I don't get it, why hasn't she been arrested yet?
I don't get it, why hasn't she been arrested yet?
Because she didn't do anything wrong.
Too much political heat
When the Russia thing fails, I think the Dems will start cutting off some dead branches
it takes a long ass time to get anything done through the system
Sup Forums is being invaded
phase 2 will commence soon.
>this is a threat
Probably has dirt on too many people. She'll never be locked up.
Not going to repeat all that she did yet again, as it's been covered so many times.
Because it is Wednesday, my dudes.
Because it takes time to build congressional support and a watertight case. Optics and sentiment are not right yet...
The worst thing in the world would be for Trump to misfire on the biggest corruption case in the world.
Rules are for poor unimportant people.
First thing I thought about when I saw the thread was shitposting this.
>Sup Forums thnks Trump gives a shit about Hillary
Isint it obvious yet? Trump wants Obama in jail. It wasnt Hillary and her friends in the media mocking Trump for years.
She has a seizure each time and then they have to put her in a hospital instead.
And it's not the right political climate yet anyway to bring her to justice.
she's fled the country, like obama
>dindu nuff
Britain is the favorite flag for one-posting. None of the one-posters are actual Britons.
If Bush didn't get arrested, neither will she.
she literally smells like death itself, even hardened cops can't get close for the putrid stench
because she violated no laws you idiot britbong
true evil in this country never actually gets punished. she's too rich.
She didn't do anything wrong
It was all Russian propaganda
she's got the fbi in her pocket is the real reason
I was just curious senpai
she a good gal
well my other answer got deleted here or was it another thread? pretty much to close info i guess
>literally believes the hyperbolic screeching that passes for the news these days
because being "irresponsible" with national security isn't illegal apparently.
She dindu nuffin
her time is coming you can count on this. source , I have a friend or three in the UN. they say its just a matter of time its being set up.
lol, got slid
Stop that, you are making me rock hard
We all know that was never going to happen.
I dunno. Why isn't Paul Manafort arrested?
I'm so tired, haven't slept well all week. You must be tired too, so much to worry about. Let's get some rest, close our eyes and sleep.
Climb high enough and you get above the law.
shes an actual demon. You think people can just arrest her? we need Trump to fight her 1 on 1 if theres any hope of taking her down.