Stop Being Degenerate
>stop doing some of the best things about being alive
>the best things
Actually they are the worst
Way ahead of you buddy. No more pot and bbw milf amateurs for me.
>inb4 nigger detected
You're not my real dad
>Unironically thinks sucking on the jew stick, Drinking courage juice and Fapping to Mr Goldstein Blacked,com are some of the best things of being alive.
Please choke yourself to death with your mousecord
subjective, you're free to feel that way but vices, indulgence, and pleasures are important to me
seeking them at my own expense while i do other things is a choice i'm free to make
expecting people to deny themselves things based on your moral standards is nonsensical
>Im 18 dad
>I can do what I want
>Im an adult
yeah fuck off
My fellow tandpasta quitting smoking seems like an impossible mission unfortunately.
i enjoy drugs, alcohol, and sex
why should your lack of enjoyment in pleasurable things matter to me?
>expecting people to deny themselves things based on your common sense and basic education about health is nonsensical
Stop being cucked, fag
Good old repression the calling card of the religious shill
The cigs and power drinks I can agree on, but fuck you on everything else.
So why go after such mundane things? Obesity and related illnesses kill more people than all 3 of those things combined. So should we just ban fast food?
So much for "muh freedom"
Just trying to warn you brother, before its too late.
Porn =/= Sex
So if i'm not slowly killing myself to feel minor pleasure i lack enjoyment in pleasurable things.
Stop commiting sins. Attend mass and pray to God for forgiveness and strength to help you overcome your sinful way of life
>Had a crippling chest pain since a year ago. It came all of a sudden, like a fucked up muscle or bone.
>Have been an entire year without working out, getting fat.
>Doctors don't see shit. Doctors don't heal shit.
>Chiropractors fail, literally everything fails.
>Finally find the willpower to get myself out of there.
>Read manuals about yoga and right postures, practice everyday for months.
>Feel somewhat less pain, start working out at home, lifting.
>Get enough courage to return to the gym. I'm stronk but have no cardio because I didn't train that at home.
>Suddenly crippling pain again.
>Hurts to breathe, laugh and talk.
>Same day I find out my gf cheated on me.
>Leave her on the spot knowing I'm too autistic to find another woman and she made me truly happy.
>Now it also hurts to live.
Bring me alcohol, drugs and trap porn. Fuck this life and everything related to it.
but i have to find out if my next nut will be the best one yet
Vices indulgence and the rest do not happen in a vacuum. No human action does, and you are therefore responsible for the social consequences of your actions. Consuming drugs promotes the drug traffic which is very often extended and solidified through acts of violence and runs alongside human trafficking. Pornography consumption leads to pornography production and also a society desensitized to sexual deviance, this results in a society with no values regarding sexual decency and eventually pornography leads to child abuse. Not to mention that by indulging your self you are not spending that time improving yourself or society or even caring for others which means you are guilty by slothful inaction.
You may not be punished for your iniquities but you are helping to harm others directly or indirectly...
do you think all those porn stars are happy to do what they do? Do you think giving money to the drug and alcohol cartels does nothing to harm others?
Stop pretending that you have no responsibility and maybe get some self respect
i'm sending you bro power right now bro
Pornography is degenerate,
> it makes your cock desensitised to a real pussy
> it makes you depressed if you overuse it (i.e once a day)
> it makes you feel ok about not having a gf
We should ban public healthcare to fat people and people who got fucked due to drug abuse.
I used to think as long as you're only screwing yourself you can do whatever you want, but every degenerative action at least gets attention and/or encourages repercussion, society can live with tobacco and some other drugs but its better without
Thank you for sparing me the effort of explaining this.
Every action has repercussions and consequences.
Np nice trips
Ive never heard anyone say this shit about porn except on pol
>muh blacked
>muh cuck porn
>muh nofap so i feel confident
You faggots are fucked porn is no big deal unless you make it a big deal
even healthy people don't live forever, i don't eat fast food
my vices are what i listed
i've been in plenty of situations that were close to too late, life goes on
i'm aware, i didn't think vices considered "degenerate" by people were limited to the things in op's picture
drug traffic is a problem because drugs are illegal not because doing them is morally wrong
values are subjective
It is a problem, maybe one of the biggest facing society. 30 years ago pornography was considered a perversion and your average person wouldn't consider it worth their time. Playboy was the extent and that is tame considering where things have gotten. Today pornography is main stream for the first time in human history and the negative effects are staggering. Relationships are broken up, mental illnesses flourish and many many lives are sacrificed to the autistic pleasure of their fellow men/women. It may not seem a big deal to you but it is a driving force toward a truly degenerate and nihilistic culture. It should be illegal. That would not end it completely but it would at least marginalize it. And don't forget that much of the porn you watch featured victims of human trafficking or sexual exploitation
This is true. The deeper you delve the more it changes your mind. It's like a drug you become addicted to, but you don't stop because nothing wrong with it, right? Truth is that once in a while it's ok, but it easily leads to addiction , and even the best things in life become nefarious if you get addicted to them.
Drugs have taken the lives of millions and the huge number of loops overdoses are not the result of drugs being illegal they are the result of people with high tolerances seeking and using highly powerful drugs..Values have been made into something subjective by nihilism but in my true Values are god given, take that for what you will
Nothing is inherently evil, things become evil by misuse. Sex is not evil but pornography is a misuse of sex
*opiod *in my opinion
Sorry I'm a bit worn out but feel passionately about this
Out of those I only pron because I don't sex
values are subjective, there's no proof for the existence of god and if values were objective they would be universal and would always have existed in the same exact manner
they wouldn't have to be taught
i've used hard drugs, i know what can happen
>tfw no degeneracy pill