Why do unemployed, overweight, virgin men in their late teens to early twenties who watch anime...

Why do unemployed, overweight, virgin men in their late teens to early twenties who watch anime, play video games all day love Donald Trump so much?

Is it to be contrarian?

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They want to "trigger" leftists who are enjoying life, having sex, and have friends of all races. drumpf voters have nothing going on in their lives so they wanna see everyone else being miserable too


still butthurt over hillbag losing I see.

>Is it to be contrarian?
yes. this is the most contrarian population the world has ever encountered.

ahah that cake. top kek

Typical Sup Forums user right here. Know nothing computer "science" (hint: not a science) codemonkey obsessed with memes and weeboo culture and will be spending tonight naked in his bed alone crying while masturbating using his tears as lubricant.

Embarrassing. No wonder you losers are so angsty all the time.

Pretty much this.

Once I stopped being depressed, got a job, and got out in the real world, I stopped believing in the alt-right's bullshit and started seeing reality. In my happier, less selfish, less cynical state, just going on Sup Forums is like seeing conversations from another planet. You can almost feel how no one here leaves their basement.

The left "having" sex is a great meme considering their entire ideology revolves around demonizing heterosexual relationships.

Jokes on you faggot. I'm employed, thin, married, and in my thirties. Eat a dick.

>mentioning comp sci out of nowhere
I know you want to project, but this isn't really the board for that.
You've never seen a ghetto, have you

And once again, you faggots are replying to this shit. SAGE

I have, and I've also seen how right-wingers and their "tough love" would rather let them and the poor inside them burn than try and fix the problem.

Married men were more likely to vote for Trump actually.

Not taking your own advice, I see.

You mad that you're getting called out for being a fat NEET virgin?

Here's a bump to your sage.

Ok so the guy is chubby. So what? I bet he's a cool dude to hang with. He seems rad.

>angsty comp-sci undergrad exposed because he knows his career is a dead end

Sorry bud, I'll take my coffee with 1 cream. Plug.

So mad

Whilst this is kind of true society is still deeply unwell and the decline of the west is very apparent. Just look at the reactions to the attack in London. Sup Forums is retarded, but let's not pretend the left is any better. At least Sup Forums questions things and is funny.

Being out in the real world just makes me angrier at all the blind sheep. They just don't care that they are getting fucked cuz they have some bread and circus. I get laid and I'm still upset with the world. You can be angry and not br a fat neet in the basement. I hate these fucking shill threads. Go eat a dick





> Is it to be contrarian?
Generally, yeah. Trolls who enjoyed pissing off liberal stereotypes that take everything far to seriously, thus are easy lolcows.

There's also a mix of the old guard tin foil hatters, Ron Paul 2012, and stormfags. Contrarians also generally have a large crossover with GamerGate die hards who went to Brietbart for fairer coverage that pandered to them and swallowed the red pill rectally.

Age bias.

>Wal-Mart "Great Value" brand chips instead of Lays/Ruffles/etc
Right in the "I used to be a poor kid, then I got a scholarship to go to a $50k per year university and now I'm working in a middle class job rather than becoming a meme success story millionaire that everybody spouts and expected me to become because they don't realize how extremely rare those situations are" feels

>Why do unemployed, overweight, virgin men in their late teens to early twenties who watch anime, play video games all day love Donald Trump so much?
The same reason the vast majority of the military loved him.
"A majority of America's military troops are backing Donald Trump – with career-minded forces favoring him by a 3-to-1 margin over Hillary Clinton, a Military.com poll shows. The survey, released Wednesday, shows of more than 1,300 active-duty members of the National Guard or Reserve, 67 percent plan to vote for Trump compared with 21 percent who say they will vote for Clinton."
"Across all branches of military service, Trump had a strong majority, Military.com reported. A total of 17,149 respondents completed the questionnaire, the website reported.

A breakdown by service found Trump has the support of 74 percent of Marines and Marine Corps Reserve respondents; 68 percent of Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard; 68 percent of Air Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard; and 62 percent of Navy and Navy Reserve respondents."

You're wrong you stupid kike

I turn 27 tomorrow.

>brings up comp sci
so you must be a freshmen or a codemonkey

They're depressed because of the state of the world around them. They probably grew up wanting nothing but a wife, kids, and a job to pay for them, and then realised when they hit adulthood that left-wing ideology had already destroyed their chance of fulfilling their biological purpose. Suddenly, a guy appears who says he's going to fix America and they get excited. But the depression and hikikomori ways are so deep-rooted at this point that they have no chance of living their dream. They're stuck in a fantasy land where they think things are going to improve but can't see that they're still broken; that it's too late for them

Every white in every age group voted for Trump.

> At least Sup Forums questions things and is funny.
Do they actually question things though? Sup Forumssmokers will swallow a while lot of stupid bullshit because someone they view as "their side" said it.

They are willing to mock everything though. We tend to see this swing back and forth depending on who's in power. During the Bush years the left had a bigger monopoly on political comedy. Then Obama came in, PC obsessed feminists shamed the left into not making jokes. Trolls come in to ass blast them, and then politically side against anything that could even be construed as aligned with their lolcow targets.

