Why is this board getting raided with leftist shills?
Why is this board getting raided with leftist shills?
They can try all they want. Sup Forums is chaos, we cant be raided because our nature is chaotic. They're peeing in a sea of pee.
The last thrashes of a hung man clinging to life as if to say.. I'm not dead yet, so do you still fear me?
They believe the things they're saying in your pic. That's why.
Eventually they'll realize it's futile and give up, only for some others to try again another time. It happens.
>start threads, converse, out argue the opposition
oh no, what are we going to do! Sup Forums!! We're doomed, aren't we?!
It's /heftylol/ and reddittors.
fuck. it's all over now.
It's not just the users, it's the mods too. We have antifa mods just like 8pol does. It's disgusting, honestly.
Report any shitposting, non-political thread. Do it. It won't get deleted.
But anything that remotely criticizes jews or the government for example will get the thread deleted in an instant.
The user who said not to come back to pol after march 15th was right. Especially because of the fappening 3.0.
Pic related.
It's always been this way.
It was much worse in October.
It's a combination of CTR, Shareblue, and R eddit.
I've already caught out a semi-organized group by leaving them offsite bait, and monitored them for almost a month. Most of the shills you're seeing are paid, but few of them appear to be organized and funded enough to be government related. Seems it's mostly David Brocks people. I'll be exposing some of them in a few days or weeks, but I need more hilarious shitposts from them before doing so. I gave them enough rope to hang themselves and it was surprisingly easy.
>commies trying to infiltrate Sup Forums
kek, let them come - they'll either give up within minutes or slowly get redpilled and realise that being a pinko is degenerate and ridiculous
>out argue
wew lad
>out argue the opposition
The left have no arguments tho
post stuff to trigger them
>I'll be exposing some of them in a few days or weeks
Anything to give us now? Also any previous work?
lol fucking white trash fat ass faggots complaining. Fucking love it lol
Fucking teenage faggots, come get fucked up by all my brother and sisters. Fucking pussies.
>that neck
Holy fuck kek whoever that is is weak as fuck
Yeah, you should find them back on reddit you cocksmoking faggot.
It relates to the mainstream meteor shitposters. (Hint; they're the same people shilling Molyneux, Varg, Styx666, and a half dozen others.)
I don't have the time to sue these individuals; but I'll bet you anything that some of the people they've been defaming do. I wonder if they're aware that Sup Forums is willing to share the identity of supposedly anonymous posters if they get a subpoena? It will be interesting to see if anyone takes that initiative.
CTR/Shariablue beware; you're already liable under the anti-defamation laws of several nations, I would not antagonize us further.
>that image
leftypol is pure lolcow territory
Did he survive this? I'm guessing he didn't.
Wasn't it established that IPs can't refer to a person's identity in a court of law? I remember hearing about a court case where some guy got off scot free because the only sort of information they had on the guy was his IP.
you can't "raid" Sup Forums, the nature of it is that it is disordered and has next to no structure
Subleddits are easy to raid cause if you just upvote a shitton of posts you like those will get the most recognition. lefty Sup Forums threads either get drowned out by dissenting opinions or saged.
regardless, anyone vaguely seriously acting like there's any type of pseudo-war between fucking websites on the internet is probably genuinely on the spectrum.
he made a full recovery
>Create better memes
Are you fucking with me?
That for sure looks like he died
That's pretty funny
It's not fucking working
ITT: cowardly Trump cucks complain about being triggered
ISPs are more than willing to disclose otherwise hidden information when threatened with a defamation suit.
Lest I ruin the last stages of my operation I won't say anything more, but it's going to be great fun to watch these shitposting little faggots scatter when I expose their mediocre and formulaic strategies. When I realized how poorly they script everything (and how many mistakes they made, for weeks at a time) I had to laugh because it was clear I was dealing with people who were sloppy and in it for the shekels only.
It sounds right. A good lawyer could posit that multiple actors had used your ip and done whatever the thing is you are in court for.
Isn't it just such a horrible world when people are allowed to disagree with you?
What's hilarious is how backward you have this.
>a hung man
>It's cool to be racist.
Feels good, man
and they say the western press is bad!
Here we are in control of the House, Senate, White House, and soon the Supreme Court still waiting for you pussies to start a civil war. What are you waiting for faggot? Waiting for mommy to bring your sack lunch? Kys.
Top fucking kek
Watch the movement of his head one more time and tell me if you honestly think he survived that
They are just seeing Trump failing again and are here to make fun of you cucks.
