Why haven't we just played along with feminism and reversed the entire roles of society and began cooking for our wives when they get home from work all day making money to buy us clothes?
It be really cute!
Sup Forums Househusbands
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I want a househusband.
yo, that actually sounds nice.
Not only that, but you would be the one in the family with all the power. You could always use the threat of divorce and taking half her shit plus alimony forever.
I was a house husband for about 7 years while I was in college. My wife still makes more than me but we make sick bank together and I love my job. Wish I was still a house husband though. So much time for projects and other self interests.
I'm a house husband and it's amazing
>get up
>cook breakfast, bacon and eggs for me, oatmeal for the lady
>make lunch for Wifie, put some sappy note in
>leaves for work
>hugs and kisses
>clean up what little mess i made
>shitpost on Sup Forums, actually contribute on /k/
>take a long ass shower
>watch as much tv as i want
>maybe work on some malware
>maybe go to the gun range while everyone is at work
>make dinner
>wife comes home
>take her coat and shoes when she gets in
>rub feet
>"oh user, you're so good to me"
>backrub, fondle ass
>fuck her to releif her stress
>go to sleep
>wake up next day
its like heaven mate. I can literally do anything i want.
I'm not interested in cuckoldry
could you stop the false song of globalism?
>women working is gloablism
i'm just trying to get my dick sucked user.
because women that are into that type of feminism also think that males abuse females, and will abuse you
Stay-at-home men are far more at risk of heart attacks than men who work.
I have one! It's awesome.
>being the only good dick around a bunch of neglected housewives
Its amazing.
your a wonderful person and smart men love you.
Genuinely sounds good, all you gotta do is sit on your ass all day, maybe make food, and the wife would do all the hard word for ya, earning you money, etc.
If feminists don't like the current gender roles, then just reverse them and see them asking for the old gender roles back again after they find out that men have to do all the hard work in society.
I would rather be a wizard if I'm doing my housework rather than carry a passenger. I could live on welfare or a wage still.
yes, but are you getting your dick sucked?
Women may get excited at this prospect, but most will grow bored of it quickly. I have seen it plenty of times with out of work husbands. They can excel at being a housewife and yet their wives will grow disloyal to them and find another mate.
There's that "wizard" part again, to emphasize.
Anyone who wants to work to make money for some faggot billionare instead of doing chores, working out, cooking food, listening to music, and getting their dick sucked when their wife gets home is literally cuck.
Because we're not faggots and we have a desire to provide and build.
>They can excel at being a housewife and yet their wives will grow disloyal to them and find another mate.
I've seen it happen with husbands who work their ass off too. Doesn't even matter. If she's going to be an ungrateful hoe, she's going to be an ungrateful hoe.
yes yes yes, but are you getting your dick sucked?
The trick is to find a career focused girl and convince her that you taking care of housework will allow her to focus on her career more. Be her Mick to your Rocky.
Pretty good if your lazy tho
I'd fucking love to but feminists don't want to reverse gender role,s they want to keep them as is but get more money and shit for it.
unfaithful bitches are gonna be unfaithful nomatter what.
No woman respects a man who's her servant. You may as well claim that supplicating white knights are Chads.
please not ballsack again
Sounds great actually. Women over 30 are desperate so you could marry and divorce plenty of them taking their hard earned money to fund your NEET lifestyle. Fuck society those cunts deserve it.
My brother literally does this, his wife earns three times what he did. Beats driving a fucking truck on the m6 all day.
>The only purpose in life is pleasure
Fuck off hedonist, you are no better than a heroin junkie.
woo boy
I became one but it wasn't really by choice. I got kind of forced into it at an early age. It's not too bad though, but it does worry me that I never got to go to college so if we ever separated and I didn't get money support, I'd be screwed.
>not realizing the non working spouse holds all the power with modern justice system
You can exploit the fuck out of the working spouse now.
>I'm bored, I want to go fuck Chad/Tyronne
Get a divorce and get half her assets plus alimony every month.
Women want to be our equals? They can take equal risks then.
My man. I'm living the same life. My wife loves "buttrubs". I don't make cutsey notes for her lunch though. And I play video games half the day. Cooking laundry and cleaning falls to me.
As long as men can be happy in every role, feminists will keep thinking they're fighting a war. They fight for money because they see rich men are happy.
They want you to be unhappy, they want you to lose. Because it's a war, you see.
Yeah, manage finance, household and kids. We could share recipes and hang out with the family at the playground. Doesn't work in reverse though because if the woman drops you, you'll likely rot on the street or end up paying for her until you finally neck yourself. THere's no safety net for man in that role
you mean I can be a neet and get FREE CLOTHES for it?
fuck yeah
>orgasm with the matrimonial contract for long term harmony in an unequal
>not getting long term satisfaction from hobbies
>that your living sextoy is giving you money for
>or that you earn yourself
>oh boy, look at this hedonist who belays short term satisfaction for long term fulfillment.
Honestly only do it once in awhile, you'll get massive amount more lovin when you get home. i did it too much and now she expects it.
Hell we can make a day of it and take the kids shooting, it'll be --
>German flag
i'm so sorry for you lack of freedom
Haha. Yeah I don't do it all the time. She'll bring it up and I'll just say maybe later. Then only do it when I want sex. We both know ass fondle=sex
Because if you aren't the dominant breadwinner of the household, your basically just her domestic servant cuckboy who cleans dishes and changes diapers while she's off fucking guys from work. Women only respect men who have power over them, not some stay-at-home mangina of a husband.
Western Feminism isn't about role reversal or equality. It's just virtue signalling and man bashing.
