Our TIP OF THE SPEAR has been broken. AJ has been forced to kiss the ring of our masters.
I was convinced that 2017 was going to be the year for the truth movement but I feel that this is now a war we can't win.
Our biggest voice has been silenced by a pervert pizza shop owner.
It appears that our owners will always be above the law and we will always be their slaves.
I dived head first back into politics last year after taking the red pill 15 years ago but today I am feeling like I set myself up for a big disappointment.
Is there still any hope for justice? We learned last week that the Deep state has been shitting on our 4th amendment and not a word about indictments or breaking up the Intel agencies.
How much worse is this going to get?
Anyone else feeling down today?
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You sound like a fucking retard. Get therapy before you shoot someone.
>Our biggest voice has been silenced by a pervert pizza shop owner.
what happened, blackpill me on this
You can't win. Resisting will only make it worse for you. Just submit to the Jewish Overlords.
>the truth movement
Alex came out and said pizza gate was fake news and that he fired people for talking about it
Tell the truth...he sucked Alefantis cock. It was brutal
This too
You lost. Deal with it.
Do you think getting a job shilling for David Brock would help?
It doesn't seem to be working on your retardation
Yeah I watched his statement too. AJ has been put down hard, he's scared indeed.
Woah wait wait .. hold up man.. what happened to AJ?
I know that Trump failed but what this have to do with AJ?
>Our TIP OF THE SPEAR has been broken
>Trump is still POTUS
fear not, child.
I've been losing longer than you have been sucking cock
Alex Jones is full of shit. He just happens to get it right a lot of times. Also his crazy shit allows freedom to report on wacky things that are unbelievable to the normies.
But he's still full of shit.
Pizzagate is fake news, repeating it on air is slander, and someone lawyered up and sent Jones a nice C&D letter.
go back to whatever r/ you frequent faggot
Open your third eye and let the power of your melanin guide you to happiness.
>full of shit
>happens to get it right a lot of times
these two statements cancel eachother out you absolute public school student
>everyone be like he's bent the knee
>but he's just made a tactical retreat
This is the single shot that the "gunman" fired at Comet. It "bounced off a lock", directly through a wall and into a server. Destroying the hard drive. The DC police "chose" not to take the drive, bullet still embedded, as evidence.
I realize he had to do it....but damn it was painful to watch
>our guy
It was hard to watch.
But it actually was a good idea.
Pizzagate is real. The fact that they are coming down on him so hard for things he didn't even say he supported from the get go proves it.
He has believed in Podesta/Clinton/Epstein conneciton and all those code words.
Its just that Alefantis was a stretch (still is to be fair).
He's said that since the beginning. Its better that he not jump in all the way if we want him to maintain (((credibility)))
wtf i now believe alex jones is a CIA puppet again
thanks user
This is a little disconcerting. I don't think they got to him, though. I think it's CYA.