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So are feminists pissed or happy about this?

I'm so confused these days.

separated beds is the christian way dudes

My wife is a nurse and on nights she has night shift we sleep in separate beds

I would imagine being the President you get a lot of late nights/early mornings

Not surprising in the least. Many elderly couples sleep in separate beds. It's common.

I'm pretty sure a lot of married couples do this. I know my parents eventually did after however many fucking years.

she shares a bed with Tyrone


>not wanting your own bed
>being able to stay up late working without waking up wife
if i had my way I would have a whole seperate house from my wife and kids, the real question is why your ruining sleep for both parties in the sharing bed jew

Uh, chapter and verse?

This is the norm for richer people. Hell, I know many upper middle class people who do it.

I come from a poorer background and made my way up, so my wife and I sleep in the same bed, but I can understand the comfort of my own bedroom.

Like she fucks that bloated pig lek

It's actually really important for couples to have separate spaces. This is why you end up with men having "man caves" and shit like that.

Having separate bedrooms is good. Means you both have your own space and can set up your shit however you want and keep your own schedules. Doesn't mean you don't fuck when you feel like it and you get the chance.


They probably sleep in separate beds because she shares one with Ivanka

>inseminate her smutholes
>go to seperate bed so you can sleep peacefully after twitter ranting for 3 hours
>this is somehow bad

kys OP

wife and i prefer to do this. she wakes up at 6AM every day and I just live a nice NEET-ish lifestyle

Is Trump a cuck like the Underwood in House of Cards

I hate u

>unnamed sources
So about that dossier...

Who's bed are you supposed to fuck in? I don't think a woman would be happy if you walked in, started plowing, and messed up her bed while you return to your nice and neat room.

Do you have to ask your wife if you can sleep in her bed after sex or would it be polite to return to your own after cuddling.

>doesn't sleep with wife
>doesn't drink
>doesn't know how to drive

wew lad

>>doesn't know how to drive
What? Are you fucking serious?

She is his beard trump is a sodomite

He's been so rich he's been driven places his whole life.

And, for a recent photo-op he got behind the wheel of a truck and had no idea what he was doing.

I wish I got my own bed. What an alpha.

he meant drive trucks

are you retarded?
There's a famous webm of him driving. Barron is on the right and Melania is recording.

>he's been driven places his whole life.
I've never had to cross a river, but I can still swim because I'm not a fucking child.

>are you retarded?
Because I don't keep up with all the latest internet webms about a guy in a country on another continent?

>caring at all

I sleep seperate, it's more relaxed.
My parents also had seperate bedrooms.
In fact, most people I know do, nothing to do with bad relationships.

I thought all married couples do this if they can afford it?

Sorry to let you know this now, virgin. But sex after marriage is more rare that the rarest of Pepes. You instead are doing well to get some sleep.

>married couples
You mean cucks

Fake news!

>Trump can't drive

already posted retard


>all these cucks trying to justify this

This looks fake as fuck but it's hilarious how you try to rationalize this

He's 70 years old

>not pushing the beds together to have sex with your wife, pulling them apart when finished.
Are you guys even trying to bring back decency anymore?
Your own bed is much more comfortable anyway.

bill clinton had separate girlfriends

That's actually traditional. You only sleep with your partner if you want to lose sleep.

I'm so tired, haven't slept well all week. You must be tired too, so much to worry about. Let's get some rest, close our eyes and sleep.

>"Why debate when you can call them a "cuck"?
I think I already heard this one, only it used "racist"/"nazi"

Sounds like the perfect marriage.

>a man's wife doesn't want to sleep with him because she can't stand to be physically around him, only with him for his money

>to be expected
>this is normal
>alpha as fuck
>I do this all the time to let my wife sleep with Tyrone

Sup Forums has plumbed new depths here

Oh fuck off, virgin. A cuck is somebody that just has to sleep with their wifey poo please don't leave me waaaaah.

Time away from women is a good thing.

that way he can fuck ivanka in his room and barge in on melania when he wants some strange

yeah i do a lot of overtime, and we have two small kids, often waking up at 5am

so on every other night i take the guest room. big fucking deal.

