>I make the best deals
>can't make a deal with his own party
>I make the best deals
>can't make a deal with his own party
Other urls found in this thread:
How did you expect him to win over the GOPe?
Adopting Ryan Care was the only way to bring that part of the party to heal.
Expect the next "Trump Care" bill to be exponentially better and pass through both houses readily.
>drumpf doesn't know shit about healthcare
>Drumpf shills the bill as if it was his own
>calls it a "great bill" and "i am behind this bill 100%"
>tells republicans to vote for it "or else"
>not enough votes
>"daddy drumpf plays 54d checkers!! Look how he fought Ryan and won xD now he himself will have a good bill he will present in the next couple of days!!!"
>'This is what you get'
The irony of Hillary being the one to make this statement is immense.
Also it's "heel"
LMAO no Trump is just inexperienced
You clearly dont know how to play 54d checkers, if you did you would understand that this move is genius. He cant be stumped
>le nth dimensionaal chess!!!!!!
Thank for the spelling correction there Reddit.
>his own party
GOP is not his party. Nobody is his party. The problem is that a revolutionary was elected into the presidency and is threatening to tear apart the corruption that both Republicans and Democrats have thrived on for so long. Republicans are now realizing their mistake and trying to dig their feet into the ground. The problem is that people are becoming more awakened. People have begun to willingly bluepill themselves just to get off of the ride.
You're welcome, little retard.
You see what happens. You don't stump Trump. Quit trying.
So I get that you hate Trump, but why do you keep posting a whale? Is whale new frog for left?
>You don't stump Trump
He was literally just stumped
>keep posting a whale
To keep posting something, I would have to have it posted more than once.
You people are retarded.
>Ryan Care
A healthcare plan so bad that Republicans keep passing the buck.
This bill was never supposed to pass, this was ryan and mcconnell and other cuckservatives covering their asses come election time. Now if donalds bill fails, they can bring up their shitty prop bill and say "BUT WE DID TRY TO FIX HEALTHCARE, SEEEEEE??"
Its literally all political moves, wouldn't expect libtards to understand though.
He literally wasn't, if you weren't dense you would know this was a power play from the start to get Ryan replaced.
Being this much of a shill.
>stating fact
>he still thinks the right is a monolith
If you haven't figured out that the American political parties are fracturing into smaller ideologically diverse factions you must be some special kind of retarded.
The ACA was a NeoCon bill from it's inception.
>this is a great bill, i stand behind it 100%, vote on it or else!!
Admit it.
Drumpf got stumpfed
>this was a power play from the start to get Ryan replaced
see you in year when Ryan is still there.
I also suggest you research the meaning of "literally."
You really are dense.
I'll give you the timeline:
>ryan is rat
>trump decides to extend fake olive branch
>trump knows ryan is just going to get a lobbyist healthcare bill pushed
>fails expectedly
>ryan flounders because this was his baby
>trump train moves on, as it always does
>ryan gets left behind and replaced without having to openly attack the party
>trump gets to reveal rand's healthcare bill that he actually wanted to push to begin with
You guys really should take a step back once in a while, or you're going to keep getting beaten, over and over and over again.
It was branded Trumpcare up until it started not receiving votes. Now it's Ryancare.
A healthcare plan so bad, the buck keeps getting passed. Nobody wants to touch it.
No one liked or wanted the bill, Trump knew that, Bannon knew that. So why did he shill for it? It's worth considering that it was more than a misfire. You might laugh at the 3D chess thing but Trump has defeated his enemies time and time again
>Trump knows it's a turd of a bill that will never pass
>meets with Ryan, agrees to publically support the bill - Ryan can't blame him when bill flops
>Ryan ties himself to the mast and associates himself completely with the bill- no one calls it TrumpCare, it's RyanCare
>bill flops, Trump team turns on Ryan
>new speaker elected
>new, more popular bill proposed and associated with Trump
Maybe I'm wrong and it's all a basic misstep but I don't think so. If he really thought it was a good bill, then why would he allow Ryan to be the one associated with it? Ryan has been whiteanting him from the beginning, and Trump has shown that he doesn't tolerate that at all. He wants to get rid of Ryan, and this is his opportunity
This plus if Trump really wanted this Ryancare bullshit to pass he's aficionados idiot. Obamacare will collapse on itself and all the blame will be on Democrats not to mention make Obama look like the dumb fuckin fool that he is. If this Ryancare passed it would be shit and then Republicans would go down in history for ruining healthcare. Now it's all on Libfucks. I really hope we don't get hit by a terroist but if we do have an attack and combine that with Obamacare collapsing I think the Democrat party will be destroyed forever.
