Balt/POL/ General

Latvia's Finance Minister: Tax policy reform is a good example of new policy initiative

Estonia: Parliament speaker condemns MP's verbal attack against judges

Lithuanian parliament may consider constitutional amendments amid pressure over Paksas

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kas notiek?


I have to ask:

1. What are your politics like? Whose in charge and what are they like?

2. Next election when?

3. Who are /ourguys/?

Tu uztaisi diegu un tad to pamet?
Tu tiešām esi pediņš OP.

bump for slavic brothers

redpill me on trees

what kind of song do they like?

>tfw you finally know how anoying it is you're not able to read a fucking meme language like this.
Why don't you have just regular letters?

>What are your politics like?
Old commies LARPING as understating democracy.
>Whose in charge and what are they like?
Parliamentary democracy 50% LARPING nazis vs 50% corrupt Russian lovers.
>Next election when?
County elections in June.
Parliamentary in 2018.
>Who are /ourguys/?
No one everyone is old blood in political sphere here.
I need to wait for my 23 rd birthday I'll probably candidate for parliamentary.

Nope esmu te

Yamna culture FTW.
Remember R1A masterrace.
/not Slavic though/
>Why don't you have just regular letters?
Why you always spit when talk?

We have long and short sounds plus very distinct ķ which is a fuckbaby of č (ch) and k.

That is the master language and master letters mate.

Next time bait sronger.

dz,dž,ie,ei,ui,au,ai. plus two e sounds and three cases of O.

>Who are /ourguys/?
None, pretty much. Old commies in power serving Brussels.

Do County Elections mean anything, or are they a meme?

What are these guys like?

>County Elections
Somebody will be able to get some of that euromony.

What about these lads?

Just tell me what to vote for to get the most 14/88

Any /lit/bros here? How are thing back home and what do you think about Paksas having an opportunety of runing for seimas?

Why are all these Russian flags on one thread?

here map from 2017

Nah, I believe they are pro russian. Fuck the parties, we need a coup.

>What are your politics like?
Corupt for the moast part but one the brights side anti sjw and anti multiculturalism.
>Whose in charge and what are they like?
Right now a lot of pro- russian bastards becouse they made a coalition but many Latvian nationalists have took seats to.
>Next election when?
Soon we need to get ready for memetic warfare.
>Who are /ourguys/?
See the third moast pupular party in pic related?Those are ourguys.

ask ptg

Controlled opposition.
>Do County Elections mean anything, or are they a meme?

Basically it means how county budget will be spent and if county administrative buildings will speak Russian.
Counties can even establish rules sure not to an extent USA states can.
So yes important especially in areas with majority Russians.../khem/....corruption....khem.

they fucked up in october by buying votes and intimidating voters also new members are retarded corupt as fuck

>buying votes
WTF man.

pic here
The leader is literaly ex neonazzi and he is third moast pupular party leader.

Visi pēc manis.
Ušakovs Rīgu no ceļiem piecēla.
>Ušakovs Rīgu no ceļiem piecēla.
Ušakovs Rīgu no ceļiem piecēla.
>Ušakovs Rīgu no ceļiem piecēla.

>go to some small bumfuck town
>find a few alcoholics
>give them a bottle of vodka and tell them to vote for you
votes are cheap senpai

These madlads? Why?

Interesting. What do you predict for the results?

Wow. Openly retarded. Ideologically, are they ourguys?

basically in our parlamentary elections that happened in october they paid some homeless people and drunktards some money to vote for them

>Ušakovs Rīgu no ceļiem piecēla.
Sure he did, for the russians. :)

>Implying both sides aren't corrupt
What do you think pays better? NATO/ Military Industrial Complex/ muh Russian agression
Or pro-Russia shilling?

standart populist, Rolandas Paksas is the closest thing to /ourguy/

Redpill me on kpv.

they have no ideology

What did he mean by this?

where is /ourguy/ Ulmanis when needed
We have new one.

Nesāc.Biju starptautisko debašu konkursā 90% krievi 7%Baltkrievi un 3%latvieši. Finansēja Rīgas dome.
>Interesting. What do you predict for the results?
In my county probably ZZS (Zaļo zemnieku savienība)
Very corrupt and dishonest. Gives too many rights to Russians not to integrate.
>basically in our parlamentary elections that happened in october they paid some homeless people and drunktards some money to vote for them
Our parties pay to gypsies and because they can't read they vote for no one.
The Voting ladies can't help them, a policy.

Handed the country to Russia, what a cool guy

>What do you think pays better? NATO/ Military Industrial Complex/ muh Russian agression
>Or pro-Russia shilling?
Everyone works for Russian. I think we must stay in NATO but strengthen our army that much we can say bye bye to Sams force here and start working with Russia. Nuke or two would help too.

Do you people speak English? I want to vacation there and being home a Baltic wife


Why the fuck do Latvians get all the nationalist parties elected? I want some too.

I know this is random but question to Latbros, so we all know that Latvia is split in 4 cultural and historical states and is basicaly inited Latvian states, so here is a thing Latgale is a moast diferent state and has moast diferent culture out of us 4, is there any possibility of them leaving the union and becoming an independant state?

Are Russians an issue in your country?