Or they thought that America wasn't going in the wrong direction.

The Holocaust happened and jews were killed

Literally this.

Sup Forums btfo

for the lulz


Latent homosexuality

I wonder what it's like to be a Trump voter watching him fail and lose and lose and fail. (Oh sorry I mean "Win on purpose! Secret plan! 4D chess!")

I mean, when Hillary lost I felt bad, but I had my fulfilling job and rich personal life to fall back on. Trump cucks have NOTHING. How do they feel now?

>blaming leftists for their own shortcomings
pathetic. you shut ins were destined to always jerk off to anime, and envy the non white Chads who are plowing the girl you've dreamt about your entire life. you will always look for someone to blame while not ever improving yourself, and you thought Trump was a shortcut to it all, but even though he's president now there have been no significant changes in your life at all. You are still lonely, depressed, out of shape and socially autistic and always will be. You all honestly should kill yourselves and clean up the gene pool. you don't even deserve to be alive.

You're acting as liberals are the default underdogs.

I disagree. From my experience the liberals seem like miserable people bitching about everything. Conservative especially religious ones just post baby pictures and cook nice dinners and shit. Where do you live where its opposite?

>even though he's president now there have been no significant changes in your life at all.

It's only been two months.


>liking the winning candidate and the current president of the world

It's a club where social rejects can come together and feel important and like they're part of a greater movement. Somehow all of society's autistic rejects have attached to it, not realizing they're the very people who'd be first to go on the Day of The Rope. Autists and virgins over age 21 are subhuman.

Look, he clearly doesn't have much going on in his life and needs to distract himself with memes.

He finally has a meme president, just... just let him have it, man.

I work out five days a week probably more active than you are in a day, Hershel

Got a job at Home Depot while not at the university

>watch anime
Only faggots do that, also plenty of leftist cucks watch anime too. It's not reserved to one group

>play video games
It's the only thing I have to keep me from losing my mind in this shithole of a melting pot city

>Virgin men
Well you got me there, but I never cared for that even when I was a normie and Woild rather fuck someone I care about than just get caught up with a spooge rag who will either claim I raped her or give me the clap

Kill yourself

1. These people tend to "live" in the internet. Internet is their home. Modern liberal tendences, enabled by leftists in the governments all over the world, fucked up the internet quite heavily. It lost a huge portion of freedom of speech, and even games nowadays are made to appeal to feminists and lgbtqwerty people, who whine alot but don't even play these games, not even mentioning the fact that they're the minority, and the minority should adapt to cultural codes and way of life of a majority. It's a digital analogue of a person who comes into your house and yells at you because xe doesn't like the way your sleeping pajama fits on your body or some shit. And, say, Trump are heavily anti-PC and is pretty straightforward in his speeches.
2. These people are the product of the modern times, when the world took a turn to the left. Raised by single mothers, experiencing problems with women who're excessively mercantile and have no morales at all, and much, much more. All this negative life experience is there only because of how society has changed in the recent 20-50 years. They may not understand it, but one of the reasons is that they don't want it to happen to people who're about to be born and/or raised in the coming times.
3. They're stuck in the internet and don't pay much attention to the government's brainwashing machine, so the overtone window for them didn't move slowly like it did for the general population, instead it jumped for them the moment they actually noticed the insanity going on in the modern world because it messed with their little world and their hobbies. And what's going on at the moment is really quite scary if you think about it people used to say that normalization of homosexuality is the first step to normalization of pedohpilia. They were called lunatics and conspiracy theoritists, and now first steps to normalizing pedophilia are already here. All that "A disorder, not a crime" (we've actually went past this stage already)

Why do Jews love Hilldawg so much?

Certainly causes one's neurons to fire.

Kike fucking shill

I'm not even really sure what you mean by default underdog
Before Bush, we also saw PC policing in media under Clinton.

Yes, liberals tend to overshare their feelings online and conservatives try to keep it in the family. People are more then what they post on social media.

Holy shit an actual answer. Not bad ruskybro.

Also I swear to christ if I see another one of these fucking threads for every alt-right neckbeard you post I'm going to post 5 disgusting trannies.

not demonizing gay/trans people doesn't mean we don't like straight people you. i don't like mental illness trans people on twitter as much as the next Sup Forums guy but that doesn't mean I have to have an ideology from the 1800s

My problem is that these threads are full of faggot shitposters who work to bait people in (albeit they caught me with it) and it gets annoying.

They often associate us with a group that we already want no part of

now we're at the "It's a sexual orientation, not a disorder, we're not ill, we don't need help, it's just what we are, just like LGBT people. People who tend to fall off the real world into escapism for sure will notice that what's happening is exactly what right wingers warned everyone about years ago, and then you get their reaction.
4. Every sane person understands that destruction of whites is a destruction of human civilization. Before, people were told that fight against racism is not a fight against whites, so main populace kind of calmed down, but now "diversity means eradicating the whites" is not even a secret, it's in the mass media.
5. What's happening now is a way for these people to make their lives more interesting, because as you age, anime girls and video games slowly start to fail to fulfill your lust for entertainment.
6. It's just fun af. That's what Sup Forums was always about.

