We could have had universal healthcare by now if you autists didn't fuck up this election
We could have had universal healthcare by now if you autists didn't fuck up this election
No, you wouldn't. If it barely works anywhere else, why would it work for you?
Besides, it's not our fault that you nominated a neo-con shill.
>no refunds
This could be us, but you're autistic.
Be glad you did not get it. Quality of care goes waaaay down and the price keeps going up.
>universal healthcare
>being a parasite
nobody cares about ya damn emails!
>Universal anything working in a multicultural and postnational state
>insurance companies
>paying a parasite
How many months did it take to get a vote on Obamacare?
Why do you think it would be faster now?
Woulda voted Bernie if he wasnt such a racist piece of shit
>f it barely works anywhere else
works fine where I'm at, sorry.
Who pays for it??
Why didn't Obama do single payer when he had the chance?
>Bernie ever winning
>universal healthcare a good idea in USA
o i m laf
Everyone does.
It shouldn't be much of a problem, considering you Americans already use more public funds per capita on health care than any other nation in the world apart from Norway and Luxembourg.
And you still get to pay tons on top when you get sick.
The DNC used superdelegates (among other dirty tactics) to subvert the will of the actual Democrat voters.
Handed an easy win to the Republicans.
If you are not a superdelegate, there is no point in being a democrat - you do not actually participate in their primary.
>your opinion mattering
gonna need to pick one m9
the tax payers aka german tourists
I'm glad we made the right choice.
I pay 190.00 s month for insurance for the past 10 years and have never used it
we have 130,000,000 shitskins who will bleed the system dry
is there a point you would like to make?
I've got news for you, leaf. If the US goes single payer, advances in healthcare stop cold. End of story. We're paying the world's research and development cost right now.
Obamacare was about two months with a supermajority. To think, had they passed it in 2009, we'd be in the Pantsuit timeline with slightly better healthcare and a proxy war with Russia.
Because you're a tiny country compared to the United States, which doesn't have to deal with the enormous bureaucratic and drug development costs that the U.S. does. You're not burdened by tons of Mestizos and blacks who exploit emergency room loopholes and laws to game the system.
>paying for a bunch of retards to get useless degrees
>paying for the children of a bunch of Mexicans
you could be paying $300/months in extra taxes for shitskin's free healthcare
What's funny is that we did it just for the lulz (as with most things), and didn't really think we'd have such an affect.
Me too, except it is $225 and my mommy pays for it.
No man its just bad man real bad
you already pay enough taxes to afford universal healthcare
I didn't realize that Obamacare passed in March of 2009.
Thanks for correcting the record.
Add us to the map. Although I wish we didn-t have it.
>thinking you could have actually got free health care and college
ew, some African "countries" have universal health care? they probably all shares needles together. enjoy your AIDS Europe.
>Muh majority
Nice goalpost moving, Dane. You were talking about Denmark, not the world.
Works here too.
You will never have universal healthcare.
Well, maybe in 4~ years when the nonwhites vote for it and leave white people paying for it.
.. Wait you think there's a majority in the countries marked on that map?
Lmao american geography
I'm not moving goalposts, I'm just saying it works for a lot more people than there are in the US
>russia is evil and corrupt
>russia is a perfect example of how universal healthcare can work
will the left ever make up their mind?
Actually your BFF Hillary fucked up the democratic nomination.
I find it funny how if Hillary didn't rig the nominee, 80% of the bitter hivemind in this place would've voted Bernie.
not an argument
have some faith in yourselves, will ya.
we all do.
we got moochers and camel jockeys too, still works.
I know, and your food is awesome too.
halt frezze hansiman, we're going to pay for using your autobahn now lol
bit o strawmanning going on there billybob
Lmao typical European arrogance
You were talking about Denmark. Then you pointed out that other countries have universal healthcare (not an argument). I gave you an answer to your question and you moved the goalpost to other countries, you liar.
I meant, had they passed single payer in 2009.
>bent the knee
>if one thing works in an otherwise flawed system, I lose my right to criticize any of it
Look, if Obongo didn't do it after 8 years, Coffin Dodger wouldn't do it in 2 months.
Why do u want to argue with everyone are u a women do u fo on ESPN.com
Probably because you take so much money from other places
You fucking freeloading parasite. You don't deserve ANY medical care. You deserve a goddamn horsewhipping and a term of forced labor to teach you the value of earning your keep.
