Why do autistic anime and video game nerds flock to Hitler, fascism, totalitarianism...

Why do autistic anime and video game nerds flock to Hitler, fascism, totalitarianism, and extreme right wing/conservative ideals? It's a very strange phenomenon to me.

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The True Believer


Same reason normalfags flock to Bernie and Che.

>"Why do autistic anime and video game nerds flock to Hitler, fascism, totalitarianism, and extreme right wing/conservative ideals?"
>Implicitly implying implications...
Most of us just want something to believe in that's greater then ourselves. We don't get that kinda feel from our post religious, post national, multicultural "countries." And we ain't stupid enough to fall for Marxism.

Because it's funny

And there isn't a more insulting sentence to tell people than "Hitler did nothing wrong"

brazilian shemale detected

A stupid ass with no kids?

It's actually not as complex as you might think.

Video game playing degenerates become obsessed with anime.

Anime is cartoons made for Japanese children.

Japan was an Axis power.

Hitler and nazi iconography is often presented as counter-cultural and sorta bafoonish, but ultimately the brave and strong outsider in Japan..

Japanese children have no associations of "WWII = holocaust. Nazis = genocide" because that's just not where their history books are.

So you start with video games, and end up with someone whose education is on-par with a Japanese toddler's.

>Thinking people actually believe that

It's just Sup Forums attitude applied to politics. It's contrary, inflammatory and edgy all in one. It's also a way to lash out "normies". If you think anyone seriously thinks these things, and is planning to join a real revolution, you are kidding yourself and getting trolled.

Have you even seen Hitler's Gamerscore?


While some of it is memeing, it's not just that. There are people here that truly believe Hitler was in the right and unironically believe in some form of fascism. Not that I'm against that notion, for the record, I fully agree with them.

The average IQ is average because half of people have a lower one.

Some retard formed a cult, lost a war and murdered a buncha his citizens. There isn't anything to value, there. You are either saying those things because your sense of humor is kinda lame and you think it's a good joke, or because you score very low on IQ tests. There just isn't any way around this fact.

It's very simple. "Anime nerds" and their ilk see that attractive men and women have a lot of fun under democratic political systems, so they want democracy to go away so that they'll have less fun.

Why would they not have fun under a one party state? The German people certainly seemed to be living it up prior to the war under Hitler.

>be on autismo spectrum from autismo-light to Quantum Autism = little social distraction
>be vidya gamer
>be internet addict
>be decently intelligent & curious, wanting to learn, study and research
>school is for normies and cucks
>study, research, read and learn continually
>find the truth or near-truth to a lot of things
>be irrevocably redpilled
>cri evertiem

picrelated, it´s (you)

I agree with hitler and have an IQ of 129

Spoiler alert? If you score under 130 on those online IQ tests? It's because your IQ tops out around 90.

Fuck off shill

>Waahhhhh anyone who disagrees with me is being paid to do so
>Because I am literally incapable on conceiving of the possibility that someone disagrees with me
>b-b-but I have a high IQ, I swear!
Yeah, by the way? People with intractable opinions mostly suffer from a lack of imagination, because they have a low IQ.

It's weird how anime weeb fags are also incredibly racist towards asian's and hapa's. It's also weird how the redpill meme of the far right stems from a Movie about a mongrel

>Learn to read above a 4th greade level
>Read up on the basics of history
>Read the basics of economy

Bing bang boom and you're a right-wing nazi

Anyone with any basis in reality is a goobergate nazi

>There isn't anything to value, there
please. Hitler had nothing to value? You don't understand Nazism enough to criticize it, and I'm not even a Nazi.
you may want to rethink your IQ rhetoric.
intractable opinions is a staple of the modern left. At least the 'Nazi's' here will engage you in conversation, if you challenge them correctly.

Yeah and being a literal Nazi has nothing to do with left or right. We all think you're retards. Know why? 'Cuz you're retards.
>At least the 'Nazi's' here will engage you in conversation,
Wow, what a valuable gift you offer to the world.

No one cares what you think.

>engage you in conversation

Yeah then get dumpstered for your shitty un-defendable positions. Usually by pic related

Because it offends SJWs.
Nobody here actually is pro hitler.

Reddit is bored today I see.

Im sorry, but holy shit that name. It's like he took a porn photo and overwrit the shit with a picture of Hitler

nice stretch there.
more like those that are interested in anime and videogames are already social outcasts that reject the reality offered them, mostly because they see past the fake smiles, fake news, fake social structure, and are more readily able to think against the zeitgeist and make an informed decision themselves, which is why they naturally gravitate towards the redpill, and in seeking out other outcasts online, find that others have come to the same conclusion. it is the nature of the ugly truth, no one likes it, its not pretty and fairly terrible, like most anons are. but the redpill/truth persists because its the bottom line, theres no layers or veils past the truth, so propaganda gets washed away and you find yourself saying hitler did nothing wrong and believing it, but mostly because it triggers normies whom we hate.

