Why haven't you gotten a vasectomy Sup Forums?

Why haven't you gotten a vasectomy Sup Forums?

>most insurance covers it
>procedure takes approx 15 minutes
>recover over the weekend
>back to work if in an office job
>take a week off if manual labor

In three months you'll blow 100% juice - no seed.

You also take all the power away from a woman - no child support - you are truly free.

Several methods such as direct extraction or adoption are options in the future.

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I was with you until the last sentence, Mr. Soros

because I want to have children you shill

Because I want kids dipshit

like anyone here has sex...

You do realize how expensive children are?

If you can financially do it - then by all means. Otherwise - protect yourself until you can actually afford it.

Jew first

I'd rather take the male birth control pill.

I'd never remove my own ability to create minions.

I talked about it with God. He told me that it would be wrong and reminded me of the time he smote Onan for intentionally spilling his seed into the ground rather than impregnating a woman.

whats the fucking point I'm not having sex and when I do I cannot cum because jews ruined my dick

>dude castrate yourself lmao


>not wearing a chastity belt gb2leddit

Nigger what?



i dont want the pressure build ups which force me to jack off on a pain schedule and I also don't want to get sperm crystal complications forming in my causing more pain

You can't see the agenda to sterilise or socially sterilise any and all white men with above average IQs? They know this is where the smart white man hangs out, this is exactly who they don't want in the future. You can't get shit done whilst white men are yelling about libertarian principles of free will, equality before the law and fair competition, however will you lower standards in STEM low enough to halt technological progress to keep society in its current docile state.

Excellent, piss out a bunch of hormones that cause wide scale infertility and hormonal imbalances amongst the elderly.

You clearly are the controlled opposition.

the only thing expensive about children is living in a house big enough to house them all.

added to my collection - thank you user


>Don't have kids got. Its far too expensive for you

>don't have kids, goyim
Quite a large nose you have there OP

It'll happen eventually....

of course I know, Im not having children until I own my own property and can sustain myself of course.

NP. She's a curious looking cow.

I'd rather not explain to my wife down the road that I got a vasectomy to fuck around rawdog.

Rather just armor up desu

what race of people makes this weird looking thing?

Because I'm white and plan on making white children.

English + heavy drinking while pregnant

if you stretch out her face, she doesn't look like an inbred downie

sometimes i wanna freeze like 10 gallons of my own sperm, get a vasectomy then just bang chicks raw for the rest of my life and watch dumbass whores be like "user IM PREGNANT, ITS URS" and just be like nah

why haven't you killed yourself?
>don't need insurance at all
>procedure could take seconds if done right
>no recovery period
>never have to work again
>all the time off you will ever have
Maybe you should do it, faggot.

Am I getting memed? She looks fine

I'm white too - however I haven't met one woman on earth that I'd have children with or be willing to die for.

The majority of women are just holes to fill.

If I could legally get away with having 100 kids - I'd do it - but the government's power is too much. I've worked so hard for everything that I have - I can't have it taken away by a mistake.

Ive had sex twice today already with one of my fwb ;o

>"yes good goy don't have children let the third world immigrants replace you"

she is fine.

Best post in thread.

I want kids, what a shitty Jewish thread


Bump for British beauty. Post more rare Maisies.

1) I want children
2) I have to be having sex in the first place to worry about getting someone pregnant

It's best to freeze sperm as soon as possible. It reduces the risk of autism.

because i'm helping in destroying the white race by impregnating your white women. duh.


Quintessentially British.

Honorable leaf.

She is ugly

>Why haven't you gotten a vasectomy Sup Forums?
Because I plan on having at least one kid, once I'm financially stable and find a conservative girl.
>In three months you'll blow 100% juice - no seed
Why the fuck would I want to emasculate myself like that? I might as well chop off my own dick.
>You also take all the power away from a woman - no child support - you are truly free
You won't be burdened with child support if you think with your head and not your dick; get to know and fully trust a woman before you decide to stick it in her. Condoms and birth control are both prone to failure.
>Several methods such as direct extraction or adoption are options in the future
So, having to either impregnate your spouse with the help of medical professionals, or raise another man's kids? Talk about cuckoldry.

although getting a vasectomy around march madness isn't a bad idea.

Don't forget to drop by your local adoption centre afterwards to pick up your free Black meth baby to raise as your own until it's 18 and fucks your barren childless miserable wife.

>shes fine

fuck off kike

damn she actually looks cute like that, someone needs to squish her head in a bench vise

>Once I'm financially stable and find a conservative girl.
It's people waiting for their finances to be stable that are fucking up our race.
Find a girl who wont cheat on you who agrees with your thinking about child rearing, that is all that is required.

Anyone who has sex with Quasimodo here should be required to have a vasectomy first...for the eugenic betterment of the race. Her fucked face signals retard-tier genetics and inbreeding.


That's not what happened, read it again

If you have 1 you can have 3, because there isn't much increment from the 1st to the next one. The 1st is the most expensive.


How can I help repopulate my people by sterilizing myself and adopting the spawn of some genetic failure? Should this adopted child also be a nigger?

ahahahahahah holy shit someone musta kicked her mom right in the cunt when she was pregnant with her, squished her shit

>Condoms are prone to failure

Lad I've literally never had a condom break on me.

I got my stuff cut when my gf didn't want to take the pill
I was 18 and dumb

You're also a genetic failure.


M-me neither, he he!

Because I'm white.


How am I supposed to save the white race if I get a vasectomy, nigger.


Had two kids. Did the thing so my wife will no longer need to take cancer causing birth control pills. Feels good man.

Microdicks confirmed
Mine breaks when I put it on I done give a fuuuuuck

This is a politics board. All threads should be about politics.

if you do get a vasectomy have your jizz tested. I know a guy who got one and still got his girl pregnant. doctor was like, woops my bad, let me fix that for you. he fixed the botched operation, but not the 18+ year money drain.

Don't they require you to shoot at least a blank every few months before deemed "sterile"?

once after approx 20 ejaculations or 2-3 months.

recommended 6 months after first test to confirm




No need to worry about seeds in my juice if I never have sex.

Noo my fren

that's what a job is for you fucking retard

why does her head look like that?

Enjoy the Aids


I don't ever want a vasectomy
I don't ever want to take a male birth control pill

>Complains about the American Government having too much power

based leafs popping up more and more.


It's a Mortal sin to get it done.


Because whenever you a put to sleep, you have a 30% chance of not waking up.

>plz remove urself from the genepool pol
>it's great, trust me

Why get a vasectomy when my autism keeps me from getting laid?

Pretty sure that's some other girl, on account of her tits being triple the size.

How long until nudes are leaked of her or (and?) Sansa?

They work for Hebrew Box Office network ao you know they have been utterly corrupted. You just know they are whores.

Someone be a hero and leak nudes!

You do realize how stupid you sound?

There have been many people in the history who only had two cows and fucking crops and they managed to sustain a family of 12 kids but you, my dear burger, having such a comfortable life that you can afford to be hours and hours losing your time in an imageboard DOING NOTHING, are not able to raise some kids as those people did?

like you look any better desert island bong

Lol omg fwd this to blaq twitter

Where you listening to NPR today? Better yet, are you NPR?

Add's a little Natalie Dormer