We would be at war with Russia if democrats had won. How is this not obvious?
no baby boy, you're the one who started talking about denmark
i never did
>didn't fuck up this election
This isn't 2009 OP.
By "autists" you mean Hillary voters and the DNC, right?
>Probably because you take so much money from other places
what money, from where?
>universal healthcare
aka Universal Gibs for welfare savages
burnt sand had a rape fetish
"A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.
"A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.
How's that negative growth buddy?
think about the habbening threads we have missed because that non-race-baiting, peace-loving, nation-building and defender of all of mankind white male was elected.
get the fuck out, 60% of danes disagree with you, you greedy socialist
woah there daneboi ameriga is only >56 percent white remember? try to use more darkie centred terms like "juan" or "tyrone" pls.
you stupid viking pussy faggot.
så flyt til Liberland din lille bogs
ESPN.com is a horrible place
we have universal healthcare around here and it's so cancerous, you can't imagine
Corporate capitalism is kinda why every country is riding american coattails in tech,science and medical advancement. Its the most fucked up double edged sword ever. As americans we pay the price for innovation by not being able to have socialist medicine among other things, but those innovations are shared with our allies who's citizens benefit from their more socialist society.
Complain about america, get off the internet, dont buy microsoft, apple or google products, stop asking for military aid, quit eating californias crops, dont watch t.v., get the fuck outa cars and walk your socialist ass to your shitty job.
Only japan has the right to bitch and only about video games and helping innovate tech. Germany can gloat about innovations in tech. Britain, france and most of europe All ride the shoulders of the giant known as america! China makes americans stuff, so there cool and russia is just ww3 waiting to happen so we need to be allied with them, unless you want the fucking world to end.
>a horrible plase
>a sports site
I literally wat
It works fine here
Also, i dont pay anything for a top notch college education
I hope the US will get a better system, they need it
I agree with this, I don't care if both your mom and your dad are the nicest people in the world, if they're fat and they're raising my damn premium then they deserve death.
I am not paying for anyone's dying fat fuck of a parent
but I dont care about health care
>lose 60% of your money to pay for everybody's stuff
No thanks
Your country would be forced into supporting this war. If your countries in the eu than russia would be your enemy.
>60% of your money
dude wat, I pay some 37% in tax.
you're already paying more than enough, but getting nothing in return
truly the magnum opus of the jews was convincing guys like you that you aren't supposed to get anything for your money
yea but your employer also pays 37%, some of which could have gone to your wages. not to mention the stifled economic growth and inflation. you're losing out on money that you never even knew you could have had!
Lol you know what I mean
how underaged are you
>if you lower corporate taxes employee wages will go up
Get a load of this trickle down dipshit.
I'm really glad that you are upset. If Trump causes WWIII and everyone dies tomorrow I will die happy knowing that you are upset. I hope you understand this.
Give us half your paycheck goyim. Well give you "free" Healthcare goyim.
>I don't pay anything
That's the problem. It ain't free and you didn't pay for it.
>if you autists didn't fuck up this election
why are you talking to Sup Forums as if it was the DNC?
we didn't choose to ignore Bernie, your democratic party did.
pf its not 60%
Also, for such an education and health care system I happily pay
Homeschooling or student debt doesnt exist here, nor people not being able to afford medical support. I gotta admit our health system heavily depends on free labor, since all 18 y old males either have to help in the health system or go to the military for half a year
if corporations make so much money, then why don't you start one of your own?
if you decrease regulatory oversight, it lowers the barrier to entry for starting your own business. with more businesses competing for workers, wages go up.
on the contrary, if you increase regulations, it makes it so that only the largest and most powerful companies can keep up. i mean, the massive legal departments for these oligarchy corporations are literally in bed with the government regulators, so how can a small business have a chance? the answer is to get rid of the bureaucratic regulations and let the free market punish the greedy corporations that won't pay better wages.
Russian hackers rigged the nomination, it wasn't any type of democratic process.
Sounds like you get all this 'free' shit at the cost of your freedom to direct your own life.
At least your system is effective at pumping out sycophantic serfs who love their chains.
How do Bernie supporters not realize Bernie was a fraud? He sold out to the establishment at every turn and now parrots the establishment Russia bullshit.