Forget about ShariaBlue and think: Do you really think Trump likes Paul Ryan? The dude is a rat on a scale unlike any other. Trump is smart and knows Ryan is trying to undermine the his Presidency and we know Trump doesn't like people who stab him in the back. At his rally in Kentucky, Trump gave praise to Rand Paul and he said he look forward to working with him. He has also been working with Tom Price and doing everything he can to hear all the ideas on the repeal and replace of ObamaCare. Odds are, he's going to say something about how Rand Paul has a great idea for a health care bill and start moving towards that one, or maybe wait after tax cuts, in order to show the incompetence of Ryan and the stellar abilities of Rand Paul.
Trump is trying to kill two birds with one stone: Get Paul Ryan out as Speaker of the House and replace him with either Tom Price or Trey Gowdy and then work on the Senate to oust Mitch "Turtle man" McConnell and replace him with Rand Paul.
Trump is preparing for the future. He knows there are good people wanting to help this country, he is putting his people in the spotlight so that way when they, possibly, run for President in the future in 2024 and later, the media will have a hard time taking them down. He wants what's best for this country, he never truly cared for this bill because if he did he would be furious right now and take names on who didn't follow through. But he didn't seem all that disappointed that it didn't pass.
The man knew it sucked, he's waiting for a better deal.
Yeah, pretty much everyone knew the bill was going to fail and Ryan was going to take the blame. Trump has to clean house.
Cameron Ward
How is he going to push Paul Ryan and McConnell out?
James Walker
People think this damages Trump. It doesn't. It damages Ryan.
Trump did everything in his power to back Ryan - despite Ryan backstabbing him during the primaries, of which there is audio proof.
Now Trump is in a position to disregard Ryan. He's publicly going to still say he supports Ryan but behind closed doors this has all been about destroying Ryan's credibility.
Trump is strengthening his hand for the future.
Blake Powell
you are an idiot. Trump lost and lost big today. Trumpcare failed and Obamcare will reign forever. Republicans are a failure, the white trash of Sup Forums has failed too.
Wyatt Jones
the only problem with this is that Rand Paul is a libertarian, and doesn't want any thing that would be "socialism". There are many problems with Obamacare, but the fact that it increased coverage is laudable
Charles Smith
>Trump is smart Stopping reading there.
Julian Rogers
Sadly the (((media))) has been shilling in full force. But I agree, what Trump did was smart. It made Paul Ryan and his dipshit never Trump brigade look like absolute morons. Trump took a hit, but now it is PAUL RYAN BTFO HOW WILL HE EVER RECOVER?
Ayden Howard
Pic related
Jeremiah Butler
Dumbass, you realize this had ZERO Republican support when it passed, correct? All Democrats, or the majority of them, voted for it. This is on them, not Republicans. By 2018 we're going to see Constitutional Conventions and Democrats aren't going to be able to do a damn thing about it.
Grayson Sanchez
Carter Gutierrez
No, you're the idiot. Your goy ryan's in trouble. Funny, isn't it?
Brayden Watson
118137383 Not giving this faggot a (((you))) but it really is incredible that people are actually PAID to post this here as though others will see it and jump on the stupid train to nowhere. Sad!
The plan was obviously to brand it TrumpCare and let the President hold the flaming sack of crap.
Politically speaking, this is by far the better of two bad options.
Jonathan Garcia
Thomas Wood
Trump's goal is to make himself look like as much a failure as possible for some "greater agenda"?
>If you kill your enemies, they win.
Carson Thompson
Anthony Jones
>Yeah, pretty much everyone knew the bill was going to fail and Ryan was going to take the blame. Trump has to clean house.
Trump is draining the swamp with 50d space-gammon
Ayden Diaz
>trump fucks up >trumpanzees assemble in droves to spam mental gymnastics and claim how everything was planned in advance to have this outcome
Nicholas Gonzalez
The God Emperor always has my faith.
Angel Diaz
If this is true, it's pretty smart. Makes the establishment Republicans look bad and replace them with paleoconservatives and libertarians.
Henry Stewart
shill moar faggot
Luis Sanchez
I always believed in the god emperor, i'll just go away for a few day while shills beat off to blueshare propaganda
Nicholas Barnes
>Obamacare will reign forever >Until it falls apart in late 2017 Ok bud
Landon Evans
Trips tells the truth
Levi Walker
It's only mental hopscotch at best. Obamacare is failing. Trump tried to fix it. When it all goes tits up, the blame falls on everyone who opposed fixing it when they had the chance, and Trump is left in a stronger position to negotiate.
Republican supermajority 2018.
Brody Butler
no u
Dominic Sanders
>trumps knows what he's doing ok then, what about the muslim ban? What about the wall?
Carson Anderson
>gorsuch gets confirmed >ban ruling goes to scotus now that there are conflicting opinions from federal judges >ban put back into place
Unfortunately this is going to be a long game because Dems have become unhinged since their queen was slaaaaaaayyyed.
Luis Hill
calling it a muslim ban kek
Nicholas Bell
probably smarter then you, you degenerate fuck.
Aaron James
Thank God Ryancare failed and so will Obamacare!!!
Democrats and the MSM will go down with the sinking ship known as Obamacare!!!
Democrats now have to run in 2018 and 2020 on Obamacare dieing just like the Republicans said it would!!!
Any Democrat who crosses the isle to work with Trump will get destroyed by their own base!!!
Trump can now spend his political capitol on tax reform and sit back and wait for the Dems to come crawling!!!
Those in the White House... Thanks for doing the right thing!!! Now work on tax reform.
Delusional ass Sup Forums will never see the truth, they will just change the narrative. It's what children and liars do. Too many participation trophies given out in the US. Every decade Americans get worse. Not all, but the number is definitely increasing.
Asher Evans
Bump for justice!
Carson Russell
I hope Trump starts floating that Tillerson is bad and he's looking for a replacement. Then proceeds to get Ryan to happily step down as speaker so he can be SOS. Then pull a Romney on Ryan all over again.
Charles Clark
I was waiting to see how long it would take for the Trumpbots to turn on Paul Ryan. Republicans eating their own. It's a glorious sight.
Jason Young
Aiden Fisher
Jack Sanders
Michael Davis
So are we dispelling with this fiction that Trump doesn't know what he's doing, and in fact that he knows exactly what he's doing? I just want to set the record straight.