I got my Green Card

So Sup Forums, yesterday I finally gained my Green Card. Now I'm going to live in the USA, pay taxes as everyone and honour with the needs of my new country as everyone.

Would Sup Forums invite me for a beer or I'm still just in the same level as illegals?

same level as illegals, now get the fuck out

Make me do it, piece of shit. I'm going to stay in your country and fuck your wife. Now get back to your fucking basement to masturbate to 2D girls.

case in point

Welcome to the first world hue. Break the rules and you'll be back in your Favela before the end of the week.

If it's some good, I'm from Gramado, RS. Pretty nice, and better than 80% of your holes. But thank you, you'll be welcome over there too.

Congratulations I hope you love freedom because you are about to be lathered with it.

right on. wish you the best. no complaints here

So, what's the first gun you're buying in the US, user?

I'd have a beer with ya, but I doubt you're moving to a cucked blue state in New England such as mine.

Probably a false flag dem poster. OP If you're legal and not an asshole I'd for sure have a beer with you, friend.


I was thinking in buy an AR-15 in first instance. Maybe I pick another one until there.

literal cucksprobably half breed invaders also

You posted that pic some time ago. I remember you, Godspeed user.

Masshole here

As long as you think of yourself as an American first and Br second you're fine.

If you are coming here fucking integrate. Don't look for Brazilian towns or Brazilian clubs or shit like that anyone who does shit like this is unamerican cancer.

If I was a burger I would welcome you. Not civic but US really needs any help they can get, even from hues. Godspeed user

Thank you, eagle brothers. Good to know that real white 'Muricans know that we don't like illegals too, with exception of the libercucks that we have here. Same situation as yours.

Okay tolerant left, calm down

If you can fish and shoot a shotgun while drinking a beer you will probably fit in

Solid choice. Most popular rifle in America for a reason.

Yeah I'd chill with ya

nice argument paco

You had no argument to begin with

Id beer you bro who did it legally, we want your kind

Why the fuck would you want to live in the US? Shit and expensive healthcare, shit infrastructure, high crime rates, niggers, rednecks and fatasses all around. Really, why?

And just like that, America became a little less white.

Congrats and welcome! Now work towards a citizenship!

Sounds like the country he came from.

This type of culture is part of the peripheral areas of some Brazilian cities. They are not even our most popular musical style here. It's like your relations with the rap, everybody knows that is restricted to a specific group of Americans. Coletive degeneracy is the same concept right here.

I actually do, but it's not so different as you think. We got many gun lovers and right-wingers here, and we're kinda fighting against the liberals every time.

I've never actually met a Brazilian immigrant. What are they like?

Enjoy our society declining downhill!

I have a funny feeling you will go back to Brazil because our culture is pretty bad.

Don't mean to burst your bubble but I hope you're an engineer or a doctor.

Congrats on coming to the US legally. If you end up in Oregon I'll take you shooting.

Where at are you going to be living?

Since there's some based Americans ITT, I want to ask a question: Sometimes I can't understand fast spoken English in a loud or echoing environment or out of a poor quality speaker. Would it be a bad idea for me to legally immigrate for a military job?

where are you moving OP

They are everywhere here in Astoria Queens they won't shut the fuck up about the country they ran away from and when the world cup comes around they are insufferable

Although Brazil has good areas, some of them better than the USA itself, the United States is still much better at these things, and they have a liberty that we do not get here when it comes to freedom of expression and armaments

Just be on the west coast where we speak real English.

the monkey threatened to rape my women the second i disagreed with him, proving the point the legal immigrants are no better than illegals.

you offered to have a beer with a guy who threatened to fuck your wife so your either an invader like him or a cuck. either way kill yourself


How ?
Please i want to become an American citizen too !!!
I am an Incel Aspie and never will be able to get a green card through marrying and getting a masters degree is becoming more and more unlikely for me.

So they are like Latinos but speak Portuguese?

I have a bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering, intending to do my Masters in the USA.

a shitskin is still a shitskin unless you are a cute girl


is there really a town in brazil founded by confederates? do they still do american stuff or are they basically brs now?

