Why the HELL are open relationships growing in popularity? White women keep asking for it in their dating profiles, and it's even catching up with older generations too. Polyamory is slowly beginning its climb in western culture and they refuse to recognize how degenerate it is.
Why the HELL are open relationships growing in popularity? White women keep asking for it in their dating profiles...
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Idk man, just fuck some sluts and work on yourself. The obession with women on this board is unbearable. They are just a product of the times, if you want to fix them then you need to clean house of all these fucking kikes and niggers.
A lot of these women who want those relationships are 20s-35 or so. With how easy it is to fuck on social media/dating apps, a lot of them take advantage of having more than one partner.
Let me guess, you live in a city?
Cities are dens of corruption and degeneracy. See Sodom and Gomorrah.
jews and there mass media manipulation
The over whelming majority of women of the popular shit like tinder and whatever either say nothing or say they want a serious relationship. Everyone who claims to a pansexual or in an open relationship is fat and/or ugly or covered in piercings and tats. I think you are just over reacting.
People are finally slowly adapting to the modern way of life, just like they adapted when they realized that lifelong employment and (((career))) at one company was dead - lifelong monogamy is dead, too.
It's not good or bad, it simply is.
i prefer polyamory, expecting one person to fulfill all your needs doesn't make sense and monogamy is too restrictive
>Why the HELL are open relationships growing in popularity?
It's a cycle at this point. Happened in the 60s with the sexual revolution and it happened in the 80s too. These relationships always fall out of favor because anything but monogamy does not last longterm.
These stupid women are going to end up hating themselves.
hey you , you are a part of degeneration. congrats
Because they're just post-pubescent children who want nice feelings in their genitals as frequently as possible, too emotionally and spiritually retarded to understand the appeal of true romantic love. Immediate gratification is all they know.
All of it is ultimately a consequence of the detachment of the sexual union from childbirth and the family. Believe it or not, fucking with fundamental aspects of human nature creates fucked up humans.
i've been in an open relationship for 12 years they can last longterm, monogamy often falls apart too
relationships in general take a lot of work and commitment to maintain throughout life because people grow and change
>Why the HELL are open relationships growing in popularity
They aren't. Try talking to some normal people. They think it's gross and weird.
THIS! couldn't said it better amico
you can have romantic love while having casual sex on the side, sex isn't intimacy
i don't see it as degenerate, i see it as an inconsequential personal preference
monogamy doesn't need to factor into morality, and morals are subjective anyway
your view of degeneracy isn't absolute
don't worry about it, just get a robot waifu and enjoy your life.
> too emotionally and spiritually retarded to understand the appeal of true romantic love
Actually, they're smart enough to be able to separate the two.
I'm a man with two girlfriends. One of them is my favourite, the other is mostly just there for some sexual variety. They know about each other and we occasionally all spend time together as a group. They sometimes hang out and go to movies and shit on their own. I think its cool. We've only had one threesome though, which I find kinda odd given the situation.
As far as I know they are both only seeing me. If its true? Who knows. Who gives a shit. I've embraced the degeneracy. Might as well ride this sinking ship to its grave, y'know? The muzzies will replace us within the next 50 years anyway.
You can thank Jewish media, pornography, and casual dating apps for this mess.
What makes you think that you have the right to breed?
Our ancestors CHOSE to only breed with best males. 1 man would breed with 17 females.
Monogamy is a new and incredibly regressive concept.
wow pls post ur deets so i can cum fuck u ^-^
also please include any weapons or dogs you happen to own
yea sure
>With how easy it is to fuck on social media
It's always, literally ALWAYS, been easy for women.
All they ever had to do was show some ass/leg/breast and it's on tap for them, since literally caveman times.
i've met a lot of people who are fine with me being in a committed open relationship, only uptight people who push their idea of "morality" on others care enough to think much of it
"normal" is a subjective term
personally, i think it's abnormal to take a moral stance on something like polyamory and that the idea that it's wrong is heavily affected by societal pressures that come from religious ideas that serve no purpose and don't create "normal" views of the world
Women have so much sexual power with the welfare state that they can afford to openly set the terms to be "I'm gonna fuck wild alphas on the side if you want to be my beta". 90% of the time that a guy is in an open relationship he is a complete bottom feeder who is dating a girl who doesn't truly respect him. The other ones are alphas who can sleep around easily but like a sprinkle of intimacy as well.
i'm about as moonman as your expected Sup Forums poster to be but i'm still in an open relationship. i live with both my girlfriends, they don't have or invite over other men
not really anything degenerate or strange about it, i think
Monogamy is civilization you dipshit.
Or did you really think Chads built Rome?
