guys i cant stand all the shilling on this board anymore
Guys i cant stand all the shilling on this board anymore
Its bad, user. It is really bad. Ill pray. Have not been a good Christian, but I am praying.
You want your safe space back?
It's all fake done by retards trolling themselves. This always happens when something doesn't go Trump's way. I have no idea why you autistic faggots do this?
You're delusional. Drumpf is done
Sup Forums was never a safespace
but now it's just 24/7 propaganda with little discussion
pol is meant to be a place to discuss real politics and make amewrica great again, not blindly disrespecting our democratically elected President
>We lost something and people are gloating about it SHILLS PLZ GO
Y'all are such babies
>crying faggots
Just post things that normies can't stand to see
I still believe. We just hit a speed bump when hipsters started using our idol as some kind of fashion statement.
Yeah, it's back to 4+4 chan until the shilling and thread de-railing dies down again.
It makes the wins so much sweeter though.
>pol is meant to be a place to discuss real politics
They got called into work early. They think Brock is going to die so they want to spend all their money now. Next tuesday is the next day off for them should be ok then.
Choď do piče.
Lmao what's that?
Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
Don't pretend you MAGA retards didn't come here from reddit last year.
kek has spoken
propaganda needs to go
A fuck load of pain.
..and a sly grope in there as well.
Praise KEK he hath spoken
Fuck off, only faggots do this. You don't debate with people you think are shills.
I remember a guy doing that when he was doing squats. That sound the knee joint makes when it goes...uggghhhh, gives me a rager.
>guys i cant stand all the shilling on this board anymore
Have you seriously not discovered our other hangouts?
Go there bro we are going well. Shills get banned.
hi CTR
You feelin better now?
I know that the loss hit you pretty hard
they can't do shit but post b8 and slide threads
they've slowed down discussion, but they ain't shit
How long have you been here, faggot?
Fúha, on hovorí po slovensky! Som odpálený von do piče.
abort, abort, abort to 4+Sup Forums
>its all fake
ah, the calling card of "i cant believe my president is actually THIS shitty"
your next line is "h-hes just playing 4d chess!"
Ryan will remain speaker because no one else wants the job, but in a sense he does not “lead” the House Republicans, let alone the House. He is continuously caught in the crossfire between the moderates and the far right, just as his predecessor was. He will have his hands full keeping the House together in the future on controversial, “hard” votes. The lesson members learned was to look after their own interests. Calling Ryan and Trump’s bluff worked well for them.
While Ryan loses stature, Trump does not necessarily gain any. Previously he claimed victory merely by decimating the opposition (GOP challengers, Hillary Clinton, a reporter, etc.). Now Ryan’s loss is not Trump’s gain. (It might be Stephen K. Bannon’s gain, but not Trump, who needs to show results.) Trump shares responsibility for a bill he endorsed and lobbied hard to get. (Press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump “left everything on the field.”) His rallies and threats and his vapid cheerleading count for nothing when it comes to governance. What worked in a campaign no longer serves any useful purpose.
Trump now will rightly be seen as a weakened, if not inept, president. His attention span lasts only a couple of weeks before, starved for adulation, he moves onto the next thing in search of affirmation. Democrats know this, as do Republican opponents. You can wait this guy out.
Fuck off shill.
Honestly, we should just ban Americans from posting. The smart ones will get around it but the conversations will improve 10000%.
i think the speed bump may have been when you considered a frog doodle to be your idol. consider what you just said for a moment before you question where shit went wrong.
i'm just impressed that they managed to organize it on a friday afternoon
what shills fail to realize is that if you evaluate facts without the risk of social disapproval holding you back then you will always reach the same conclusion. they can't change the facts so the second they leave Sup Forums will return to normal.
>mfw I don't give a shit about american healthcare
I wonder where these shills were on November 9th
Back to /r/The_Donald with you
I know right, it's gotten too intense. Retards from reddit reply to the shills without saging, and they dominate the front page.
> Trump really won!
> ObamaCare repealed!
> Anything else is shills, I tell you!
go back to your safe space then sensitive little snowflake
Just try to live a single day as right winger in Germany, dude. Your fucking president is /our guy/, you gigantic pussy. Man up!
They get off work soon, don't be disheartened user.
>newfag shill can't even into shitposting
Trump is a retarded faggot
No you dumb fuck. I voted Trump and I support him and I don't see this as a hiccup at all. However so many of you autists do this fake shilling the moment something doesn't go his way and it's fucking annoying. Stop pretending to be retarded anti Trump shills fuckheads.
Just don't respond and hide. When you are replying to these threads you are directly supporting them.
i cant stand anglos on this board. can you just all leave for one fucking day?
