If Obamacare is so bad

then why don't the Reps repeal or alter it?

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sheer and utter incompetence

This is my wife's son you gave me a seizure. See you in court.

Because Sup Forums was right about the Jews.

because when i pay more for something it demonstrates my mad negotiating skills


Uh mods? This guy just assaulted me



Thank God Ryancare failed and so will Obamacare!!!

Democrats and the MSM will go down with the sinking ship known as Obamacare!!!

Democrats now have to run in 2018 and 2020 on Obamacare dieing just like the Republicans said it would!!!

Any Democrat who crosses the isle to work with Trump will get destroyed by their own base!!!

Trump can now spend his political capitol on tax reform and sit back and wait for the Dems to come crawling!!!

Those in the White House... Thanks for doing the right thing!!! Now work on tax reform.

Because they want it to fail and make obama look bad.

If they repealed it they would just get shit for repealing it. If they let it fail, nobody has anything to say to them

Because it hurts the Democrats politically. When Obamacare premiums go up a bunch in the next 2 years the Republican congress will gain a ton of seats. Then they can come back in 3 years, pass something that wont take effect until after 2020 and win big again for "saving us" from the obongocare implosion. Obamacare is literally going to kill the Democrat party. The plan was to intentionally fuck our healthcare system and then pass universal healthcare with Shillary, but then they lost the presidency so theyre fucked.

yeah fuk off

Go eat shit or w/e u do.

Obamacare premiums go up.

Democrats: "The Republicans caused this because they repealed key sections of the ACA without any way of replacing them. They broke it, then didn't do anything."

Republicans: "OOOPS!"

Voters sweep the Ratpublicans out of office.

Because Trump is completely useless, even with a House and Senate majority he couldn't repeal it, lmao

He can't do jack shit and all his supporters can do is stick their heads in the sand and say LALALAL I CAN'T HEAR YOU IN MY SAFE SPACE

The Republicans didn't repeal anything dumb fuck

>Because Sup Forums was right about the Jews.

That they are basically white people but edgier since they like cutting their dicks and can't eat pork?

Whites are just as devious and deceptive as Jews. They don't call Britain perfidious for nothing.

>Implying the fake news cares

Oh Kek, Chaos be praised.

>pro business
>anti muslim
>pro military/war
>offers his daughter to bear jew kids
>fuels the media 24/7
trump is a good goy.

jews are no his side but pretend not to be

Because they're making even more money than they did before Obamacare. Now we're just forced to pay private companies for insurance, rather than having the option

It's hilarious our charity hospitals are now gone and people are okay with it because of faux universal healthcare

Yeah, and he added 10 fucking trillion dollars to the debt. That's -$60,000 for every single american. Not. Worth.

Actually, they've cut some provisions through executive orders already. Cutting (some) funding.

But please, go on, tell me more.

Because it will implode on its own eventually anyway

Idealistic autists have infiltrated the R.

>see bubble forming
>not nipping it in the bud
>let the grow too large and explode tanking the entire economy

Sounds like a pretty retarded plan, but that's what you expect from the government and politicians.

I'm so tired, haven't slept well all week. You must be tired too, so much to worry about. Let's get some rest, close our eyes and sleep.

Why did Obama create the bubble and not nip it in the bud? Trump has only been president for how long?

get the fuck out you retard

>Why did Obama create the bubble and not nip it in the bud?
Because Obama didn't see it as a bubble.

Stay salty partisian cuck. Go eat trump's ass or w/e u do with your spare time.

retard graph


B-b-but Sup Forums told me that Obama was incompetent because he was a nigger and Trump would make America great again. Are you telling me that anonymous people on the internet would lie to me?

Are you actually retarded or just pretending?


shit i meant it for

The dealmaker-in-chief

Art of the Deal???

Dear god, my sides...

Donald's ultimatum flopped hard.

because there are a lot of old people on it but vote republican in the vice that it would hurt niggers and various types of brown people but it actually hurts them the most. A lot of republicans in congress know that their voter base will be upset if their ACA gets taken from them but the poor republican voters are unaware that aca is obama care. They want their jobs so they'll keep it and keep blaming Obama.

Both sides are kiked up to the neck to ever tell the insurance companies to fuck off and enact single payer and regulate drug prices so people can afford it out of pocket rather than having the insurance jew or die.

>samefagging your own shit.
>don't realize you have an ID and people can see you replying to your own posts
>calling yourself a retard

Fake poll numbers!

>single payer
This damn meme can you image the disaster government run health care will be in a nation filled with fat asses prone to all kinds of desieases it's going to crash the fucking system

You need to have a good understanding of US politics to understand it all, then you know why they're doing shit like they're doing now.

And no, there won't be a repeal, replace or a re-fucking anything. Not before 2020 when their seats are safe.

notice the sly omission of National Debt doubling to pay for half the other shit

because they don't write the bills they are front men for their masters

legal team from their corporate donors and globalists write the bills