What causes Africans to be less intelligent than Europeans?
Racial differences in intelligence
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They're black.
They evolved in a climate that doesn't select for provision and future orientation
Shitty environment.
If all you did was worry about surviving the next drought, you probably wouldn't produce geniuses like Plato or Aristotle.
Different environment that selects for quantity over quality.
i.e intelligence and deferral of gratification are necessary for surviving a european winter but having a large tribe (even of mediocre intelligence) greatly increases your likelyhood of surviving an attack from vastly overpowered predators like lions or cheetas.
>literally river through half the continent
>have to survive drought
>too stupid to boil water
>or create a water filter out of rocks, dirt, grass, etc.
how do blacks even live
Different evolutionary pressure.
>where we are is really shitty
>better stay here forever
literal fucking retards
>Shitty environment.
opposite is the case
their environment was good enough for them to not make any changes, therefore the need for evolution was not there after a certain point
1800cc brain volume on average....
The gap is not craoosable- blacks can NEVER compete in modern society.
That's why we have race specific bio-weapons. I predict the globalists will employ the weapons within 10 years...
I often wonder what made Africans so different from Indians or Mayans.
Considering that both India and Central America are rich fertile regions with nice weather and food available all year around. Yet the development of arts and science was never something they lacked through their long history.
>the need for evolution was not there after a certain point
They evolved, just under different pressures.
In Africa disease is a bigger evolutionary pressure than climate.
If you have 4 children with one woman, invest all your resources into raising them, and all of them are susceptible to a new disease, your lineage ends.
The best reproductive strategy in that situation is to impregnate as many different women as possible, in the shortest time. To accomplish that goal, you rape, steal, and bash in your own brother's skull.
This, in turn, leads to African ‘civilization’.
Niggers are the refinement of hunter gatherers. Those strong enough to take what they want, lacking any morals about killing family or friends, and willing to fuck a baby into anything that moves, attractive or not, are most likely to pass on their genes.
Hunter gatherer lifestyles discourage creativity because your brother Trayvon is using the same amount of energy you expend on 'creativity' on fucking hoes and making babies. That means he fucks more hoes, and makes more babies than you do. When ebola, or super-malaria, or whatever hits your village he has more, and most important, more genetically diverse children than you do.
Congratulations, you invented a better stick than your brother. Too bad, some of his children survived and yours didn't. They have no clue how to use your stick+1, and you died of the same disease your children did so you aren't around to teach them.
Africa doesn't have the same education and wealth the west or asia has had. Instead of benefitting from trade in a good way the continent is too shattered so most of the wealth goes to some small players. In general the continent is poor because it's hard to do mass agriculture like many other nations so villages and tribes become more isolated and self servient which means less specialists which means less demand for intelligence.
they have less brain capacity and they are islamic autists
I don't know, I would expect maybe some really Google engineers.
Africa is one of the most diverse and resource rich environments on the planet.
Africa literally causes humans to stay retarded and never mentally progress.
Average life expectancy is like 35 in most african nations, no?
No harsh winters. Winter eliminates everyone who doesn't plan 5 months ahead.
exactly the opposite you fucking mongoloid half nigger
Which explains why thet don't need to plan ahead and store food for winter or grow crop that can endure high altitudes with over saturation of water. Everything was handed to them and they didn't need to hunt unless they wanted meat. Europeans and mongolians had to store food during fall harvest to survive no crop growth in the winter, and had access to a higher range of trial-and-error tactics in storage and planting.
Same reason monkeys are less smart than humans. Shit end of the stick m8.
Breeding patterns. They breed threw r selection, that is why there are so fucking many.
Why do we have 5-6 threads a day talking about the intelligence of blacks?
Life expectancy tends to be more telling about child mortality than anything else. If you exclude deaths below the age of 1, Africans are probably living until their late sixties, early seventies. Haven't actually looked at the data but that's pretty much how it works out in pre-industrial countries, like Europe once upon a time.
Rhodesia alone produced enough grain to feed the entire continent twice. Niggers don't produce anything, that is why they can't trade. When Europeans colonized Africa, it quickly became very rich. The land and climate didn't change, only the people there.
Influx of new people, and race and IQ are a big redpill for a lot of people, while also being something a lot of people intuitively know but dare not confront mentally as it is taboo.
isn't Bahamas have 90% blacks
I have a great idea.
Lets. Lets. Lets put a clay disk in my lip.
Prolly gona be sick AF!!! id be like "how big is your disk?" LOLLOLOL "mines 9''" LLOLKEKELOL "damn im only 8 3/4."
lets have a disk off
Aren't they a British commonwealth?
Because in Africa you have to survive with muscles and sheet. But white bois need to be clever to hide from snow ma nigga.