Women want male attention and resources without any obligation of monogamy. It's really simple.
And as long as men allow it to happen women will continue to take advantage.
t. Roastie
i didn't read that once i saw the bible quote, trying to use something from an abrahamic faith to illustrate a point automatically means you're putting subjectivity into it
you're also implying that monogamous marriage is the only purpose of relationships or supposed to be a goal which again is a subjective point of view
it's also directly related to abrahamic morality, which serves no real purpose and provides no objective insights
i'm a guy, but i don't mind if you don't
Slaves built rome, while chad and stacy(married) went around fucking everything in sight, adultery was so common that Augustus tried to go on his own little crusade against it.
if we push our moral acceptance to the limit we will degenerate even more. Or you think just because someone think its ok to fuck animals its acceptable, or incest? We have moral standards for reasons not just for fun. The problem nowadays is, that everyone everywhere cries for more acceptance, but no one sees where its going, the more acceptance we get the more you are getting affortable with. Its some kind of global new world agenda should tolerate everything just so they can push things like rfid chips in the future.People will just say "hm ok, its easier with money so why not"and not asking about any background this could may have. We get learned to tolerate every kind of abnormal shit and this steers into an dangerous way dude..
Because all of the libs who have actual self-sustaining jobs are completely cucked so what the woman wants to do is she wants to gold dig the cuck and the get her squirting orgasms from a different guy.
It's fucking obvious to me and it's been obvious for a long time. I'm being completely serious this is the reason.
No matter how much money the libs get and how many jobs they steal from us, they're still just cucks at the end of the day and it's completely unattractive. And the moment they uncuck themselves they lose their job I guarantee it.
> The problem nowadays is, that everyone everywhere cries for more acceptance, but no one sees where its going
No, you just don't like where it's going. You're mad the world won't cater to you. People are adaptable, flexible. That's why we're the dominant species. It sucks you'll get left behind but your dream society is not, in any way, 'the best'
but i think you will criticise my grammar now, because you are resistant to arguments and its the easiest excuse to just look away from reality.But i dont care keep livin in your from mass media manipulated little mental glass dome
If your woman isn't satisfied in bed that's what happens
Man up and please your woman OP
If your lady isn't giddily addicted to your cock you're a manlet
White women want to fuck around while being in a stable relationship without feeling guilty or being labelled a "slut".
Literally having your cake and eating it too.
What is your metric for determining degeneracy
my morals are drawn at different lines than yours, assuming i lack them entirely or that they go to such extremes because they're different than yours is nonsensical
morality is not an objective thing, your belief in your morals doesn't make them better than mine
the world isn't going to fall apart without monogamy, love and romance don't disappear with casual sex, two or more consenting adults having sex or defining what is and isn't ok between them for themselves doesn't make the world sink into oblivion
you sound like a hysterical bitch getting wound up over nothing because you can't fathom how morals different than yours don't mean the complete degeneration of society
tolerating who someone fucks is a lot different than tolerating putting chips in people, perhaps you should learn that unrelated things are unrelated and that disagreeing with someone in one area doesn't mean you will on everything
life isn't that black and white, people aren't that one dimensional and you can't infer things about people based on minor differences of opinion
no one's stopping you from having a monogamous relationship that may or may not work, but why should other people do the same just because you've made that choice?
So you wouldnt care if your kids in future may be affected by things like nicki minaj or miley cyrus. So it wouldn't be a problem for you if your 11 year old daughter talks about , she wants to look sexy like miley cyrus and has sex with 20 different guys till the age of 18?
>Why the HELL are open relationships growing in popularity?
Because men have allowed too much and their strictness has faded. Men need to step up and put a stop to this degeneracy. Only when men disapprove of this will women stop it. It's the only way.
why stop it when threesomes are a good time and you get to fuck around with other people too?
>pic related
Hi leddit!
People who used to keep their partner in the dark and sleep with other people behind their backs are now being open about it
I used to be in a threeway type of relationship thing, it was more fun than your average fuckfriend - but not something long-term obviously
>Tips fedora
it's called having a good time, you should try it before you get all pissy about it
since when is Sup Forums the borg?
we Brave New World now
Because fucking one chick is boring.
I've banged about 300 so far.
See flag, I'm a sexpat on vacation banging my brains out right now
I'm a manlet who is hung.
>t. will see limits of polygamy when he tries raising a family
> So you wouldnt care if your kids in future may be affected by things like nicki minaj or miley cyrus.
Any hypothetical children I'd have would be their own intelligent agents. They get to decide who to look up to.
> So you wouldn't care if your kids in future may be affected by things like nicki minaj or miley cyrus. So it wouldn't be a problem for you if your 11 year old daughter talks about, she wants to look sexy like miley cyrus and has sex with 20 different guys till the age of 18?
