In ancapistan, what's stopping Hippy the hippopotamus from going extinct?
In ancapistan, what's stopping Hippy the hippopotamus from going extinct?
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That's a big herbivore.
It would be like owning a dog as a pet. If people want pet hippos, the hippo community will go 1488 to sell hippos.
Private zoos
Why are charging hippos considered dangerous? Honest question. Couldn't you just side-step that creature like you would a tumblr hambeast on the sidewalk?
Why should we keep animals irrelevant to us from going extinct?
If he's to weak to survive, let him die
I think they can run faster than you, user. no joke. To people, its one of the most dangerous animals in africa.
Anyone who has interest, be individuals or companies.
for zoos
Huh. No kidding. Learn someday new everyday. Thanks for the response.
notice how the hippo does not give even close to a single fuck as its being attacked by a lion
this is why hippos are fucking scary m8, they dont GIVE A FUCK, a hippos skin in 6cm thick (thats 2 inches) and its just pure muscle and determination under that layer of hide
and dont even get me started on those teeth
they are a herbivore which you may think would make them less agresive OH FUUUUCK NO
this just makes them even MORE agressive, they dont "hunt" you but they SURE AS SHIT want to kill you if you get EVEN CLOSE TO CLOSE to them or especially their young
T. my best m8´s South African
Me, I would set up a farm and sell hippo steaks, zebra saucisson and lioness milk
evolve or expire
every being was a herbivore before the scum bags taught the sons of man to eat meat and turn this paradise into a living nightmare.
They are like the moose. Just a bundle of territorial rage but instead of antlers they have massive teeth and enough jaw strength to crush your head like a grape.
Shit dude. Sounds worse than the crocs we've got.
Not every being, there are carnivores , but yes humans aren't meant to eat meat I agree.
gif related
Private conservation efforts and zoos you tard
see what this fucker does to a car?
people joke about hippos being LOL FAT
but FUCK NO its pure muscle dude
zoos cant survive on their own no one gives a fuck about animals any more this isn't 1996 and steve irwin is fucking dead they need government subsidies to survive