I'm convinced tat innate racial differences is the cause for Africa's poverty. If culture is the culprit, and successful culture were possible, then why hasn't a successful culture evolved? Surely it would outcompete all the more primitive ones. I do think differences in the natural environment are an important factor in civilization development, but that doesn't explain black's consistent failure worldwide.
Europe's winter may have selected for monogamy, cooperation, and future planning because men needed to hunt for food the feed their families during harsh winters. Africa's year round warm weather selected for polygamy and unscrupulousness because women could forage all year round and support themselves in their children, even if the father abandoned them.
I've always wondered why African don't farm better. Its not the environment- Europeans farmed well in Africa. Why don't Africans organize themselves?
African Pygmies have an average life expectancy of 16-24 years and almost never live past 45. Google it, they're basically a different species.
>Why don't Africans organize themselves?
is that rhetorical ?
Even the Brazil monkey is smarter than the African, because he had to evolve to plan out his day without getting purged
Ethnicities with high intelligence are usually associated either with hunter gatherer groups from regions where hunting is harsh, such as cold regions, or amongst groups with many trade opportunities which promotes mathematics and verbal communication skills as a viable means to get ahead. In either case, their environment allows only the intelligent to survive.
If you can get by staring at large herds of animals or in a region where farming literally means getting children to run around with pierced bags of seed, chances are you don't even need intelligence.
Nice meme precivilization white men were brutal savages that raped any woman or women they saw.
ITT: pesudoscience
All you"racial realists" are just spouting off theories with no evidence. Get back to me when you actually have peer-reviewed scientific articles.
i mean this user is black
Europe was once the same. We dragged ourselves out of that though
Its a fact environmental pressures determine intelligence thats why jungle humans are dumb fucks and snow humans are smart.
>Only 51 per cent of Batak and 33 per cent of Aeta children are expected to survive to around 15 years of age.
They never evolved
being black and nutrition
What a complete load of bullshit. Africa could feed the world except for the fact that the second one figures out agriculture then some other nigger bashes in his head and steals the crop and the farm.
they crack CDs and DVDs for a living.
Their genes and culture.
Racial IQ difference is not even a debate anymore.
We want to know more. We want to know WHY!
You cucks can never understand.
I know its their own fault, but I just find it incomprehensible. Like, its so obvious...
You're a lame.
So that's how they do it without electricity, the piercings are primitive disc drives
>1800cc brain volume
fag swede retard. get raped by islam queer bitch.
90.6% black
bix nood anthem
But plenty of animals survive winter while being markedly less intelligent than any human. Why is the necessary adaptation to winter cognitive instead of physiological? What other animals adapted to their environment primarily by getting smarter?
Race based weapons?
>What causes Americans to be less intelligent than Europeans?
Muh 4.7% pure aryan.
>whites made plently of food in the giant central and south African region
>Chinks now make plently of food in the giant central and south African regions
>Banana on tree! eat today and do nothing and laze around!
>Oh shiiiit waddup its another drought again everyone dead lol lets make more kids lol
>rinse repeat for 5.000 years
>whitey had chance to invent food storages for winter and sheet its all unfair
They are just a different retarded subspecies that can still breed with what we consider human today.
And there a many other civilizations in countries with rich natural food supply and no cold winters that managed not to be retarded.
Small brains.
Because humans are weak faggots with thumbs they cant just mutate physical adaptions to live in the cold its get smarter or die.
It's tourism that makes the Bahamas, and other small black Caribbean nations, kind of work.
Compare Haiti.
After over a year of lurking, this is the first thread which finally redpills me a bit. I wonder if old Sup Forums had more of those threads, those who actually educate you instead of circlejerks
How to find more redpill threads, i dont want to waste your time asking for spoonfeeds
Inbreeding, it was also easier to survive in africa for most of human hystory unlike say nothern europe so nautural selection didnt do as good of a job
It sounds you want them to come over here, filthy kike.
There's usually good stuff, senpai. Just look at the catalog for non-shit threads.
Makes sense. Similarily, Ivory Coast and Botswana are the most decent sub saharan nations because they have huge natural resources. Still worse off than any resource poor white or oriental nation.
Neanderthal and other hominid admixture, perhaps?
if natural selection make them less evolved why Homo sapiens rised in eastern africa
3 simple factors.
1: Risk taking
Risk takers have been found to be more intelligent than non risk takers, taking a huge risk like migrating north into unknown territory in search of better land is indicative of a much higher intelligence than the Africans who stayed put and did not venture north, this actually had a profound effect on non-Africans and in particular the Europeans who ventured even further into more dangerous lands than the ancestors of the Arabs for example. It's part of what makes us so adventurous which during the late middle-ages was a great advantage to our development.