I'd say she's probably jumping the gun a little bit, and that her views might change by the time her morphology is capable of handling intercourse. At age 11, such claims wouldn't be grounded in reality because puberty hadn't set in. Kind of like how kids that little say they want to be batman
Also, having 20 partners by 18 is no big deal. I think I was at 10 or 13 or so by then. What matters is keeping up with your sexual health through medicine and contraceptives.
cause white women want white boi money while still getting BBC menthol cock. Fuck I dunno dude, the world is a horrendously degenerate place now even compared to just ten years ago.
Sex is the absolute most intimate thing you can do with another. Our rotten society has degraded it to the status of a mere amusement, but in fact it's a deeply spiritual act. To freely offer it others is a complete betrayal of the trust that exists in romantic union between a man and a woman.
why would i want to raise a family? some of us have different life goals, a family would stifle mine
It's not growing in popularity. Women are just trying to ensnare a beta provider while getting pounded by Chad. Whether the beta provider shows up or not, they will still continue to be pounded by Chad, so there's no harm in continue searching for the beta.
>modern way of life
You do know majority of men will lose in this trade off.
>inb4 huurduur I won't I'm alpha!
It's actually all legit studies you moron
The only way a relationship can contribute to society (in the context of romance) is if you have children. The best way to ensure a stable family and good(non-criminal) child is to marry a virgin, have a child, and have both parents raise it.
as someone who is 2dumb to read, can someone read it easily?
i tried reading a clockwork orange and it was just too exhausting
sex is only intimate when there's intimacy, there's also plenty of ways to have sex that increase said intimacy
but casual vanilla sex isn't intimate, it's just fulfilling a human need and then moving on it doesn't need to be intimate it just needs to serve its purpose
there's more to relationships and intimacy than sex, and intimacy and sex aren't mutually inclusive
intimacy also has nothing to do with the gender of the people engaging in those acts
It's pretty readable
>Clockwork orange
Problem with that was it's just full of british slang and made up slang by the teenagers in the book, which is confusing
Are you that German whos always posting anti-degeneracy with bible talk?
There are simple ways around this.
1. Find a religious white girl
2. Find an Indian or Asian girl with a mildly conservative upbringing (too conservative and her family won't let her date a white guy)
3. Date any girl, but never give her money or let her live with you for free. Sign a GOOD prenup if you get married. Bail the second she mentions polyamory
No harder than avoiding cheaters so it's not like this is a new thing.
Women don't really crave sex like men do. Sex is not very gratifying for the average non-deviant woman. To women, sex is mostly just a gift she gives to a man. Women are attracted to men the same way men are attracted to men: socially, not sexually. The orgasms some women can experience is really just a male orgasm. The clitoris is just a vestigial penis. The vulva is not anatomically related to the vagina at all, the actual vagina itself is nothing more than a birth canal. Embryos start off as "sexually undifferentiated", meaning it comes with the parts necessary become both male or female. Maleness is only activated if a y chromosome is present, resulting in the gonads become testicles instead of ovaries. The vulva is the embryo's penis/phallus template. Men have useless functional nipples they will never use for similar reasons. The female orgasm is sort of like a pleasurable "trick" some women can get themselves to do. Just like men can make their nipples lactate with enough effort. When a woman achieves this neat little trick, you can actually see her erectile muscles and pelvic area contract in the same way men do when they orgasm. These involuntary contractions are what pushes the semen out of the urethra during ejaculation.
Women just were not shaped by evolution to enjoy sex. "Female sexuality" is a mostly new idea that feminist invented.
nope i dont care about the text in the middle, its just about the statistics. Im agnostic not any kind of religious
people are capable of more than just raising families, relationships maintain social functions, not everyone is cut out to be or should be a parent
it's not a duty to society to pretend to be that kind of person and thinking people who aren't inherently that kind of person should be forcing themselves to try to be is a good way to fuck up future generations
pushing your morality on everyone is illogical because not everyone is cut out to fulfill the same role in society
it takes multiple kinds of people to provide a proper balance in order to achieve anything of value, everyone falling in line and doing the same thing whether they can or should be doesn't advance anything
>believing humans can create morals
WEW lad. If that's the case, who's to say anyone is wrong? Using that logic the criticism of Hitler and overreaching Germans, Stalin, genociding Muslims, ISIS, even Trump is completely groundless if morality is subjective and a thing to be altered at will. You're one stupid mother fucker
That's exactly it. You said it more succinctly than I did.
humans do create morals, they change with society and popular opinion and are based in philosophical and religious ideas, they're not laws of the universe you can break down into equations and prove the objectivity of
this is the stupidest thing I've read all day
> If that's the case, who's to say anyone is wrong?