They are fedoras manipulaed into worshiping men instad of God.

>you're retards
>Wow, what a valuable gift you offer to the world.
>No one cares what you think
Loving the snarky liberal buzzword starter pack. It never ceases to amuse me how leftists can argue with nothing but adhoms and middle-school tier insults as they mentally block any opposing viewpoints and still think themselves enlightened in all kinds of political discourse.
Lurk a while longer, you might learn something. Exposure to different points of view is good for you.

>liberal buzzwords
You conspiracy-addled mind is confused, again.

Calling you a retard and mocking your sense of self-worth aren't liberal ploys. They're just what people do when you say things that are stupid.

From the perspective of the consensus, Hitler is not just "some retard", he is the Ultimate Symbol of Evil. Stalin and Mao are not, despite being arguably as bad or worse. There is a narrative at play for which Hitler is useful, and they are not. In that narrative, race is as much a social construct as class; and yet, a man who murders millions for a race-based ideology doesn't enflame the same passion as a man who murders millions for a class-based one.

Our interest is ultimately the destruction of that narrative, which puts all real discussion on race and sex out of bounds, which corrodes our social bonds, robs us of purpose, and unites us around nothing more than shared hedonism and narcissism. Every taboo it puts in place must be broken, every thoughtcrime committed. Its time has come.

And so, race is real, Islam has no place in the west, there are only 2 genders, and somewhere way beyond that, the final taboo, Hitler Did Nothing Wrong. Some believe it fervently. I don't truly, but I will shout it from the rafters if I have to, until the conversation "he did several things wrong, and several right, and lets honestly talk about what they were" is something that can be had in the light of day.

You claim to have IQ of 129 but then proceed to say you believe in one of the most flawed ideologies in the history of this fucking planet. Oh yeah, and my IQ, physically tested, mind you, is 140.

i think you missed the point

This is one of the better posts I've read on Sup Forums. Don't have anything to add, but I've never articulated this viewpoint this succinctly and I think you did a good job of it.

>one of the most flawed ideologies in the history of this fucking planet

How so? It turned Germany into an economic powerhouse astonishingly fast after being in ruin and made their military so powerful it took most of the world to stop them. Yes they lost in the end, but you can't just say "it was flawed" when it obviously did a hell of a lot right.

We like the idea that theres more to live than material shit, degenerate porn, and acting like a child.
The pride of being a man who takes care of his family, not because he has to but bcause he is proud and he wants to. The woman who loves herself, her children and her man. She lives to take care of her family and nothing brings her more joy than the smile on their faces.
The emotional connection of small communities that we were all robbed of by a globalist ideal that has ripped us away into day care, and marxist TV programs from day one...
We are tired of being zombies floating through a soul-less society.. we know that there is more to life than diversiy and trans-pride. And most of all we want to live in our own communities and be left alone without being called racist for having any shred of self determination.

It goes without saying that people stupid enough to be addicted to children's entertainment such as anime or video games despite being adults (perhaps due to autism) will also be vunerable to other forms of idiocy (like supporting trump). sad

consider a different point of view user

The beliefs were flawed. They literally tried to frame Poland to justify an invasion to take the country. I am not talking about how their miltary was ran, that, as you said, was done a hell of a lot right. I am referring to the actual ideology in it's self, which include anti-semetics, corruption, and aryan supremacy.

Because beauty is dead.

Eh, both of the candidates were utter shit, Trump was just less juicy.

stilll believes everything is satirical

muh satirical dawg

That's because you made it up in your head.
>everyone I don't like is a nerdy beta so I can feel big
We are legion.

>"Exposure to different views is good for you"
>browses the largest circlejerk community on the internet

The ideology was pretty much what led the German people to the economic and military power they were able to build though.

Also I don't see anything inherently wrong with anti-semitism if semites are openly trying to destroy your country, or anti-anything if again it's posing an open threat to you and your people. Same with aryan supremacy, what's wrong with having pride in the greatness of your people? Aryans are objectively superior to a lot of other peoples, it would be hard to argue what the "one true master race" is or whatever, but I don't think many sane people would scratch their heads over thinking about if aryans or east asians are superior to subsaharan africans.

Why do retards like you flock to the most failed ideology in history aka Marxism that has continuously backfired on itself?

Correct me if i'm wrong, but i THOUGHT most Germans didn't agree with the ideology, and that it had been implemented slowly. And to me, no race is lesser than another, some may be less developed, but they are still humans.

But at is not strange at all mr.normie, sir!
Because we are out of the "loop", no social economical or religious shits given, that we can see the bullshit for what it is.

and so we can proudly proclaim that mr.hitler is innocent of all wrongdoing.