>go to Sup Forums
>only see "how fix womyn xD" threads
>every reply is cringy reddit shit, complete with redditspacing, "women are ok shut up neckbeard" and the occasional /r9k/ ahmed.
when will you leave and let white people take control over the board?
but what do you think about the confirmed russian hacking and influencing the election
>guys i cant stand all the shilling on this board anymore
Hang in there buddy and remember.
The fact that shills can post here disproves '''their''' claim that /pol is just a safe place for nazies
The fact that they waste time here means that they are concerned that our voice, actions and opinions are effecting 'the real world'
The fact that you have a hide thread/post button when it gets too god damn stupid.
We ban for porn, repeatedly wildly off topic etc. Not for having stupid opinions and refusing to listen to reason and facts.
Still no evidence has been produced. Either a dem shill, or just stupid.
Digits confirm.
Fuck you autist stop fucking pretending what do you get out of this? Shit posting (you)'s?
Fade away with your ancestors you stale white cunts.
This is the age of aquarius of women in power.
The age of the bull is over. Get fucked
Hi shill
What are you lad, weak! pull yourself together man! Don't let these fucking shills and trolls get to you, have some resolve, dignity, and spirit. If not GTFO and good riddance.
shilling quality 0/10
Then it shall be a short age.
That was gay, lady
>This is the age of aquarius of women in power
>roastie detected
Women don't want to be in power nor are they capable of wielding it
This is it, we lost
I know. This can't be happening I'm in charge here!
He's obviously talking about reddit because he can't live without his safespace.
60 days and The Art of the Deal later
>14 million more uninsured. Costs rising. Tax cuts for the rich. 17% approve
This 'age of women' will just be a short interlude before the West makes women disappear from public again under a new Islamic order if the West continues on it's downward spiral.
Women lose either way so GTFO cunt.
Pfft, I've been here since 1998 when it was just me and moot posting Akira bitmaps and jerking each other off.
Implying you didn't come from buzzfeed
Then kill yourself.
Fuck off leave pol is a closet Christian board. Go lgbtbbq dog fucker.
Yeah it's getting worse every day, I'd love to hang them all.
no1curr about you and other russian shills
Go to 4+Sup Forums
>Nominate a retarded carnival barker
>He barely squeaks by in the election, even losing the popular vote
>Constant embarrassment from the moment he is inaugurated
>Is globally discredited the "soft nationalism" that is his platform
Daily reminder that if >we had elected LITERALLY ANY OTHER republican candidate, we would have won the election and not had any of the baggage.
Chcel by som kofolu
just start naming the jew, the nigger and the spic... the shills tend to go quite when the real redpills start going out. Posting the funkytown.webm as why America needs the wall makes them go quiet.
The amount of Autism today is rather sickening.
Kill yourself conservative
>would have won the election
>being this delusional
Cuckservatives would never have won the general. Trump was the only one that could pull it off at this late stage of demographic takeover. Don't you fucking pretend a jeb bush or a cruz would have what it took.
>Sup Forums isn't my safe space :(
i cry evrytme ;_;
Good point
die you racist faggot
I dunno, I kinda feed off them. Also gives me a place to vent and tell people to kill themselfs
>I can't stand all these enemy troops anymore
>funkytown.webm as why America needs the wall makes them go quiet.
Post it
Cry harder bitch
>demographic takeover
You realize without Trump in the race, it would have been non-stop coverage of Clinton's emails, right? Without any interruption of the retarded shit that Trump was doing.
EVERY candidate would have won every state that Trump won. All of them but Ted Cruz would have won VA as well.
Rustbelt voters didn't vote for Trump because they love him. They voted for Trump because they hated Hillary.
>holanďan sníva o čiernych kokotoch
Trump is failing hard and acting like a buffoon. Of course Sup Forums will laugh at him. That way you also avoid the pain of having supported the wrong candidate, though I guess most of us just wanted him to win to fuck up the political system. And guess what, he's doing a fine job at that.
>but now it's just 24/7 propaganda with little discussion
gee i wonder why
"Goliath online!"
>Posting the funkytown.webm as why America needs the wall makes them go quiet.
post pls i'm curious
I agree. The Trump shills ruined this board.
I don't do gore but plnty on here will. Basically it's a bunch of mexican slicing up some poor fuck's face with box cutters then peeling it off while he's still alive. He tries to grab his face but his hands are cut off.
Kek has chosen, we have consulted the oracles, the chosen one is our profit, he is the supreme commander, given to us by lord Kek. He will lead us to glorious victory over the globalist infestation that has spread across our lands!
If you have forgotten, you can avoid the shills by going to 8 chan and the discords.