What ever happened to them?
What ever happened to them?
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No one really knows. One day they just marched off and disappeared into the muslim lands.
They're in Sarajevo according to the website.
They stopped for a Latte.
One girl was raped and killed in Banja Luka.
They are in Greece right now
got killed or captured by Muslims
They gave up when they reached Dresden.
go figure
They got told to knock it off.
Merkel advised them that the last time a bunch of Germans decided to walk into a neighbouring country, it didn't end well.
They are used for sexual pleasure for the muslim's pigs, horses and camels.
It is a curious mania not unlike the children's crusades.
Yikes: this isn't gonna end well
Someone tell them that their march is not diverse enough and they need to be more inclusive.
All I see are white people.
They were propaganda, never existed
We have a winner
Who fucking finances them? They have to pay their bills like everyone else don't they? How can they just don't go to work for months?
Donations probably.
Kek they're actually doing it the madmen
Either something like this. Or they gave up and went home
>go to work
just take a really good look at OPs pic
>Be German
>Listen to stories from grandma about how Germany is awesome
>Be proud of my heritage
>Look into German news and current events
>See tons of stupid shit like this
>Be sad
>Be Very sad
>be German
Just stop.
Why didn't they just fly to the Syrian border and then start walking? Why all the boring shit of walking though safe Europe?
Except this time they don't think that they are going to magically conquer their destination, they think that this will assist their destination in conquering them.
>not taking a backpacking holiday through Southern Europe while living off donations
i also member stories from my grandpa
they were mostly about the war but still
They're going to get told to fuck off at some point. probably by the roaches.
As soon as they enter turkey I give them like 3 day before something happens
This is going to end badly for them.
>germans do thing
>german women get raped
happens every time
>Children's crusades
This was my exact thought.
I'd like to think they'll turn up in Syria and get kidnapped en-masse to be enslaved and sexually abused by hordes of disgusting Arabs.
It would be a unusual coincidence if some of our airstrikes got mistargeted huh
>A bunch of sjw's , with the goal of "Serving Allah", march to their deaths.
They sure have a lot of free time
Wtf? Does it only take two weeks to walk from end to end of bosnia?
>what happened to the childrens crusade?
Not 1/64th German untermensch detected
Because it never happened
Half a kek. Clarkson tier.
Robbie Rotten gets it
> tfw missed their appointment to Sozialamt and got their welfare canceled
Does this mean less voters for election? We should encourage more to go to the land of peace.