Most RTS video games are basically fascism simulators.

You as the player occupy the role of a dictator with absolute control over the army and the economy of your faction. Success tends to be determined solely through military conquest. Committing atrocities like killing the enemy's workers and civilian structures is generally required to win. Diplomacy, if the game even includes it, is only ever a means of buying yourself time to build up power to attack your former allies.

People who grew up playing Age of Empires or Command and Conquer are pretty much programmed to support militant authoritarianism.

>Posting the edited version

>Why do people who seek escapism in often violent mediums of entertainment flock to ideologies that are often violent and promise to fix all their problems

rely mkaed u finnk

You can thank pro-censorship social justice warriors for that.

The fact that you're even here disproves your whole point

gayest post ever

Is that a bad thing? Gotta love me some civ.

the fact that one exception exists means the rule isn't valid? Sup Forums is definitely one of the biggest circlejerks on the whole internet.

They think women and Jews in their hobbies is a crime and so want to get rid of them. That said video games are for manchildren.
Normalfags don't like those guys. Reddit nerds do. You don't know what a normalfag is.

>high quality post
What's going on??

Not exposed to the jewish media mindwashing machine.

True dat

He also brought about an economic recovery almost unknown in this, or any other age. Germany went from people bringing barrowloads of cash to buy bread, to almost ruling the world. There is actually a lot of value there.

It is because of this that this legacy is suppressed above all. You cannot have countries simply recovering from debt slavery. Our masters would not approve.

Idk. Without the upvote-downvote system and a lack of political police moderators, I'd say you have plenty if opportunity to speak with dissent.

By nature every community has a preferred outlook. Sup Forums is no different but it does little to actually systematically (by either users or mods) silence opposition and perpetuate circle jerking.

Other places are designed to only allow certain ideas to be shared or even seen
At most here you have thread bumps.

I think the illusion of Sup Forums being a circle jerk is based on it having that preferred position that happens to be relatively eccentric. But by no means does everyone here submit to what OP listed. In fact, I wouldn't say a majority of comments were in those categories. Just the original posts tend to lean in that extremist shock direction.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Sometimes you must do some "evil" deeds like killing 6 gorilian in trying to save Europe.

You cucknadian don't even understand, since you don't mind preping the bull and letting you wife get filled up with nigger cum, I get that... you don't mind cleaning up after the bull fucked your wife.

But the real question is how do you want your country senpai?

Safe? Productive? Where human deceny and some sort of moral code, where people are free to grow and develop into something more?

Well sometimes you just have to send milions of your own men, to stop those that would harm you, manipulate you and your family. So that your daughter is free to choose, and grow up a functioning adult.

Hilter did nothing wrong.
Hitler wanted to create a Germany for Germans, a Poland for Poles, A France for French.

Look at whats happening today
Germany is for more for turks,syrians,iraqies
France is for Algerians, Tunisians
Britan is more for Pakis, Niggers and other Mudshits.

And Sweeden is no longer for Swedes.

Hilter wanted to create a Europe for Europeans and to have leaders that would rule in the best intrest of the people nationalistic spirit.

You've been fed too much of that bull cum, you've been normalized to be ok with arabs pushing your agenda

You've been normalized to be ok with Niggers passing their genetic agresivity and lack of coordonation to your children by fucking your daughters.

And you know why (((they))) want this? Do you know why??

Divide and conqure... the more voices that are in a room that all yell and scream.. the more voices that speak one againts eachother, the easier is to take the power in the room.

United we are strong.
Divided we are cattle waiting for the cull.

I wish that's was true my adipose rich friend but its the exact opposite.

Regarding Poland and the invasion. I just learned this and you are not gonna like it. I too thought the Germans false flagged to invade Poland by pretending thier soldiers were attacked by Pols. That literally had nothing to do with it. Here is a quick tl'dr version.

>Germany loses WW1
>Allies give Poland Eastern part of Germany
>Poland wants war and starts killing, beating and attacking native Germans in new Polish territory around 1938ish
>Hitler is pissed and asks Allies (UK & France) to help with the "Polish Problem" in MAR 1939
>Allies do nothing, Murder and attacks continue on German people
>Poland mobilizes for war
>Hitler and Germany despite trying to resolve peacefully with Poland and Allies have had enough
>From German perspective the are liberating their own people from Polish oppression and they are not wrong
>Poland severely underestimated German third Reich Luftwaffe and Vermacht and get their asses handed to them
>During invasion Pols kill up to 5,000 German civilians men, women and children per day until Poland is defeated
>Germany rounds up Polish genociders and shoots them via firing squad
>Hitler makes speech about what German soldiers found.... thousands of innocent dead civilians.