You'll be fine. I'm monolingual and faggots are still hard to understand when they talk fast

I was born there.

It sucks.

Do you have family here or friends? Just come and overstay your visa.

Get an EB-5, it's what my father did.

Post skin color, also kys before you get here.

fuck off spic. go live in cali like the rest of your socialist buddies

No, you're ok in my book. Congrats, and don't fuck it up. Get naturalized asap and don't drink and drive or commit any crimes or you'll lose it. How'd you do it, marry an American?

Are you willing to cheer for the US over Brazil in soccer?

why would an incel aspie want to live in America ? you are going to get destroyed there, at least you look normal in germany

I was going to welcome you but you dont seem to humble, please stay in brland

I'm poor as fuck !

Ignore him. As long as you migrate LEGALLY. That said we need to repeal the Immigration Act of 1965 ASAP.

>Now get back to your fucking basement to masturbate to 2D girls.
Haha joke's on you, I live in an apartment on the second floor of this 2-story building!

We won't miss you,traitor.

>I'm going to stay in your country and fuck your wife
Reported and deported.

Someone is doing the raping.

I'd say he's a great fit for america

Cucknecticut. Where in Mass?

Second Amendment.
Murican culture.
I love America, every little tiny little detail.
I became depressed when i returned to Germany after i spent time in Texas.

>Would Sup Forums invite me for a beer or I'm still just in the same level as illegals?
>that flag
i'd be suspicious

Hitler would be disgusted by you.

I don't like soccer.

Well, I was humble with the good Americans. The guy was being a pain in the ass. He deserved it.

What is your favorite architectural style?


Nope. GTFO

alright I wouldn't blame you, I lived in germany and it was shit.

If you are white and qt, I will marry you. You don't have to have anything to do me, though I'd probably want to suck your cock. Otherwise, I welcome all skilled white Americans. The largest ancestral group here is Germans anyway so come home white man.

The US is a way better place than Germany

t. spent time in both

This is why I want to immigrate as well.
I am not sure whether to directly say it to the consular officer. I wonder if it would sound too corny and fake, even though I'm genuine.

Don't come here cunt, we're full.

Both pale in comparison to Hrvatska brate.

>haha you can rape my wife anytime friend!

I'm not really qt, i don't know take a look.

Can you at least take the auspie German?

The Renascentist and Euro-Baroque architectura in particular.


Don't mind the basement dwelling racists.

If female then probably speaks enough english to get you in bed. I was drunk af looking better than usasal. Met this fine brazilian girl (who I thought was white). After about twenty minutes of conversation we went back to her place and I fucked her in the ass (no it wasn't a trap). We hung out a few times after that for some more sex. I couldn't get serious with her because I will not mix my pure blood. It was fun while it lasted.

Nice, but I don't want emus in my yards, so I'm fine.

OP. You're not a nigger, are you? We only take White, Asian, and White Hispanic humans, and only those able and willing to contribute, so if you're colored, or a freeloader then just GTFO.

Also, do you have any statist tendencies? If so then expect to be gassed upon arrival.

If he brings a Fraulein worthy of withstanding Australian Anal Assaulting, sure.

Yes (townS actually), and they're Huehues now.

Who are you quoting?


I'm not your "brat". Fuck off with that Serbian lingo

you have aids bro

Of course mane.

qt but non white


We're not havin' it anymore.

My state had the largest number of German and Polish imigration in Brazil at the 20th century. We don't have a lot of black people here in this area.

Post pic of hand

You seem like one of the good ones though. I don't have any problem with educated immigrants who are fluent in English.

Como to our paradise OP, is way better than the shit tier 50 continental states, which are all cucked btw.

We will appreciate your tax shekkels here, and spanish is not so different than portuguese.

Nossa casa é sua casa

>Would it be a bad idea for me to legally immigrate for a military job?

You can't legally immigrate for a military job since the US Military does not sponsor you for a visa (unless for very specific tasks none of us here are qualified for).

>How ?

OP likely played the Diversity Visa Lottery (winning Chance for most Euro Countries is 1-2% per year). Yes thats right, a literal lottery for immigration.

It's from Dalmacia but whatever fuck you then.

you faggot