You both keep reaching at straws
"I am behind this bill 100%"
"It's a great bill!"
Doesn't leave room for "it's Ryan's fault though ;^)"
>or you're going to keep getting beaten
>Republicans had 7 years to come up with Obamacare replacement and shit the bed with control of House and Senate
It's okay kiddo. You'll still get a participation trophy for trying :')
It doesn't even have to get Ryan replaced.
It would be nice if it happened but it's fairly unlikely.
It accomplished the goal of winning over the last vestiges of the anyone but trump faggots left over from the primaries.
They're more likely to support any legislation Trump puts forwards now because they will remember how Trump tried to pass their health care bill.
if Trump committed suicide, you guys would spin that shit like proof of his genius, next-level inception tier double-whammy meta-troll-multi-layer-post-ironic above 9000 dimensional turbo chess, wouldn't you?
yes, you would.
It took obama over 2 years of constant house and senate pressure just to get the abortion we have now.
I'm not worried.
Fuck You Mohammud. Why don't you go fuck your goat some more. And yes I purposely spelled Mohammud with mud on the end you mudslime shitskin faggot
A fuckin not aficionados
>Trump's bill flunked
>eeh.. ackxuallyyh it was Ryan's bill all along!
>alternative fact ftw
It's almost as if Trump is boisterous and hyperbolic in his mannerisms...
By the dems.
Trump and his administration had almost nothing to do with the bills creation.
Endorsing was a move that could only do him good so naturally, he endorsed it.
>shit I have no arguments, what do?
>I know! I call him an Arabic name!
Wew, haven't seen that before, you truly got me....
It means that Ryan can't blame Trump for sabotaging the bill, it's all on him. Plus that's the way Trump talks about everything "Bill Clinton's a great guy, real gentleman"
>It doesn't even have to get Ryan replaced
>the bill was a power play by Trump to get Ryan replaced
>It doesn't even have to get Ryan replaced
>warghl warghl blurgh something something Hillary
Hillary Clinton is washed-up HAS BEEN. She needs to drink herself to death already.
It was never Trump's bill, Reddit.
Just because you have a media that conflates the two, because muh obamacare is a hot button dogwhistle; doesn't disprove what I've said.
Anyone actually paying attention knew the bill had no chance of passing from the get go. The Freedom Caucus was vary vocal to it's opposition of it from the day it was announced. The left being as anti Trump as they are no one was going to count on a single Democrat vote for a health care bill endorsed by Trump.
And trump can't blame Ryan and get him replaced because he stood behind the bill 100%.
What's your point here?
>no one calls it TrumpCare, it's RyanCare
everybody and their dead grandma calls it Trumpcare, Trump called it Trumpcare.
git gud
And this is a good argument how?
>not an argument
I think we're done here faggot.
>And trump can't blame Ryan and get him replaced because he stood behind the bill 100%.
Have you ever played the game of politics?
It's much easier to do than you think. All he has to do is tie the lobbying body to Ryan's bill and it's over.
>Trump and his administration had almost nothing to do with the bills creation.
But he called it fantastic ad nauseum. He loves it! Trumpcare.
>Endorsing was a move that could only do him good
>j-just don't believe anything he says and maybe you'll find him tolerable!
I really hate this place.
Because you're conflating words with action.
Which is a very large mistake when dealing with Trump.
>making a bad deal
get a load of this chump
Desperate shills don't see whats already coming.
Imagine being so depressed about who you voted for that you no longer experience reality.
>It was never Trump's bill, Reddit.
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, it's not like he's president or anything, eh?
fuck off lol
They don't understand politics.
Only sociopaths can play the game well.
You expect immigrants to learn English...
I seriously doubt you're done shilling, shill.
you don't get it do you? trump has time and time again pulled shit like this and in the end its what he wanted in the first place. Seriously trump isnt some normal president you can take at face value. seriously if you weren't just anti-trump to begin with and could actually see without your fucking bias you'd see shit like this throughout his entire campaign. not like i give a shit though
>this is my great bill!
>bill founders
>we all agree this was Ryan's bill, right?
>RIGHT !!!
>good, now shoot that darn Ryan kid!
daz sum trippy ass 9th. dimenzionalist chess checkers there, mayin.
Again, being President doesn't mean shit, it's Ryans bill and he fucked it. I know english is your third language after arabic and dick sucking but at least learn to understand english you fucking faggot.