I wish communist had the same power as nazi
Like these people killed over half a billion people just to promote their ideology
Women, Children
Everyone was sent to the gulags
They even sent their own soliders because they were afraid that once they saw how great other ideologies were they would try to revolt
How can any rational person
Nay even an irrational person can advocate for communism or even any socialist policy knowing that millions more people will have to be killed to make sure their state of government will be enacted
It's suicide
These people are worse then terrorists because at least terrorists have some valid reason for wanting death (Usually retaliation)
But these people have nothing
It boggles my mind
It keeps me up at night
Do some humans crave death this much?
I've seen that same image OP posted for a year at minimum.
The most that anybody can really accomplish is to slide threads. Let's say they managed to shut down Sup Forums. Everybody would eventually just migrate to other forums. Sup Forums and Sup Forums itself are containment sites.
Isn't it such a horrible world when you have to shill on right leaning imageboards because of how butthurt you are that the candidate you didn't like won and is dismantling everything you wanted for the country you live in
I will wreck you and your faggot brigade.
I reckon me and a hand full of rugby buddies could destroy an entire ANTIFA rally.
God speed user
antifa take over pol?
Just fucking end yourself, you pathetic child.
Also whe those losers think they got us, it's actually just us having fun shitposting a little bit with them. Pic related
you mad af whiteboi
they are scared of us because we out number them, but they still have to maintain the illusion that we are the minority
Did people never get the 'pissing into an ocean of piss' note? Raids don't do shit, brigading generals doesn't do shit, all that will happen is a few lefties come here and try to debate. Then they'll get butt hurt and start spaming cuck porn.
We get raided basically every day and people still come here to get redpilled and talk about how shit the left is. Sup Forums might not always of been right wing, but /new/ and Sup Forums have been for a long time.
Turns out when you make a board about the news on an anonymous site, people are going to discuss what they really think of the news. They'll notice black on white crime, out of control immigration, and the islamisation of the west.
Redditfags are really bored these days.
Because we're not shills, we're patriots resisting an invasion.
>hung man
They haven't been the first to try and they won't be the last.
welcome to Sup Forums leftyniggers
>Sup Forums brigades Twitter statuses, websites, reddit, online polls, comment sections, etc.
>w-w-w-wuh wuh why they come here?
Maybe this clubhouse would be a little more secret if retards here didn't pick names like PepeMAGA420 to comment on social media with.
Cat is Sup Forums
This user has a very good point. Doesn't help that half the fags here invited redditors over with open arms.
I don't think I'm alive right now to be honest.
Can't tell if LARPing or just retarded
I don't think I'm alive right now to be honest. shit mod.
it's a meme, faggot
Liberals are on the left wing spectrum you stupid fuck.
You know what happens to those guys, right? Now imagine the global realpolitik version of that.
>Remember the Tumblr raids of 2014
They are jealous user, is is the best board on this site and theyre mad
yet another reason trump won
ok yea there are some freak accidents, but at least the government has good intentions of helping its People. think of how much worse it would be if it was capitalism where the corporations are literally trying to kill people on purpose.
Sup Forums is a free market of ideas. the strongest ideas will survive, the weak ones will eventually disappear. the invisible hand will ensure that
these threads are worse than shill threads. shill threads i can ignore, newfag threads need to be put down in the options bar.
Trump won because the republicans cheated for years to set up the stage for it and the democrats were paid by their donors to not resist. This is NOT a democratic country. It is a corporatocracy, and it's going to lead to civil war. And no, you won't be spared.
They keep coming up with this amazing plan but the only thing that happens is:
1) They piss in an ocean of piss.
2) They don't have the staying power to change the board.
3) Sup Forums starts getting inside the people who stay.
It's no grand manipulation either. Sup Forums just makes you see things you never did when you were a lefty. I know because this is my story too.
Watching the Zimmerman trial live without the media filter and then seeing it through the media filter opened my eyes in a way that could never be shut again.
Eventually they'll find the holes in their world view too.
God speed user
>sex id
good post though
trump won because hes not a republican or a democrat, and puts america first by working the first 3 months of every year JUST for taxes and saw how it was SQUANDERED
The vast majority of those deaths are in Africa and from failed Marxist regimes like Zimbabwe or Somalia. Africa was dominated by socialism in the 20th century after colonialism.
>multiple actors had used your ip and done whatever the thing is you are in court for.
At least twice a week Sup Forums gives me a banned message for others' posts, usually /jp/ and Sup Forums
>the n word
>being afraid of a word
This is the reason these fags will never win at life or at anything
>i am of the opinion
what a pretentious faggot
more accurate version
And all developed and the best countries to live in the world are capitalist as well.
They're just doing what leftists always do, control and censor.