talked to a SA before. Have you heard of Walter Veith ? My hero
Have to get attention to it. One of the biggest problems is the perception that white people went to South Africa and kicked out all the black people. And not the fact that there was no one in South Africa until white people went there and blacks came looking for hand outs.
Gotta get over that stigma first.
I mean, these types of stories help:
>This year so far, there have been more than 70 attacks and around 25 murders in similar attacks on white farmers.
>Earlier this month, for example, 64-year-old Nicci Simpson was tortured with a power drill during an attack involving three men at her home on a farm in the Vaal area, about two hours drive from Johannesburg.
>When paramedics arrived, they found three dead dogs, and the woman lying in a pool of blood, spokesman Russel Meiring told News24. “They used a drill to torture her,” police spokesman Lungelo Dlamini said.
>Official statistics on farm attacks are non-existent, due to what human rights groups have described as a “cover-up” by the notoriously corrupt — and potentially complicit — South African government.
It's not really that bad hey, they're a lot of big talk, but they're the equivalent of antifa beta numale cucks in that they won't even have the balls to look at a white man funny unless they have to look big in front of their friends, but they're more than happy to post how edgy they are online. In real life they will mob you but you go to them 1v1 and they don't have a leg to stand on
Come to southern Brazil/Argentina/Chile NOW fucking retards
I think a big part of the problem is that black people think that they had a civilization there before the whites came. I hope most whites remember history lessons. But its been a while since i went to school, and they probably wont teach it anymore.
>zoologist, creationist, expert in bible exgenesis
I don't like judging authors before I read their books but this sounds like a recipe for disaster. Most boers are quite religious but none I know admit to being creationists
Kom naar huis blanke mensen, genoeg negers om te verdelgen hier.
Most of the blacks were imported here by the boots and boers to work in the mines, then they decided to stay because even being practically a slave was better than the rest of Africa at that point, most of the whites have been here longer than most of the blacks, yet apparently this land belongs to the blacks
I'm sorry for your loss m8
I dont care about the creationism vs evolution stuff, but he has many hours of great lectures in both english and afrikaan.
>“Many of those who were able to leave – financially, and in terms of acquiring visas – have already done so,’ Newman observed. “But for hundreds of thousands of Afrikaners in squatter camps due to racist laws and discrimination, they don’t even know where their next meal is going to come from, much less how they might afford a plane ticket and what country might be willing to take them in.”
Meanwhile, Europe is taking in millions of shitskin economic immigrants.There is nothing altruistic about this. It is pure kikery against whites.
Genocide? kek
White men are the invasive species in Africa and it's ok to kill them.
>Talks about invasive species
wish we could nuke you, too bad cockroaches can survive nuclear blasts
its called JUSTICE
you white fags go to hell
ignorance speaks
u fucking yankee piece of shit
>choose to live in a country run by niggers where niggers are a huge majority
0 sympathy for white south africans
you couldnt protect your country and you lost it too bad but you're an idiot if you choose to stay there
>invasive species
Says the god-damned turk.
>choose to live in a country run by niggers where niggers are a huge majority
Soon that will be the case in Sweden
Give me an example of one successful nigger society.
bump for justice
Dont throw stones in glass houses
That's fine. So can I kill every spic and nog since America is a white country? Can the euros kill every african and muslim refugee?
Just want to make sure you're consistent.
fucken kek
What's the difference between banter, shitposting and turkposting?
>inb4 lurk moar
Fuck you nigger look whats happening in your cunt. Will you just up an leave your family if things get bad there?
The only reason I'm still here is because my parents are poor liberal arts majors who only now see what they supported.
I like the first two
You know this story has never got any traction in the whute western world.
What we need to do is create a vibe around it. Niggers praising the murder of white people in Africa. African Americans on twitter and facebook "smashing dat mf like button" cause whitey is being exterminated in Africa.
>The only reason I'm still here is because my parents are poor liberal arts majors who only now see what they supported.
Litteraly all swedes in 5-10 years...
just bumping with links.
What could they have done against Jewry and Anglos combined?
Sometimes i wonder if it's better to run in the opposite direction
>Create high expectations in social media about blacks treating minority whites well in SA and we should strive for that
>Wait for the red-pills
dude that picture is fucking sick
what the hell had to have happened there for that much blood up the wall?
these niggers gotta die senpaitachi
>whites tortured by drills and burning
>not that bad
Here is pic of the killers
Pol Hallp, why is the one shit his face visible white?!
Is this a mask???
My wet dream
holy fucking mother of jesus
thats a lot of niggers
filthy filthy niggers
so many thumbnails on Sup Forums lately
For Eugene TerreBlanche!
>The only reason I'm still here is because my parents are poor liberal arts majors who only now see what they supported.
Leave them behind and let them die. Don't let their poor decisions restrict your life user.
lol same, brother.
>One of the biggest problems is the perception that white people went to South Africa and kicked out all the black people
That's what we should've done and then sealed up the border. But we were weak and wanted the cheap labour.
race war now