>muh 16D chess
Muh 16D chess
Americucks are getting upset because Paul Ryan WILL be the next Republican POTUS
(in 2033)
>get vote on obamacare within 2 months of being in office
>decide to move on to things republicans will more likely band together for to wipe the smurk off the democraps
>revisit obamacare a year later with a better replacement bill
>trumpcare becomes law of the land
17D chess my cucked friend
Watch Ryan eat shit in his press conference and then tell me Trump lost.
But why make the big show of threatening and calling up Congress in the last 24 hours?
Face it, this isn't the outcome (((Trump))) wanted.
Sometimes the swamp drains you
(((Ezra Klein)))
>liberals kept trying to force the meme that it's TRUMPCARE NOT REPUBLICARE in an attempt to shift all the blame onto trump
>nobody buys the bait
>trump set it up such that when it inevitably failed ryan would be responsible
>paul ryan is the most vocal member of the nevertrumpers and everyone hates him
------>you are now here
>paul ryan is now ousted from power
>trump eventually comes in to say what a mess the republicans made with a perfect opportunity
>he sets up a committee to brainstorm a bill that compromises both sides and contains something for everyone
If Trump was smart, he wouldn't be fat.
>Make a shitty bill no one likes
>People won't vote for it so you give up and accept you failed
>Grand master plan is to try and make a bill people will like more and pass
>Somehow this is 17D chess
>Somehow Sup Forums sucks Trumps cock so much they actually believe that was part of the plan and won't accept he can ever be slightly wrong.
How did he play Trump exactly? Ryan created a shitty bill and all of his credibility is gone, Trump had nothing to lose after the media's non-stop shilling. Ryan, his shitty healthcare plan, and his (((moderate))) buddies all look like dickheads.
>Face it, this isn't the outcome (((Trump))) wanted.
>The man who became President of the United States doesn't know what he's doing
>the committee puts in a bunch of loopholes and it pretty much repeals itself, getting rid of obamacare and nu-care all in one fell swoop
>played Trump
nice grad school argument
Powerful men can't be fat. Only women and beta males can ever be fat.
Is Paul Ryan the most famous republican right now?
Thank God Ryancare failed and so will Obamacare!!!
Democrats and the MSM will go down with the sinking ship known as Obamacare!!!
Democrats now have to run in 2018 and 2020 on Obamacare dieing just like the Republicans said it would!!!
Any Democrat who crosses the isle to work with Trump will get destroyed by their own base!!!
Trump can now spend his political capitol on tax reform and sit back and wait for the Dems to come crawling!!!
Those in the White House... Thanks for doing the right thing!!! Now work on tax reform.
>Trump fucks the legislative agenda by dragging out appointments
>Legislative leadership doesn't pass his flagship bill
I love it. Deals with the devil always end like this.
>missed the part where trump always said the best thing they could do was to wait for obamacare to implode so nobody could call t good
>trump now can go "welp I tried" and wait until it implodes without looking like a psycopath
>gop get hailed as heroes after obamacare is replaced after it implodes
>gain more seats 2 years from now
17D chess indeed
>Trump dragging out appointments
>not Democrats
>ryan btfos himself
>soon to be replaced
yeah he really played trump
The Democrats don't have the fucking numbers to hold up confirmations and I'm talking about appointments. He hasn't even appointed enough people to fill slots.
Nice bite into propaganda though. Great critical thinking skills though.
>liberals kept trying to force the meme that it's TRUMPCARE NOT REPUBLICARE in an attempt to shift all the blame onto trump
wait you think that liberals wanted the republican party to be able to dodge blame for this?
you genuinely think that they don't like being able to blame the entire republican party for this failure?
have you, in your desperate desire to suck trump's cock, managed to convince yourself that The Democrats, in their ideal scenario, would love for the failure of a plan to be associated with exclusively Donald Trump and not the Republican Party?
>ezra klein
> have control of house, senate, and presidency
> remove individual mandate, the most essential part of ACA
> wait for it to implode
is that the Democrat's fault for making a healthcare plan, or the Republicans fault for dismantling it and "letting it implode"?
All while having a majority.
clarification nigger
>>liberals kept trying to force the meme that it's TRUMPCARE NOT REPUBLICARE in an attempt to shift all the blame onto trump
Oh sure, and if it succeeded, Trump would have taken all the praise. I guess that's what passes for 32D chess in your mind.
Trump appoints them. Congress confirms them.
Trump isn't appointing them. There aren't enough Dems in Congress to stop their appointment.
Fault is 100% Trump's. With the appointments trickling in like this the Legislature can't move on to other business as easily.
>a bill that compromises both sides and contains something for everyone
so obamacare