Who else /regrets voting for Trump/ here?
shill tactic
Today will go down in history as the day blumpf the drumpft ass was stumped
Press S to shit on his grave
hey look a bait thread
Nope. Just bought 6 hats. 2 of each color of the Limited Edition Easter. Get a hat to piss off cuck and shills, contribute to the God Emperor, it's a win win.
>implying I voted for that orange shithead
this is not peppe
Alternative was Shillary. He's got a long way to go to get down to her level.
Not at all, why even ask OP?
I got a little worried with the health bill, but he just smacked it down so we're cool again.
worst decision of my life
Reminder to put sage in Options if you want to call this liberal a retard.
not gonna lie
Why are you guys so bad at shilling holy shit
Would you rather have Hillary Clintstone?
The Speaker of My Wife's Boyfriend's House does
I voted for trump for the lulz since I am in CA and my vote did not matter. I sometimes think I should have voted for Jeb! just to make my county election official chuckle
As if the alternative was even a choice?
shill thread, saged
this is just the first step to closing an amazing deal, right guys???
>tfw the copypasta was right
>but seriously we can't let him near the
I regret dumping my seed in the womb of your mom and for giving birth to you
>1 post by this ID
You do realise that had Clinton won then obamacare would still be in place so we'd be in exact same situation?
And you contributed to the economy of the great nation of China. Very progressive!
Yeah, he 'smacked it down' by begging and threatening anyone who wouldn't vote for it and got BTFO anyway.
He is a fucking cuck who won't even build a wall or stop interracial sex. Fuck Drumpf. Might as well vote for a democrat next time to speed up the white revolution.
I don't regret voting for Trumpy because I never did.
I voted for Hillary
I'd do it again
The election of Trump was because of butthurt white trash
Is still game over for obsolete white trash
>could elect a libertarian
>vote for a meme
>b-but shillary
holy shit I love aberiga