So basically your boss will know EVERYTHING you do on your computer 24/7?
So basically your boss will know EVERYTHING you do on your computer 24/7?
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>implying anyone would actually believe my browsing history
Fuck, My ex girlfriend will know that I watch her porn videos...
Fire me then. I don't give a fuck.
Hahahaha maybe in America
Us Europeans are protected by the EU
Which mea-
Oh shid.
hope he's into gay midget furry bdsm
you need to go back
Can I watch them too ? Link plox !
i thought americans hated socialism?
You guys realize this is going to be a tool by corporations to weed out hiring people with "wrong" opinions
ISPs have no power over TLS/SSL.
All they know is the domain you connect to.
This is funny if you didn't want this and if you are a taxpayer.
You're dead wrong.
Nice counter argument.
Basically this
We also hate our communist, anti-American government.
But on the upside perhaps you could put pressure on things like this during our assorted post-brexit deals.
>use ISP
>company sells your data to everyone
doesn't seem like communism to me
I agree with his sentiment about Ted Cruz but why insult his looks to justify it? Just use examples and facts. It makes your case stronger.
Other than that, it was a decent video and glad he offered solutions at the end. I'm actually surprised that /pol doesn't care more about it desu. This is another round of the SOPA shit but without the campaign against it.
When you realize that corporations are considered people, it will make a lot more sense to you.
All the isms converge toward transhumanism, just by different paths.
Was corporatism really all that different from communism? When Lenin reformed the collectivization of Russia's farms to keep the revolution from falling apart, wasn't the excuse that they needed enough capitalism to power the economy to the point where Marx's magic dream could take place and it would turn into commuism?
Go to any -ist country and you'll find that money talks.
what does that have to do with anything?
>Old people who can't comprehend how to use the internet meddle with internet legislation to make it infinitely worse
>This couldn't possibly blow up in their faces
Lol it's like the fucking right still thinks it's the 1960s.
So if the law goes into effect would the companies only be able to sell your history from after the moment it passes, or for the past 10years?
Fuck our government.
"Pearl Horber" Fucking Kek
Seriously, fuck Republicans and fuck all you memers who voted them into office not knowing what the fuck you're actually doing.
We need to crowdfund to purchase the history of every politician that passes this. Call your congressman and use it against them. It hurts them more than us, in the short term at least.
Don't fret too much, the backlash over this is likely to be significant.
He's a comedian first so he has to add elements of comedy in his shit. It's not a political channel.
someone please answer this.
And aside from being completely ignored what will said backlash accomplish?
Bumpn' for answer
WAIT Trump can Veto this right?
Southpark had a couple of episodes about this, they where shit.
But they had some good ideas about what would happen if private browsing history would be easy for all to see.
Shit would litterly hit the fan so hard that all first world country's would have a really hard time from imploding.
H3h3 talked about crowdfunding to purchase the history of politicians and their families then share it online.
I doubt he will veto this tbqh
>welcome to the interview
>before we start, our RH team has analyzed your browsing history, can you explain to us what is a Trap? and also what were you doing on Sup Forums for the last 5 years? Also why did you search for penis enlargement formula in 2011?
>being completely ignored
You fucking what? This isn't 1980. Everyone uses the internet constantly. Literally nobody on EARTH, aside from telecom companies (THE MOST HATED companies in the world) and their corrupt bought politicians support this. This shit is DOA. This isn't some bullshit where they can try to win a moral victory on a technicality like with "piracy". This shit is just blatantly corrupt.
>So if the law goes into effect would the companies only be able to sell your history from after the moment it passes, or for the past 10years?
someone pls find answer.
I will stop looking at tranny porn right now
Doesn't matter if he does, honestly. The way things are going, there won't BE an America in 3 years, fuck 4.
it hasn't even gone to the house yet you dumb motherfuckers. fucking relax
Brazil recently got a mixbag of laws trying to regulate the internet. Most are good, but there were controversial points.
Better than DMCA, but thats another story.
Laws on the internet still very poorly done.
Yea things are kinda fucked beyond repair at this point with the internet and privacy.
Why do they do this?
I want to believe.
Will 2017 be the year of the ascended Randlet?
He's not a normal politician so maybe
They will most probably see all of it, why wouldn't they?
If you had a shared computer you can blame it on your friends I guess
Not just with the internet. The rich cunts like the Kochs have been working tirelessly to destroy the world, and they've nearly succeeded. Now that they're getting the opportunity to try to get pretty much everything they ever wanted, the world is seeing them for the subhuman demons they really are. We're very close to an actual civil war here (which they will lose).
>ISP sells my history.
>Company spends millions to get it.
>They sift through it.
>Sir, he just likes watching old movies and anime and sometimes browses Amazon for great deals.
I'm just joshing with ya guys, I know this is utter shit, but can you imagine what most of these company's will find?
>Sir, it seems this person likes to go to a website named Sup Forums, and frequently browses a board named /tv
>Oh god sir, he even watches youtube channels about people playing with toys and building home made crappy electronics.