History has more context than Germany = evil and Allies = good


>functionally semi-autistic guy like me goes to clubs/raves etc.
>just wants to be normal
>talks to gorgeous girl for 10 mins.
>she's polite but unsure
>chad walks by and sees what's going on
>chad calls me a weirdo freak loser who should stay locked in a basement
>chad beats me to a pulp and leaves me for dead
>I notice the lights of some kind of rally
>hear trump declare himself as god emporer and supports our plight
>trump reveals just how rigged our world really is

Fast-foward to the future

We know who you are, and why you do this to us.

We will strike back.

04. 14. 17.

>Look at whats happening today
>Germany is for more for turks,syrians,iraqies
>France is for Algerians, Tunisians
>Britan is more for Pakis, Niggers and other Mudshits.

because hitler ruined the public perception of nationlism you dumb crypto kike. hitlers little project layed the ground work for the destruction of europe today.

Hitler was basically an autistic artistic retard with no connection to reality or logic, so of course they flock to him.

Socialism. Many troubled people find comfort in Socialism.

> Sup Forums is definitely one of the biggest circlejerks on the whole internet

Not even fucking close

World was fine until 20 years ago, the fear of all right war againts (((their))) ex-puppet who didn't want to fall in line Soviet Russia

>yfw The Great purge implyed the killing of the Jews and their Goys as Stalin feared (((they))) would replace him since he was Georgian Goy, and not a Jew.

You call it his little project which failed.
Everybody knew that Germany couldn't fight a long war, and the war wasn't lost because of Germany.

It was Japan that failed and fucked up. The High officials in Germany saw a weaken soviet Union, And wanted to free Russia from the Bolshevic jewish puppet masters.

It was Japan who lost in Mongolia that forced them to get out of Syberia, and later it was Japan to attacked a USA who didn't give two fucks who won in europe as long as it could empty it overproduce shelves.

Nationalism is not dead, look Poland, Look Finland. Look Japan... It's the western world who was cucked and is cucked even to this day. You think France is a socialist state because of muh "conservative, nationalistic values"

Think again

oh hi Achmed

Pic related

Oh please.
What ruined nationalism is the kikes that Hitler didn't finish off writing the history and pushing their narratives.

Soviet Russia was objectively worse and had bigger genocides (Holomordor) but it's still socially acceptable to call yourself a Communist simply because they didn't specifically target the kikes.

Yes, Hitler just accidentally tripped into becoming one of the most influential public figures of all time and saved Germany from it's great depression by accident. He was a retard.
His only flaw during his reign was not trusting his generals enough, but with all the assassinatoin attempts and coup d'etats he lived through you can't really blame him

>It was Japan that failed and fucked up

don't forget to include yourself, piss France. You were a terrible ally to Germany

says the fag who thinks all the races are equally intelligent and capable

Funniest part of your post is that there's a significantly higher ratio of Muslims that love Hitler and National Socialism than there is of whites (or non Muslims) that do in today's times.

>why are smart people intelligent?

>leftwing retards continually blame white guys for this when its coming from asians

muslims only like Hitler because da joos. They could care less about NatSoc

Romania,Sweeden,Norway were just puppets small puppets that saw an oportunity to grow as nations.

Romania provided Oil
Sweden and Norway Steel and Iron.
Japan was best ally by killing Rubber colonies of France and Britan.

Thats why France and Britan couldn't stand a chance, It was Murica that took the time to developt artificial rubber after Japan ocupyed Indonesia and killed Rubber trade to the allies.

But like it or not Romania was best ally to Germany we killed our fair share of Jews without hesitation and we fought along side our Ayran brothers.

You should be more Thankful to your germanic heritage.

them anglos-saxons or bongs... germanic by nature.
Them franks germanic
them germans that imigrated and made Murica great...

But you should really look into this, Japan fucked by not maintaining land war in Syberia to split the Soviet union atttention to fight on two fronts.

Germans would have had time to push into Moscow as troops in Syberia redeployment to the west would have been almost impossible if Japan wouldn't have been cunts.


Mostly that, but Ba'athism has similarities to National Socialism although it has more Marxist elements to it.

I like you, leaf. I will rake you last.

He was right up until he started slaughtering innocent people.

Social outcasts.

>be me
>have to finnish an iq for a additional job requerment
>IQ is 142
>Riga Technical university graduate
>Know 4 languages
>Unironically believe Hitler was right and Fascism is better alternative to communism, corporate capitalism or a democracy which will always become a corrupted oligarchy which elects people like Bush jr.

Your assumption is flawed and honestly retarded if you base all your belief and argument on the "Holy IQ"

It is literaly equivalent to liberals claiming to be gay or gender bonkers.
Both are signs of ignorance and immaturity.

>Anime is ignorance
I can understand immature, but you know they're just television shows, right?

I think an entire political ideology and the ensuing world war it sparked that forever changed the entire world is a tiny bit more complicated than views of gender and homosexuality but okay