So 4 english civilians get killed by crazy muslim and the world goes nuts
230 muslim civilians get killed by supposed "peaceful civilized westerners" and nobody gives a shit
What else is new racist douchebag Sup Forums?
So 4 english civilians get killed by crazy muslim and the world goes nuts
230 muslim civilians get killed by supposed "peaceful civilized westerners" and nobody gives a shit
What else is new racist douchebag Sup Forums?
wtf i love niggers now
>namecalling in the OP
Anyway, The question is how much damage it did to the terrorists. The rest is just collateral damage.
A lot of westerners are too far gone with entertainment and being wrapped up in their own little lives to give a shit about people a world away in some undeveloped country. I think it has something to do with valueing their lives higher than those from undeveloped parts of the world. Its a fucked up world user.
Well they are not people.
It's not as if I should give a fuck about them.
But I still agree it should not have happened.
muslims arent people, they know it, we know it, deal with it
The problem is... English civilians are of value to the world
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate
i.e. don't fuck with us
>implying muslims count as people
Almonds are activated and such
It's quite terrible lad.
230 is woefully inadequate.
tldr; muslims play shitty games, win shitty prizes
London isn't an active warzone expecting collateral damage.
The intent of war is to kill opposing soliders.
The intent of terrorism isn't.
I hope you choke.
Thats what they get for not running IS out of town themselves?
1 englishman = 56 mudslimes
That exchange rate is way too low, we actually contribute something of positive value to the world rather than sucking out all the joy that there is to be had. No wonder the Jews champion them
They got AIDS and shit.
1 englishmen at the jobcenter contributes to the world exactly how? Hes just as lowlife as any other ethnic group who is doing the same stop being so dense and classing by colour and not by merit.
>230 civilians terrorist supporters get killed by supposed "peaceful civilized westerners" and nobody gives a shit
Indeed we don't give a shit.
Feels good man
Leaf and I especially love it, when 9 year old children in Afghanistan are burned alive by king nigger.
Iraq is a warzone, London is supposed to be safe from this shit.
Amazingly when Assad and Putin kill civilians in their bombings western media cries all day long.
But when yanks do the same nobody cares, just realities of war.
And nothing of value was lost
Hope they fucking kill more mudshits!
Good start, keep it up lads!
>implying that 'colour' (i.e. race, a different thing) and merit are not connected to one another
when will this meme die?
All Muslims are combatants.
Inbred, shitskin Muslims lives matter less than Europeans. I get a boner every time I see dead sand nigger childeren on my screen. I wish we could commit a genocide on all Muslims
>Arabs slaughter and enslave millions under Islam for 1400 years.
>The left doesn't know or if they do don't care.
Guys why are you so racist towards Islam.
I swear to god when the time for civil war comes I hope you left wingers get chased out of Europe with the Muslims.
Ultimate revenge would be you losers having to relocate to North Africa or the Middle East. Finally a society with no whites! I'm sure you will be so happy.