Trump uses Ryancare as bait

>Trump uses Ryancare as bait
>Catches Ryan and the RINO cuckservatives off guard
>Republican voters hate it
>Gets shot down, Ryan looks like a jackass
>Dems crying about losing their healthcare are now calmed
>Trump is going to let Obamacare fail and make the Dems beg him to replace it
>New superior healthcare plan gets passed with bipartisan support
>Trump breaks gridlock and leftist tantrums intensify
>Cucks are still underestimating Trump's abilities
>We really will eventually get sick of all this winning


or just no health care at all

^^ this is true. Kek wills it and so it shall be done through his prophet, Trump.

>Trump's secret 52 dimensional chess strategy was to not repeal obamacare

you lost

>Trump's plan was not to replace Obamacare with Obamacare 2.0

fixed that for you

wow your mental gymnastics are quite incredible



Nah, we'll end up getting Randcare.

I work in health insurance in primarily Texas and have previous experience in other forms of insurance. Ask me questions and I will answer.

Pic for perfect health diet.

Kek wills it cause digits.

On a scale of 1-10 how garbage was Paul Ryan's plan

Why don't we just get rid of the health insurance companies?

About a 8.

It was literally a plan to just try to save face to democrats and also just null some of the rapid increase to health insurance policy costs. It would have been completely ineffective at all problems it tried to combat.

My office watched his speech after it was voted down and collectively gave it some jabs.

Health insurance companies were honestly designed in good heart. There is a trifecta of issues that cause it to keep rising.

1. Standard of living
2. Regulations
3. Insurance needs

The problem is all costs keep rising, and companies need to keep the money up, so costs rise. Doctors and medical facilities (literally bless 85% of them) keep undergoing further and further regulations which are fucking massive, have to charge more for treatment because of the man hours needed to just get treatments approved. Standard living is just for the fact people are more and more unhealthy.

Also, you can go to a hospital, say you have no insurance and want to negotiate your own payment. If you can prove you have money it'll work, it can just be a pain and a time sink.


Will Paul Ryan be swinging from a rope now? Career-wise, of course.

>Only 60 days in
>Expecting more done than Obama
Seems racist to be honest.

Like I said, I work in insurance, and I am not a politician so I severely doubt it.

This was a swing and huge miss, but I'm sure in their world he can be coddled by someone. Hell he could probably just switch to [D] and they would laud the win for conversion, heh.

Trump will push sinlge payer, screencap this






Witnessed, but as I am Insurance Bro for this thread, it will not happen for a long time.

You can literally "push" for fucking traveling to venus and colonization there, but that means shit. Insurance in the United States is fucking monstrous and while single payer isn't out of the question down the road, it will likely take 20-30 years to even get it prepared to be initiated.

There are some better ideas that haven't been utilized that could be enacted. They surely would before SP.

Btw, sorry I run out of images fast.

What is the best case outcome if Trump does manage to solve all of the Obamacare problems that are currently blocking competition?

Most likely this was the plan the whole time.

One potential stumbling block is if the opposition can successfully smear the failure on Trump. I doubt it though, NPR was placing the blame squarely on Ryan.

yes failing to repeal obamacare was clearly part of trump and the republican congress' plan

Honest to god, De-Regulation. I have multiple family members who work in medical and I work in insurance.

I fucking have to go, day to day, as do my family members, tip-toeing through the most retarded, stringent, lawsuit heavy field for the sole purpose of giving a person who has combination fracture to their left leg a drug that will combat deep vein thrombosis, which could fucking kill them in a matter of days. The process to approve this shit, can take between 4-7 days, this is fucking nuts.

Most of these programs are enacted to stop the boogeyman of employers from firing employees because they happen to find out that they may have some form of pre-condition.

I have seen people with a myriad of injuries have to wait months for treatment they desperately need. Sadly, I also see doctors who were C+ students request treatment they DON'T need, and get approved.