>trump has time and time again pulled shit like this and..
yes, he really do suck at politics.
I forget who said it first, but as president, you're not only responsible for what you say -- you're responsible for what people hear. If he's overly boisterous in his speech, then that's his own fault. He should learn not to speak from the top of his head and to give information more articulately.
And let's be real here. If Trumpcare (or Ryancare or whoever you want to take the fall) passed, he'd call it a phenomenal success. The greatest healthcare plan ever. It's Trumpcare alright.
Like I said. I'm not sure. But Trump has shown time and time again that he doesn't let his enemies get away with sabotaging him. Trump's biggest enemy and saboteur within the republican party is Ryan by far, so if he truly thought the bill would be popular and successful allowing it to become associated with Ryan is very odd to say the least
>being President doesn't mean shit
then why did you vote for fucker?
>I know english is your third language after arabic and dick sucking but at least learn to understand english you fucking faggot
M-O-O-N... that spells REEEEEEEEEE in shillic.
He literally threatened people who didn't vote for it!
What a negotiator lmfao that's a hell of a deal he made with his own party. Introduce a bill and pull it.
>this is what you get
We have the same exact thing we got with Obama. I dont understand what she is trying to say
>9 posts by this autistic shill
What did the shitskin mean by this?
shill thread and all, but I will say this, we need to cull republicans. They are so self centered that they can't look past their little dicks long enough to have some loyalty.
Trump presented the bill as his own, until it sank like a brick, then all of a sudden it became Ryan's bill. Up until then, the bill was associated with Trump (as in Trumpcare), because Trump approved and pushed the bill as his.
spin away all you want, but Trump clusterfucked this shit royally.
>there are people in this thread right now who have not read The Art of The Deal who don't realize Trump won
>I dont understand what she is trying to say
that if you vote for a clown, you get a three ring circus instead of actual politics.
He's a different brand of president.
We haven't had a president that's been attacked by both parties, tooth and nail for the entire electoral process, in my lifetime.
He said he'd move on, how is that a threat?
What we're seeing ITT is the astronomical asshurt of people who voted for Trump to repeal Obamacare, endorsed a bill which he thought was fantastic and a real winner, and then lost it to obstructionists in his own fucking party. And the House was supposed to be the easy one! The Senate was supposed to be the real big problem.
I don't blame you people for being upset. You're conservative first, Republican second, and the Republican party showed you today that given 7 years they can't come up with a viable healthcare bill. The lack of competency amazes liberals, too.
It wasn't because it was endorsed by Trump. It was because it was a shitty bill.
>sucks at politics
He's never lost at politics.
>he's a different brand of president
>we're grading him on a curve
>He said he'd move on
>"The president was really clear: He laid it on the line for everybody," House Speaker Paul Ryan, the leading proponent of the bill, told reporters. "We made a promise. Now is our time to keep that promise. ... If we don't keep our promise, it will be very hard to manage this."
Your arguments are no arguments but cop outs.
>h-He didn't mean what he said!!!
>when your a disgusting canadian rat
>l-let's keep driving the party line division home
But he didn't get better terms
Did you pay attention to the general election at all?
Has he gone after Hillary since being elected?
The answer to both of these questions is no.
>But he didn't get better terms
They're coming when Obamacare fails in a year or so.
sure kid
Yes, electing obama was a mistake.
>Obamacare will fail next year says increasingly nervous man for the eighth year in a row
Shes awfully smug for a loser
The image of her supporters.
The party line division was shown pretty clearly today, kid.
Enjoy Obamacare.
She lost the election, true. But trump lost this one, he and Ryan are the losers here.
For all the libtards who don't understand Trump, I recommend you this video:
And now that you understand him... do you really think its in your best interests to continue being disloyal to our God Emperor Trump?
Oh, and BTW... look what attitude he has when he is with Paul Ryan... the same than with Obongo
The one who got stumped is Ryan. YOU CAN'T STUMP THE TRUMP.
Just wait till cuckservatives comes crying back
>Has he gone after Hillary since being elected?
you're right, he hasn't. He said he would, but he hasn't. Why hasn't he?
>you'd be in jail
>mnah, I don't care anymore
>... durrrr
Premiums have gone up something like 65% in the last year, if that's not a sign of impending failure then I don't know what is
>>>/ptg/ and awooo there pls
Wow, informative source, cogent analysis. You spent so much time on that, OP.
Obama is not president, user.