Anyone who exists in, or is arguing within the same moral context as the criticized behavior?
>The muzzies will replace us within the next 50 years anyway.
And they all have multiple wives anyways.
So fuck it.
Oh sorry, I liked that kraut. He has passion and fire, rare in a german now a days.
daily reminder that non-open relationships is basically institutional intervention to prevent free-market competition.
I know it sucks if you're the cuck
High dopamine levels make people promiscuous and aroused.
High-speed living causes dopamine release.
High technology causes high speed living.
There's your answer. Here's a picture to make sure people read this post and actually understand what I said while proving the point.
I guess it depends on what you value in life. Personally sex doesn't mean so much for me anymore. The moment of ejaculation lasts few seconds. Sleeping around gets pretty boring. What attracts me more is the idea of re-creating my childhood for children I love. Passing on the traits I value in myself to future generations. Having people in my life who will stick around after a year or two. The idea of spending a Sunday afternoon doing outdoorsy stuff with family. The idea of being 70 and having a dynasty like Trump does. Having a grand-child sit in my lap while I read a good book in a comfy chair. I don't want to be some sad cunt lonely MDMA-induced Parkinson's 70 year old with tattoos and every HPV strain.
>this is the stupidest thing I've read all day
Not an argument
There is nothing you can really do.
also bear in mind that morality is taught not inherent, and it's dictated by culture
if morals were objective they wouldn't be subject to change or need to be instilled, they also wouldn't be subject to change through things like education and critical thinking
>t. virgin
It wasn't intended to be one. It was a good, old-fashioned insult.
Because there exist cuckold "men" who tolerate or even enjoy being in an open relationship.
There was nothing there to argue against, just your babbling bullshit feelpinions.
So obviously you disagree with it. So, prove that female orgasms are an adaption and not just a by-product of male orgasms like widely believed.
Okay, two questions:
1) What the fuck does "high-speed" living means?
2) How do we reduce dopamine levels?
3) How do we test the dopamine levels of a person? What's the procedure to do it, where do I ask, etc.
Sort of kinda not really. A traditional relationship is a contract that the man will be a provider in exchange for the woman being monogamous. So you compete with other men not only based on who is stronger and has better genes, but who has better genes for providing for a woman. Who is more resourceful, smart, socially successful.
If you're a man in an open relationship, you're still providing emotional support and perhaps protection and money to the woman, however you've cucked yourself out of the guarantee of faithfulness. So basically from the evolutionary point of view you got yourself a shitty deal. The only time open relationships make sense is when the guy can sleep around easily (like once per week) -- i.e. when the guy doesn't even need open relationships.
My argument was that "female sexuality" is based on the evolutionary adaption that makes men have pleasurable ejaculations. I never claimed that women can't enjoy sex, but simply that women who enjoy sex are sexual deviants and a woman playing with her vestigial penis (clitoris) is analogous to a man putting a breast pump on his nipples.
You faggots should be happy you get 10%
>they change with society and popular opinion and are based in philosophical and religious
First : you are far far away from any religious idea with your opinion
Second: My believe is that child murder is ok because Sup Forums some coool people said so and hurrr durr work is shit but dont criticise my morality because we are all different and have different views lel accept this .
you can apologize everything, if you say everyone can have their own moral standards.
You must be looking on okcupid and tinder or something where obly the absolute scum of the dating world look for anything
Hint: not everyone use dating sites
yes because cuckery is strong in our beautiful country. The SJW virus spreads from united states to germany and infects everything now. leftcucks everywhere.
Are you so bored nothing in the catalog interests you so you decide to shitpost? You have been doing this for hours now.
There are other boards beside Sup Forums on Sup Forums. Do you have no other interest than shitpost? If so, why?
He's probably a bot
Stop using computer, cellphone, internet, etc. Forget social media exists. Do not view pornography. Spend as much time as possible outside.
Pretty soon you'll realize just how important pair bonding is to our species.
As far as "testing" other people -- you can't. Best you can do is observe their lifestyle. Do they post selfies online and get lots of likes? Drop em.
I have learned that a lot of really solid girls have much less of a problem sharing a really desirable guy with a few other girls as long as she knows the others girls are at her level or above.
For girls who have control of their lives and want more than some stiff to pay their bills while they get fat, it seems to be a lot more appealing than just settling for some chump
exactly, it does, and values are personal things that shouldn't be affected by someone else's opinions on matters like sex
i have no desire to be 70
>dating profiles
There's your answer. Denegerates who use dating sites see personal relationships (and partners) as commodities.