2: Breeding with Neanderthals
Contrary to popular belief there is evidence to suggest that Neanderthals were actually more intelligent than Homo Sapiens, the Jimi Sapiens which migrated out of Africa interbred with the Neanderthals and were left more intelligent as a result.
3: Environmental differences
The environment of Europe with it's cold and harsh winters and bountiful springs at first slowed the progress of Europeans relative to for example the ancestors of the Arabs who lived in a more consistently hospitable climate however this slow start was balanced by the necessity of different breeding practices which favoured those who were able to prepare effectively for the harsh winters in order to benefit from the spring and summers. It's also possible that these trying times actually greatly aided the development of European's empathy both for one another and their animal companions, for example dogs and the like.
Leftists will argue that none of this happened of course and that we're all the same because we all came from Africa, that much is true however it's the journey from Africa and the environments we found ourselves in which shaped us as people.
Homo Sapiens*, no idea why it auto-corrected to "jimi"
Sorry for phoneposting.
It's fucked up how accurate that flow chart is.
Are blacks really the less intelligent race when we have had only 1 black president and he is literally in the top 3 presidents of all time?
Unfortunately you do have to go hunting for decent threads nowadays, as fun as the elections were and as glad as I am with the result it's hard to argue that it wasn't ultimately a negative at least with regards to the culture of this board even if the election itself was a positive for the "alt-right" if you were to use the term for the presence of the various ideologies it's comprised of in the wider world.
1. Abe Lincoln
2. Barrack Obama
3. Bill Clinton
>leftists actually believe this.
The wealth and education you received in Sweden is actually working against you Sven. Look at how you are not able to objectively discern anything for yourself and simply parrot the talking points/excuses you learned in school about Africa. Feminism fucking ruined your nation.
Never forget ;-;. SA is about to become Rhodesia 2: Electric Boogaloo
>Are women really shorter than men when Karlie Kloss is 6'2" ?
Distributions have outliers. And Obama was half black half white. Wrong cherry picking.
>if natural selection make them less evolved why Homo sapiens rised in eastern africa
You can't possibly believe that the environment has been unchanging for millions of years, can you?
Evolution is not a straight line, or a synonym for "better".
Evolution at best means adaptation.
If strength gives a better chance for survival than intelligence, that will be what survives.
I like how no matter what they choose the end result leads to chimping out
Thank you, based user
We be Earth ponies senpai.
obligatory fpbp
Thread could have ended here, the rest is trolling and stormfront jerking off
And yes, you can abide by racial realism without shaving your head and screaming about kikes
Violence to compete for territory/resource,
suppressing violence to huddle round fire,
keep the food stores safe.
>The best reproductive strategy in that situation is to impregnate as many different women as possible, in the shortest time. To accomplish that goal, you rape, steal, and bash in your own brother's skull.
But this isn't how intratribal relations are conducted. What you're describing is more like intertribal warfare, which exists and has always existed all around the world.
old Sup Forums had these types of threads all the time. i guess i put the trayvon and dorner in old Sup Forums... then gamergate happened. (i think that's the right order.) anyway, after gamergate Sup Forums was changed by the influx of neophytes and we've had to start all over with the redpilling. a lot of the old Sup Forums folk who couldn't handle stepping backwards and re-arguing the types of questions this thread asks went to 4x4. in fact, i tend not to bother with these threads either just because i'm already aware of the arguments from both sides. i guess that's a failing on my part and the part of old Sup Forums vets.
Hot climates correlate with low IQ. Blacks only switched from the stone age to the iron age in the middle ages
this is great. but it sounds like the future that libs are striving for.
It's the fact that Africa was not shitty compared to the cold north that Africans evolved to be stupid and whites/asians evolved to be smart.
i think the peace corps screen cap is a positive addition to the thread. it explains some of the cultural resistance.
Maybe Africans are less intelligent then Europeans because they never really had civilizations or settled societies. Agricultural and civilizations shifts evolutionary pressures towards certain traits, like intelligence, far more then a hunter gatherer society.
The only problem with this idea is that the whole middle east should also have high IQ and/or strong societies, but the entire region is a mess, even their agriculture unintentionally turned swaths of the middle east into deserts.
>the next drought
That's only what you say because you think Africa just a desert or some uninhabitable, arid landscape.
Civilization doesn't make you smart, civilization is the product of being smart. They never had those things because they never had the intelligence to envision them.
>the whole middle east should also have high IQ and/or strong societies, but the entire region is a mess
1400 years of cousin-fucking have turned their brains into mush. They were once a smart people, but they've bred that quality out.
>the environment can't change without humans
>people never migrate or invade other territories
Looks like we got a True Believer here.
>once a smart people