What the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this?
What's the matter, bong, you thought your presse wasn't so lugen?
Shitlibs deluding themselves. Again.
Yeah ObamaCare was defeated today. Trump is a winner! A winner!
>tfw "drumpf is finished" articles are no longer funny
I'm tired of winning boys...
I got this too. Very unusual for the BBC to report like this.
> Ryan and his cronies write a shit show of a bill
> This is somehow Trump's fault
Kill yourself shill.
you cant make this shit up
Were you under the impression you weren't part of America Nigel?
Too bad, MSM already thinks the world is a Global Government
thank god
ryan can go shove his shitty healthcare bill up his ass
Is he gonna an hero?
No fucking way
Jebcore at its purest
It's Journalists not understanding how healthcare works. You would think they have 1 job....
"I support this bill 100%"
The Cuck in Chief
The truth.
Also this is a slide thread
>paul ryan gone
Its a knock for trump' authority.
he tried to play hardball (vote for this or you're stuck with obamacare) then pussied out at the last minute (realizes the bill won't pass, that gop will call his bluff.....sopulled the bill).
You can't dress this up as a positive or as having nothing to do with trump (i.e throw ryan under the bus).
>its sean spicer that i feel sorry for. Trump's regularly making him look like a cunt
BBC News is biased af
its actually pretty good compared to most media outlets in that it tends to substantiate its journalism and isn't so click-bait and soundbite orientated.
u cant expect anything less when this is his taste in music
>how bad is this for president bad ? very bad
How is this not bad journalism ? True journalism doesn't give opinions, it just states the facts.
Nigga please.
how new are you to the world?
journalism is inherently imbued with bias.
I remember when people were claiming that digital natives would have an advanced capaicity to navigate between competing truth claims via the internet and develop a clearer understanding in the world.
unfortunately thats never happened.
millennials seem to think that truth = a bunch of stuff I happen to like the idea of and isolate themeselves within echochambers and hugboxes
Seriously, nothing shows how stupid someone is more than them thinking DRUMPF BTFO because "muh republicans" wrote a shitty bill.
It's like bruh...was it REALLY not clear enough before that both shill-parties are against him?
But Obamacare is the law of the land? What is wrong libs your black bull Obama's healthcare law is going to continue to drag you to Hell with it?
BBC news is basically the British version of CNN.
Trump backed the bill and threatened those who didn't vote to pass it. That means he was 100% in support of it. This doesn't help him at all.
Jesus Christ almighty Americans are mentally retarded. What the fuck happened to you people? Why can't you think straight?
>Sup Forums will believe this without any sort of link because it makes them happy
what the fuck happened to you? a "white" country and you have double digit iqs
Looks like a post from fucking Miiverse
I worry about you people some times
No one other than the GOPe cucks liked this bill. I'm glad that it didn't pass. This hurts Ryan more than it hurts Trump, and Ryan needs to go.
Who knew healthcare could be so complicated?
you need to make these things complicated to cloak the communal pot problem
>I got this too. Very unusual for the BBC to report like this.
The BBC has always had a bit of a left bias but the tenacity of their anti-Trump campaign is really out of character. It's made me lose a lot of respect for them and made me think of there's been a bit of a Gell-Mann amnesia effect happening with the rest of their stuff.
How can human beings be so stupid?
Ryancare was Obamcare 2.0, it was shit anyway. Passing it would only be a victory for the Republican establishment. I hope the one guy in Trump's appointees with any actual insight into healthcare would have a say.
The average person is relatively retarded. Half the population is even more retarded.
>The BBC has always had a bit of a left bias but the tenacity of their anti-Trump campaign is really out of character
You're joking, right?
Why do you care so much about USA? embarrassing. You should fix your own shithole before you try to left-hook..
>2 days since a fucking mudslime fucking ran down a handful of people. Pic related, its what i imagine you look like. Kek.
>we're all fucked and stuck with obama care (except the politicians that voted on it they're actually exempt!) how ba dis this for BLUMPF
pulling the bill was objectively very bad for trump.
He tried to exert his authority over the GOP, fully supported the bill and it failed.
>Big British Cuck News trying to step in on CNN's territory.
Woah you best back the fuck off there britbong or we'll throw your fake news in the harbor. Only CNN is allowed to shill against our president.
almost as bad as when Obongo failed to introduce gun control
Honestly I've never seen a more mindless group of sheep than Trump supporters. They will interpret anything that he does as good even when it is clearly hurting him.
There has to be a paid shilling campaign to defend him at this point I refuse to believe people would stoop down to such levels of retardation to defend this guy.
how can a bill collapse?
The BBC is absolutely swarming with kikes. Infested.
What has trump done to hurt them? Ryancare would have been a disaster and you cant just repeal Obamacare without letting people die in the streets. not to mention you're asking for everything he promised in 2 months, where Obama did nothing for years
no its worse. republicans run both houses. Democrats didn't when they tried to put through gun control legislation.
GOP has been campaigning about getting rid of obamacare for 7 years....and when it came down to it they couldn't get their shit together
They also get more diverse every year. Soon only young tumblrites will write for the beeb
Because of the Neocon cuckservatives, do you want the rightwing movement to die because some cuckservative policy was shoved through? it's 2 months into the presidency faggot.
Bad for Trump, much, much worse for Ryan who is an establishment sellout.
Fuck off, Australia.