Me and my wife sleep in separate beds.

It doesn't mean we don't love each other, it's just sometimes I work late so it's easier if I don't have to wake her. Plus it's more convenient not to have to share a bed with another person and worry about blankets and all that shit.


"Multiple sources"

oh, we're back to that crap again now, are we?

i can't believe for how long they can feed the gullible with this sort of garbage. but it works. the left is truly brainwashed.

keep telling yourself that, faggo

Imagine sex being the only thing you can think about.
What sort of despotic creature would find the only meaning in life to be whether or not they got a steady fuck or not?
Moreover, what kind of political ideology would such a creature so defined in their lines of moral obligation espouse?
This is the mind of those who participate in authoritarian ideology where the act of demeaning sexual perversion is seen as freedom and that those who are "closed minded" towards it are in need of liberation.
They will continue to draw their lines of authority by pushing perversion through government, because their sense of self worth comes from what demeanor they are in post sexual encounter. It kills them to see a functioning society without the need of such animalistic perversion so they seek to destroy it.

smart, i cant stand the concept of sleeping in the same bed with a woman forever. People want privacy during bed time

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that they are not a happily married couple. Trump is a total player and has clearly cheated on her many times. The only reason they are still married is because Melania is smart and knew she would be better off staying married to him, for the sake of Barron and herself. He gets to maintain a good PR image while she gets to live in a palace and then becomes First Lady, so not a bad idea.

you should take a sex Ed class and re-evaluate your statement faggot

It's so he doesn't end up sleeping in the wet spot, when it's his turn.

No shit she's a supermodel who got her life ruined by having her old ugly husband put a spotlight on her and her children that's never going to go away.

They don't even live together.

Given Donald's size, I can almost guarantee he's a loud snorer. If you can afford separate beds for sleep time, why wouldn't you?

I use a separate bed too. Having to sleep next to someone and worrying about waking each other up if you don't perfectly synchronize your sleep/wake schedule is annoying.


Forget seperate beds. They don't even sleep in the same house.

its pretty normal the wife and I sleep in seperate beds so her boyfriends dont wake me up at night


>hurr raycis and fascist

>not an argument
I guess I shouldnt be surprised with the low level of intellect on your side.

This user gets it.

> Got Barron from her
> Running a country, I bet he's doing no Orgasm 2017 for enhanced leadership

You're retarded. Your image is insinuating that all we do is call you retards "cuck". You do nothing but scream buzzwords like hurr raaayciis and faaaashcis.

Make like Marx's whore daughters and kill yourself.

Drumpf is such a beta cuck. He probably can't even get his orange dick up anymore. Melania loves sucking black cock and drinking the seed.


Lots of older married couples do this, especially if they're jetting around the world running companies and shit.

It's because their sleep schedules hardly coincide.


Data analyst here. I've gone through about one hundred Harvard studies and science journals about this subject. It's completely normal and many married couples sleep in serperate bedrooms. This is just another pathetic attempt from the left to project their narrative.

Trump's "Paul Tsongas in a tank" moment.
This image will haunt him.

I bet big bad Don wets the bed. That's gotta be it.

>>Data Analyst
>>Can't spell "separate."
>>seems legit

Is he actually freaking out? Is there video?

You can tell she doesn't even enjoy being First Lady, and all the responsibilities that comes with it. She just wanted to be a trophy wife, and live a relatively quiet, and privileged, life.

I believe you mean Dukakis



What a fucking cuck


I had a gf that left to her own bedroom after screwing.

you're just jealous you can't afford multiple bedrooms

Only cucks sleep in the same beds as their wives.

to everyone shilling that he's a cuck:

Say it with me -- "BILLIONAIRE"

>comment section

Literally nobody ever actually slept in different beds like that. That was an invention of TV, ads, and other media to get past the censors.

Not true. I knew a girl growing up whose parents did that.

They were weird though....really weird.

Separate beds is how rich and upper middle class used to do marriage. It doesn't mean they don't fuck when they want to. It just means they have enough money that they can afford to have two separate beds for sleeping so their significant other isn't disturbed if they have a late night. This is another non-story for idiots.