>wife is at work
>bring the children to kindergarten
>fuck the neighboors wife
>do housework
>prepare lunch
>wait for wife and children coming home
such is life.
House Husband is my backup plan. I'm an excellent cook with a broad repertoire, I'm also handy enough from a few years of construction work to take care of any house maintenance. I can clean though I don't do it often.
I've also got decent experience as a parent from having essentially raised my two younger brothers after my parents separated since my mom spent all her time working. Six years out of highschool and I often had to go back to meet teachers and staff when my brother did dumb shit...
Unfortunately, I haven't yet met a woman I can stand for any length of time. Maybe I could just work as live-in chef or something.
That faggotry might work with those sad wastes of space over on /r9k/ but we laugh at you dumb cunts and your lame attempts at subversion.
Women are so dumb.
That's the one brother. Iv been telling Sup Forums the roles reversing aren't that bad.
They get all the stress of society and work put on their backs and we have leisure time and we get to raise our kids how we want.
One day though women will realise they have fucked up and will want to return to their natural roles.
Wizard's seek higher thrills, higher pursuits, higher selves than what mere material pleasure which seems materially boring and materially mundane after a while. Eventually such acts are seen from a cold scientifically clinical perspective as primitive, barbaric, savage... lesser. Wizard's transcend such earthly baseless pursuits which keep them down in the mud with the other cocksuckers, rolling around in the filth like the mindless savaging swine-pigs that they are.
> As a wizard, my higher self I have become. Know thyself.
Do you absolute retards not see that you're being mainpulated by stupid cunt feminists?
Don't forget, that women are natural communist tyrants.
Put them in charge, and everyone will suffer for it.
The opposite needs to happen.
Women need their voting rights removed, and they need to be barred from any positions of substantial authority.
They're far too emotional for their own good, or for the good of their society.
Women have kids. You can have a stay at home dad, but then she has to get pregnant very early and then somehow still manage to get ahead in a career.
Good on ya user, don't make my mistakes with spoiling them.
You'd make a good Butler actually
Feminists don't consider that shit.
They just want our power, and want us cucked.
Because then anouther nation where men are still men will come and kill us and enslave us because an army full of women would be useless.
Hahaha yeah all the surveys show that HOUSEWIVES ARE THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE in general. Raising kids, keeping a house, loving your husband, what's not to love. Work is stressful and requires large doses of testosterone to do properly.
I absolutely love being a househusband. Both me and my wife used to work, but when we had our first kid we decided I would leave my job to take care of her. The sex after I became a house husband is the best sex I ever had. She started to feel in control of me and this made her begin to take the lead and you cannot understand how good it feels to have a woman pin you down and wring all the cum out of your balls. She makes me cum multiple times in her in one sitting and I can't do anything to stop her. I used to think those ahegao faces in hentai were just hot shit that doesn't happen irl, but i legitimately started making those faces. It's crazy.
My daughter is only 11 months and my wife is already pregnant again because of all the creampies she forces me to give her. Living in heaven.
Feminism is bad for humanity
triggered annon?
>t. obvious shill
No. We have a lot of Newfags around, and I'm just dropping some red-pills for them to collect.
BUMP! :^)
Women don't indifferently hate house hubby's. You still need to act like a man. Take on too many feminine attributes and your gone though.
I love getting to be a full time dad, I have a blond haired blue eyed, absolutely beautiful. Mom and dad gamers and she already loves them, we aren't fat either. I've done my job to help create a unicorn that will be shit posting on here in due time.
>You'd make a good Butler actually
How does one get into butlering? Put a resume in random rich people home mailboxes?
>everyone I disagree with is a shill!
Stop being autistic.
That's right.
I changed my mind.
Decided dropping red-pills would be better.
It helps the newfags figure you shills and feminist cunts out, a lot faster.
And I'm always for education.
my wife is the opposite, but her labido got so much higher when she started working. she loves it when i pin her down and call her a whore and fuck her as hard as possible with as many toys as possible.
When a woman is the primary breadwinner she either gets super submissive in bed because that is the one place where she isn't in control, or super aggressive because she is addicted to the feeling of power.
real redpill is not believing the lie that society gives you to be a "productive citizen". a real man makes his own life, and if that means having his bitch make the money while he lives a life of leisure that's his business.
Faggot, this is Sup Forums
We are not pro-house-husband
Not remotely
That's cuck behavior
That's how I know you bitches are shills.
It's all more Cultural Marxist shit, meant to destabilize.
Whatever you say, ma'am
You keep pretending that you're a male and a "house husband"
I'm sure loads of user's are buying it
You do realize they're going to reverse 1960s us
We're the stupid jobless sexist sheep males and the stronk independent womyn take care of us because if it wasn't for the WOMYN we'd be dirt poor you dumb fucking cucks
Are you the NZ sissy I see on many threads?
Maybe :3
put in an application to be a domestic servant like a chef or nanny or handyman or housekeepe or some shit at an estate (doesn't have to be a rich person, many renter properties for parties come with Butlers, or even a hotel, but those are last resort)
Butlers have a hierarchy, with the primarch Butler overseeing several lesser Butlers who are heads of departments like Pantry and childcare. brown nose the head Butler as much as possible and learn as much from him as you can. Find another household looking for a head Butler and become their Butler, and you'll command a small army of servants.
Be warned, your probably going to have to deal with some slightly illegal shit, so learn these very handy chart well.
I used to Butler for an estate for a "senator's retreat" and wow, let me tell you club soda is gonna be your best friend.
She will probably just cuck you for Chad.