This is false, I'm well educated, have a gf and a well paid job and support trump

Then why are you posting here?
>Americans call this "chubby".

Try getting laid, you might mellow out

it's mainly self-loathing autist subhumans who post these threads

they're effective because they know how autist subhumans think and can tap into their existential agony of realizing their inferiority

>SAY IT WITH ME Sup Forums



Fucking thank you, and these people here are projecting so hard that we're all unfulfilled losers when a majority of the sjw and left wing retards at my university are ironically holding all the traits OP claimed

good stuff shill
here's mine

jokes aside, im late 20s already

I read a pretty good explanation the other day

Basically, the majority of people here are actually apolitical. They are easily radicalized, because they're desperate to believe that there is some sort of fascist conspiracy that they can rise up against.

gay sex is still sex

>triggered so hard by the truth needs to spam gore
Trumpcuck triggering has to be the easiest thing in the world

Yuck, all the girls here are abysmal or fat fuvks.

I don't have incredibly high standards but at least look like you try to be decent

>It's the only thing I have to keep me from losing my mind in this shithole of a melting pot city
read a book
take up a new an instrument
learn a new language

Maybe if you werent such an aggressive, bitter sperg, you'd be happier.

Yes. But at least they question the general narrative and beliefs of our time, and in fact everything since the 60s.

But yeah people here swallow anything that confirms their beliefs, including a lot of bullshit.

>admits he's a virgin

You must be new here.

>read a book
I'm reading enough books as it is, thank you very much

>take up a new instrument
Should probably try to learn guitar again, but switch out the metal strings for something that doesn't feel like shit

>learn a new language
I already have to learn Polish, Spanish and Russian what more do you want

Having pedophilic thoughts was never a crime.

And you wonder why people call you a fascist. You are literally, LITERALLY calling for the implementation of thought-crimes.

Tired of you faggot shills
Not a surprise that half of you homo's are leafs
What a fucking shit nation

>caring this much if people know you're a virgin or not

Literally everybody I know who owns a MAGA hat used to wear a fedora. I wish I was joking. I say this as a conservative.

Non-autists are proud of their country but don't bring politics into their fashion because they don't walk outside intending to cause confrontation. That's something children do.

It leads them to resent women because surely it must all be their fault, the fat blob who feels entitled to women just for existing is not to blame. That inevitably morphs into right wing views, gamergate is the perfect example of this.

spotted the commie

And yet you still need mindless video games to fill some hole in your life.

You say that you would lose your mind if you couldn't play them? sure sounds like an addiction to me.

People don't call me a fascist. Our Nigeria with snow is not progressive enough yet to accept such shit as a norm

hey look, you deflected

who would have thought

Hillary Clinton is a jew. Game over schlomo.

Spotted the feminist cunt

I had to get addicted to something so I could learn to deal with the millions of retards I deal with in the city when I'm not shitposting here.

lost virginity at 13 havnt gone a week without sex since, am 25

unemployed, nope. part time work in the cbd to pay for my dorm room at uni. degree is a double major in computer science and human resource management, with 8 business electives focused on product development, leadership and startups.

overweight, nope been weight lifting since 16. cant even get fat. i am in permanent ketosis thanks to my diet

anime, yeh because i enjoy it and i do what i want. have seen 70+ full series.

trump. yeh because american hasnt had a competent leader with REAL PROVEN business skill in forever. and he is also an estp.

i guess you got the early twenties thing right. nice.

I wasn't arguing with you, leaf faggot
Just pointing out a commie
You're rare on this board
only ever really see you when the shills are around

video games aren't going to fill the hole in your life

make some friends

Look at all this homo's comments
Just an embarrassment of shilling
Ugh, this thread is choked with shills
I'm out

You're not fooling anybody, paco. You're just as bad as we are.

I have very few friends, and those few people I actually cherish.

But they don't make up for the legions of inbred niggers, delusional liberals and pissants God has punished me with.

Have a fun friday night

Any contrary opinion is a shill.

You're either get paid for posting here, it this case you should be fired for being counterproductive, or a clinical retard.

It'd say the first, but you're canadian afterall, so

Pretty much this. Crept im doing all of that as well.

Do you idiots really think you're blending in?
This board is never like this until the shills come flooding in.
You see, your problem is, we're in here before you start your raid, so we can very easily see the difference in posters.
Leftists are so dumb.

Trumpcucks are in generally mentally ill cultists whose entire world view and devotion to trump and hillbilly neo-nazism represents a psychological crutch they've developed to cope with the reality that they are trailer trash failures in life. They are human cattle, incapable of independent thought, easily herded with jr high level slogans, memespeak and paid russian shill spammers with copypasta "edition" threads. There is a reason all their posts read like something written by a retarded 12 year old, every post a knee-jerk one liner combination of the same few buzzwords about shills, ctrs, deep states, etc etc. They are all as retarded and with the same personality disorder as trump, unfortunately for them they didn't inherit a huge trust fund from their slum lord daddy so all they have is blind devotion to the conman they live vicariously through and it will all end as badly for them as for him.


Times like this make me happy when I BTFO the shills petty projection