>Handed the country to Russia, what a cool guy
Illegally of course.

We don't he's party is only third moast popular we have russian puppet in office now, who is helping russians in Riga to not integrate, and gives them more rights then they deserve......
He got in power by making coalition in Riga and now is holding on to power.

What baltic language should I learn friends

>mfw we also have separatists movements in Samogicia

How fucked are your countries because of past Communism?

Why do most Baltic countries hate Russia so much? It's not like they did anything to you guys. It's just western propaganda.

We will take them.

>being home a Baltic wife
This is not Ukraine you fucking american peace of shit, weare devoloped nations!

>Are Russians an issue in your country?
>Russians=/= Russian shills.
Shills in most part.
Belarusses and Ukros integrate quicker though.
Russians always have a want for Matushka right behind the corner to liberate them,but the smart educated Russians are actually thankful that they are born here.

Used more and it is older.
Latvian is simpler but there is no use.

>It's just western propaganda.
That's just Russian propaganda.

We have recovered now allmoast, but pic related man.
(Before russhit ocupation)

you have to be extra retarded to expect that soviets will give you control over the occupied lithuania after trying to execute a fascist coup

the more blue it is, the more latvian speakers there are

Estonian, it's like finnish.So finns will understand you kek desu.

>is there any possibility of them leaving the union and becoming an independant state?
yes and no.
If Russia shills hard enough they might try to secede but Satversme doesn't allow it.
Plus Latgalians themselves are more Nationalistic then you might think they basically live in enemy territory.

Are they a problem as a minority, though?

>that riga

Sākam biznesus Daugavpilī un dodam darbu tikai Latviešiem, tas būs iegansts kreiviem mūsu pareizo valodu mācīties.


Most of the people who have some hate for Russians had been told to hate them or have been influenced to hate them.
Person with a brain knows that a Russian person by nature is not a devil who's trying to rape us.
You have your niggers we have our "urlas".

Es teiktu sākumā vajag atgūt Rīgu.

Same as with muslims in Europe
>hate on native population and their culture
>demand special rights
>being sponsored by (((someone))) in their efforts

Too bad Latvians same as European nationalists take wrong approach. They say we will buy you ticket home to Russia instead of buying tickets for Latvians back to Latvia.

Skaties šito:
Tu dzīvi sapratīsi.

Being from Riga, I feel like a foreigner. It's a rare sighting to see someone speak latvian here.

b...b...b...b...b.b.b but Riga is 51% Latvian city.

Man šķiet ka tiešām jāuztaisa kopēja partija visiem Sup Forumstistiem no Latvijas, lai šilotu Labējas idejas.

Sucks, I can't even stand Vilnius, and it's pretty Lithuanian these days, but we have increasing numbers of Asians and niggers walking around.


10/10 bait there lad

The declining rate of native latvians. who travel abroad, is worrisome as well. Lativan native pop. percentage drops, russians rise.

You proabably Live far from center.I don't live in Riga but when i was i whent to old Riga and i didn't hear anyone speaking Russian.

>Riga is 51% Latvian city.

Žto tu gribi tekt ka es neesmu trasiņu latišs?
man bļe ir pilsonība cyкa.
Tu saproti.
>Izspļauj saulespuķu sēklu.
Es maksāju 40% nalogi.
Vispār PSRS jūs atbrīvoja
>Sāk skanēt kaļinka
Jūs latiši vispār mūs necienat.Fašisti
>Kāds uz ielas iekliedzas na Berļin.
Stulbie nacisti.

Gopniks appear every now and then in the old city during the nights as well. But that's just my experience.

Wow. Russians really are cunts.

Maskačka paait par sevi nav tālu, bet ja godīgi tur tagad ir krietini mierīgāk nekā 5 gadus atpakaļ.
What I hate the most is that even Russian youth can't speak normal Latvian.
It's like we have two worlds in this country one for 75% Latvian population and other for 25% of Slavs.

>estonians are bigger cucks than swedes

>Russians really are cunts.
Bydlos=/= Russians though
There are many nice,smart Russians here but the interesting part is that most of them are intermixed with natives.
bets example is Belarus those are like Russian speaking Lithuanians they are very nice but speak Slavic.

You are right my friend they are falling for multi culti but our economics are more shit though.
We still are 25% catholic.

You should go and take over Rome again, Dąbrowski. At least this pope deserves it.

Do you guys have internet in your homes or are you using dial up down your local library

We are shill unit from our government using Bezmenovs tactics to subvert you.
There is no internet in this country.


>tfw we are ranked top in internet speed


Kur pazuda diskusija?


Where the discussion went?
Why there discussion stopped?

So how are Litbros politics?
is the employment rate somewhat normal?

>is the employment rate somewhat normal?
Probably not, since we lose small town every 3 months or so due to emigration.
Most parties just serve Brussels unquestioningly and are corrupt. Liberals had pretty big sandal recently. Agrarian party and social democrats are in coalition. We get new ruling party every election due to people thinking that new guys will magically solve all the problems. Nationalist party is weak and so is peoples will to protest, join unions and organizations.
Personally, I'm just waiting when all the euro moneys are finished, hopefully there will be at least some witch hunts.