Trump was the last hope for the survival of the republic but he's also a complete prick when it comes to civil liberties issues tbqfh
He's pro-business and this would help corporations.
Portugal is right, the ISP only sees the domain and the port.
You don't remember SOPA? You couldn't ignore the backlash from it.
My history.
>trap porn
>backpage escorts
>spongebob memes
>steve wynn
>chik-fil-a opening time
>casual encounters craigslist
>is ralph lauren jewish?
am I fucked guys?
lol my boss doesnt even know i was a convicted murderer - released 5 years ago - served 25 years. got parole. no check no sweat.
Faggot this is fake news. if you work in a cuck job then yeah they check your record - but while i make 36$ an hour doing a mans job (carpentry) you are bein fags. true stories are true/.
That never stops the satanists from continuing to try in full belief that eventually they'll get their Jew World Order.
YOu must be new here, we've always hated internet privacy.
If you had to ask, then yes
looks like a reddit faggit desu.
Sup Forums is being invaded by fuckboy cuckfags
Stop being a self defeatist newfag. Get off your ass and spread the word. It's the very fucking least you could do to help push off the inevitable.
Pay attention, newshits. This is what we call a paid shill right here. He is paid by Donald Trump's administration to shit up the internet and spread lies. He will call everyone who disagrees with him a shill, while unironically shilling for policies NOBODY BUT CORPORATIONS ACTUALLY FUCKING WANT.
nice try blueshare.
I should live stream my browsing history.
That would be dope.
I've always done double spacing to separate unrelated sentences and I've never ever browsed reddit.
What does this mean?
Kek, do it
I imagine it will work like background check. Sup Forums? That's a big hit to your personality score. Watch Anime? bit hit to the productivity rating, intelligence, and another hit to your personality rating. Youtubes for building home made electronics is a plus, videos of people playing with toys is a negative.
When you apply for a job they'll do a criminal and internet background test on you. They'll send it off to a company run by jews, probably Google, and some automated program will return a report on you for about 60 bucks. Every single job you apply for will do this.
Joke's on them I use chrome in incognito mode.
Nobody gives a shit. Firstly because if you are going for a job you are a fucking loser, you might as well call yourself a slave. Secondly because everybody is behind a thousand proxies so theNSA can literally suck my dick.
This is the worst news.
VPN encrypts all your traffic and all ISP sees is one connection to the VPN, not your 6 million gay porn sites
I hope they've got a lot of spare time, the amount of shit in my history lol, I don't even know whats in it.
How long until the world burns, again
>want to use vpn
>can't post on Sup Forums
There should be method
Honestly, is this why I'm not getting hired? I have a Masters in Quantitative Finance (graduated in December) and have had like 6 or 7 in person (round 3-4) interviews. Nothing. Are (((they))) going through my shit?
CTRL+F : Sup Forums
534 results from 2014 to 2017
You're fired.
Expect to hear this question at your next interview
>"It says here you make frequent visits to Sup Care to explain?"
hahaha doesn't affect me, I always use incognito mode
But, couldn't you essentially just look up things to counter act that?
>It says here you google super smart things every night.
>Oh and that you love Islam and Black people.
>And how diversity is our greatest strength.
>File: interview6.jpg (44 KB, 640x468)
Fucking keked
Oh fuck. I can see it already.
> Called to bosses office
> Security guard at door
> So I see you've been reading the daily stormer from your home computer.
> I don't really care, but, I think our clients would be very upset if they found out about this... Soooo... I'm going to have let you go.
> Charlie, why don't you escort this Nazi off our premises.
Yup, my life is over.
so informative, I'm sold
Libertarians and cuckservatives think this is fine. Trump is too old to really give a shit about the internet.
Holy shit that guy's demeanor and voice makes me want to strangle him.
I don't know who he is, but I swear to you, he's either a SJW, an MRA, or something. He's a fucking twat.
>So basically your boss will know EVERYTHING you do on your computer 24/7?
Welcome to Burgerstan. The land of the free... no, wait.
>So basically your boss will know EVERYTHING you do on your computer 24/7?
not being your own boss
that youre a speghetti nigger liar
I can already hear the sound of resumes being shredded.
>>casual encounters craigslist
hey any luck there?
>literal stormweenie
there's nothing of note there, other than untermensch LARPing at each other
at least here you get dank memes
>not using stupid neighbors barely secured routers as access points or quality VPN services to do all your shady shit and on-line "hate crime" commission while building a completely benign normie profile on your own connection
we've been full cyberpunk dystopia for a decade now... they're just telling you about it finally because they know everyone's retarded and DGAF because "le yolo!"
All that porn...
Wasn't this what the last season of South Park was about?
Your republicans give me the absolute chills to be honest.
Watch this cunt he is deranged he looks like he is in his 60s and look at his twitter feed he has a union jack burka on tweeting about how we are cucks and doomed
You people are insane.
All laws currenly in place will be copy pasted. So we still do.
Not gonna happen. People don't care about their privacy anymore
If they did facebook and Google would have gone bankrupt long ago