What would a white only country be like
>no pajeets
>no blacks
>no muslims
What would a white only country be like
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white women would flee to the nearest black majority country
Middle is your average Swedish "man"
Like Canada was like when I was growing up, you mean?
terrible football
sage and hide shareblue threads
A Walmart-based Utopian society where the men are unknowingly controlled by capitalist Jews to become slowly cucked and hated by their own women.
Pretty sweet I'd say.
>extremely safe
>high quality of life
>cities are nice and clean
wtf are you talking about retard?
german and dutch whites are the best soccer players in the world
Is that Anthony Kiedis?
What would a blacks only WORLD be like?
Imagine that White genocide is successful, then what??
Do the Jews somehow escape from the "white" label they've glued on to themselves for so long, or after the generations and the marxism do they actually become the very whites they've taught the blacks to hate?
Or is there some single slippery moment when the jews re-enslave the blacks?
Do the Mulatto's become the new whites?
Do the chinks become the new whites?
Do we evolve darker males and lighter females? (hey look at male and female birds!)
Even in the Malcolm Gladwell (Jamaican mulatto)'s book he talks about how lighter skinned children are favoured. Do we re-evolve whites?
Do we plateau as a species and simply exist like this for millennia?
>thinks commieball is a sport
I think we need to liberate you.
I think in that scenario, kikes see themselves as the elite ruling class, while other races will be tightly controlled slaves, and the jobs they'll be forced to work will probably have to do with their race (asians do IT stuff, sandnigs work in construction, niggers will be house servants and work in the fields, etc).
Like the UK before the late 50s/60s (i.e. 99% of population white). Cultural, racial, regional and class differences were still there they just weren't defined by skin colour.
In bad times there were flareups between groups; Irish and scots immigrants vs english, Yorkshiremen down in the south, Irish immigrants in Scotland and vice versa in ireland, highland vs lowland scots. All that kind of shit. anti irish riots in Scotland.
US white culture took a while to develop, with mass immigration there was the same shit as in UK went with all kinds of immigrants; Swedes used to have their own Swedish churches, schools, shops for a few generations.
Differences that aren't there now because of even more different people would just get amplified, same problems with mass immigration no matter where it comes, only difference with Muslims is that it lasts longer because they only marry other muslims and there is more terrorism.
no blacks
no chinks
no muslim
everyone else is fine
so they would flee to yours?
There would be no slave labour.
>North Americans
how much do you get paid? 11/ hour?
>dutch whites are the best soccer players
you clearly dont know shit about football that would be spain
also >soccer eat shit leaf
Any homogeneous nation would be totally absent of the problems that multiculturalism brings. Look at Japan for instance. When people get arrested there are never arguments about discrimination. They don't have to have "diversity boards" to hire certain people for work, they don't need to clog their businesses with human resources to be sure they're diverse enough. There is never any demand that their art or media must have equal representation of different groups of people.
Politics are about ideas, and not about which racial groups are too under or over-represented. It's pretty amazing how many problems multiculturalism causes to a society. In a diverse society, nothing is about the ideas of things on their own merits, it's all about racial politics and fair representation.
Like America and Europe 50yrs ago
It's called Belarus and Moldova.
No, they'd do the sex tourism thing. Get it straight, Jamal.
You're a dumb nigger incapable of even basic research, as such would have show you that, statistically, the races by and large prefer to mate within their own race.
Fuck off with your "hurr durr white wimmins liek muh black cok" bullshit.
sauce me famalam
Like Japan, only better.
Kinda like japan, high rates of suicide and almost no reproduction
White birthrates are only declining because baby boomers are dying off.
Whites have always been a minority.
Oh my god that photo is hot, that's why I like going to the gym cus the black guys are the most muscular, and they seem to be the only ones confident enough to talk to women. I just walk on the treadmill and observe the black bulls and their alphaness. I can't even say hi to a girl without tensing up.
bicycle lock manufacturers would go out of business with nobody stealing bikes!
sales of bacon and pulled pork bbq would go up and curry sales down.
It would be almost exactly the same. If race didn't exist and all people were white, people would find other ways to divide each other into pointless categories. Nationalist boards like these would still exist, the only difference would be that the faggots who jerk each other off around here would be crying about "green-eyed animals" (or something similar) coming in to ruin their glorious countries instead of niggers.
You'd see a fuckton of right-wing blog posts featuring cherry-picked facts about how people of a certain eye color work less and commit more crime, mainstream conservatives would be sweating their asses trying to explain how they're actually not eyecolorist, liberals would campaign for eye color equality by forcing quotas on colleges and employers, and everything would basically remain the same.
like now...
or not.
Like Belarus
>no pajeets
fk u
i know i would
Poland. Pretty based.
or yours or mine, niggers are everywhere
>Terrible food
>bad music
>suncream sales skyrocket instantly
>implying slavs are white
To be honest, a white only country would be bored. thus, we can't blame them.
Most importantly
>no Jews
Le American dream
Bad music youtu.be
Poland, they got the traditional values too
go back to fucking your goat, ahmed.