Is this what Trump meant when he said we'd get tired of winning? Cause I'm tired of all this bitching from these faggots because we're beating them so hard.
if it was so flawed why did trump back it 100%?
it makes him look weak.
he dun goof'd
He backed it so that the conservatives would actually write a good bill, but if he thought it was perfect he would have just pushed it through like Obama did with his healthcare. Trump is so many levels smarter it's sickening and dumb fuckwits like you are the garbage that the MSM uses for its retarded policies
>there are people in this thread right now who have not read The Art of The Deal who don't realize Trump won
If you're older than 30, you'll realize this happens fairly often. Only real exception I can think of was Obama.
The man who was voted president because he was black and just how the democrats wanted to win again because she was a woman the left are the very definition of sheep eating up the garbage the media feeds them too stupid to realise what's actually going on.
Bullshit from the wrong side of the planet.
It's an honest observation -- it is truly very bad for Trump. He promoted himself as a deal maker and now in his first major attempt, he can't make a deal. He's torn between:
- being a populist who looks after the people
- being a conservative who believes in small government and freedom for corporations.
Now he's learning he can't be both of these things and with the current state of the Republicans he might not be able to be either, which means Obamacare stays (which isn't the worst thing that could happen).
Politically, this is a very bad failure for Trump. Even Sup Forums has to admit this.
>he would have just pushed it through
that's what he tried to do. he backed it 100% and threatened to leave obamacare in effect if gop didn't back the bill......and it got pulled because he still wasn't able to exert his authority over the gop sufficiently for the bill to pass.
if that's smart I'd dread to see what you think stupidity entails
8 years of a president that looks like their wife's boyfriend was just too much for their already fragile brains to handle.
>Even Sup Forums has to admit this.
good luck with that. Trump's obviously playing 7d chess......
the BBC meme has to end this is ridickulous
The Big Black Cock News seems to be operating under the impression that Ryan is Trump's ally and an asset.
>wake up
>check phone
>phone is literally sending me anti-trump notifications
Right because having the cuckservative Paul Ryan leading the writing of the bill would have been such a good idea? it would have been Obamacare 2.0 but now that it's dead now that he's threatened not to touch it again people are likely to actually come together and make a decent healthcare bill
Just as planned.
Celebrate, Democrats. You're digging your own grave.
>shitposters admit they're wrong
No, their divination of 1/10/post from a thread of 300 posts said other wise.
'Impartial' state funded media
Democrats own healthcare now. Obamacare is going to only get worse like it has been. After next year we'll see even bigger premium increases and rising deductibles savaging the middle class and democrats will get raped in mid term
It is objectively bad for Trump, stop being delusional. His biggest promise was that he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with "the best plan ever" that would "cover everybody". Instead he tried to take away healthcare from millions of people and make it more expensive for everyone else just so rich people could get huge tax cuts. He even had a republican controlled senate and house and still failed to pass it. He's a fucking loser.
>people are likely to actually come together and make a decent healthcare bill
but that's down to fluke rather than strategy or tactics......if that indeed happens
you're right that all journalism is imbued with bias, but good journalism still tries to remain impartial. headlines like OP's aren't just biased though, they're actively trading on people's gullibility and trust of the media to push an agenda. news like this isn't news at all, it's nothing more than propaganda.
See . Politics take. time. Apparently it's your first election you've ever followed and you're a fucking retard if you legitimately think any politician can or will ever do everything they promised over time. Obamacare will implode.
Paul Ryan is garbage everyone knows that, and Trump said that he would turn down a bill if it didnt feel right. Now it's ryan's fault not Trump's the power dynamic is shifted and the cuckservatives are pretty much screwed
or.....you get the masses complaining that a gop that controls both houses can't get their shit together and reform/replace it like they've been promising for the past 7 years. Trump literally said he would repeal it as soon as he steps foot in the white house.
there's no positive angle on this mess.
its objectively bad
Yes, of course, because the American electorate is known for its long memory.
He fucking froze Obamacare dumbass were you not screaming your head off as the executive orders were put into place or have you already forgotten?
Who the fuck are they going to vote in? More democrats who support a failing
program? Jesus Christ it's like you retards have followed a single election cycle your entire life.
It took Obama 2 fucking years to get Obamacare through and that's with all of the democrat controlled congress sucking his cock. Two fucking years. And Obamacare was one of his flag ship points
>Trump said that he would turn down a bill if it didnt feel right
which he didn't do. he backed it unequivocally and put his perceived authority on the line......which was a massive mistake.
jesus, its like talking to a brick wall. can you even tie your own shoelaces without assistance?
Good analysis.
This is wrong.
Trump is now the president and they own all houses. It's up to Trump to get things done. He got elected on negative campaigning and blaming Obama / Hillary, but the time is over for that. The current state of affairs is now his and he has to be answerable for it. He just happens to have an impossible situation where the interests of populist equity can't be reconciled with the freedom caucus and fringe conservatives. This is amplified by Trump's own lack of political experience. He doesn't know how to satisfy all constituencies -- only how to assert himself on gameshows or arrange for cheap labor and tax breaks on building projects.
>Bill fails
>All Ryan's fault because Trump had nothing to do with it
>Trump concedes that the bill is shit and the left thinks they've won again
>Ryan takes the blame for the bill
>Idiot libs rejoice thinking they've won a battle
>Trump proposes Trumpcare
>Bill is great and passes
>Dems BTFO
>Ryan BTFO
>Obamacare BTFO
>"Muh ObamacareLite" BTFO
he dind't need to back it so enthusiastically, lobby so hard for it and put his neck on the line.......it completely undermines your "3d chess" ideas.
he's had a very bad day at the office.
He's the president he has no power in legislature