TL;DR: Sorry I ranted. Best outcomes are cheaper prices for all needing care, hospitals are able to provide more efficient and quicker health care, and insurance is able to do its job and be less intrusive.

Like I said, Obamacare 2.0 was not the answer

>Trump meant to be retarded!
>Trump meant to be retarded!
>Trump meant to be retarded!
>Trump meant to be retarded!
>Trump meant to be retarded!
Just keep chanting it until the impeachment/assassination.

Trump never did anything retarded you stupid fucking cuckold. This was all a ruse to lead Paul Ryan along and then get rid of him and shut down the rest of his RINO cuck buddies.

Really? Trump single payer? Wow.

If Trump is assassinated you'll still get Trump, just with a faker smile who hates gays

And you'll never get another Liberal president in your lifetime

what the fuck are you talking about? pence is a neocohen

You dumbfucks still haven't realized that all of Trump's promises were fugazi.


The mental gymnastics you Trumpcucks go through on a day to day basis as his clusterfuck presidency implodes in every aspect on every single day. Someone needs to study the depth and variety to which you are all mentally ill.

Your delusions have been noted. Now back to the cuck shed with you Schlomo.

It takes time to get shit accomplished in government you dense fuck

republishits literally had 7 years to come up with this

Obama would have vetoed them even if their bullshit neocon plan ever got passed.

He would still be loyal to most of Trumps policies

oh shit, I'm sorry, I completely forgot that up until now republicans only possible future planning involved Obama declaring martial law and remaining president for life

Hey faggot you forgot to include blatant violations of antitrust laws by both health insurance companies and healthcare providers.

Congress Republicans are the swamp you fool. There are very few allies in there, Rand Paul being the most notable. Neocon RINOs wanted Obamacare-lite. They still want it but Trump is not going to stand for it.

De-regulation is literally pointless unless you also address the violations of anti-trust laws and the reality that there's nothing in the system that creates any incentive to reduce costs. I cannot choose to go to a cheaper doctor.

You faggots are the one's with all the practice. You've been chanting that shit for king nigger for 8 years now.

>New superior healthcare plan gets passed with bipartisan support

true cuck spotted.

>trump's 24 dimension table salt was to completely fail to make a deal and not pass a healthcare bill despite his party having all three branches of government firmly under control and 7 years of screaming about how when they replace obamacare the new stuff's gonna be great

this famalam

>They still want it but Trump is not going to stand for it.
explains why trump tried to ram it through ASAP oh wait

>>Trump is going to let Obamacare fail and make the Dems beg him to replace it
lolling hard over here my good autistic mate
i'm sure that's going to happen any day now, much like the wall, muslim ban and so on

>two months in office out of his 8 year term
>allows lyin' ryan, a snake who has been snapping at his heels all election, to "have his turn"
>allow ryan to expose his stupid nonsense ideas that help no one
>now nobody likes ryan, sees him as a moron with bad ideas, wont accept his new ones for quite a while
>7 years and 10 months left to create a new, more effective bill now that ryan's no longer a petty rival

Trump knew it would fail to pass. He just wanted to be able to say he didn't try to obstruct his own party you fucking moron. Learn 2 politic

>Trump fails disastrously

This damage control is way too much for me, y'all are in more denial than libshits after the trump got elected

>openly supports ryan's bill
>does his best to make people accept it
>outright goes 'yeah i know ti fucks people who vote for me don't care'
>tries to rush the vote asap because he's a child
>gives up immediately when it fails

art of the motherfuckin deal guys mirite

>oh I know

>>does his best to make people accept it
>>outright goes 'yeah i know ti fucks people who vote for me don't care'
>>tries to rush the vote asap because he's a child
>>gives up immediately when it fails

He did one of these. Can you guess which one?


Yes, Trump will get a superior healthcare bill passed that isn't tainted by RINO neo-con bullshit. Trump has been laying the ground work for the wall for months already. The immigration ban (extreme vetting) is still being done. The courts don't have the power you think they do.