This place is a joke.
Echo Chamber
Jokes are funny sometimes
So leave
Lyin DRUMPF is going to poop his diaper andcry on twitter today xD
You think he has an intern write his tweets, can by difficult to reach the keys with nubby fingers LMAO
Thank you for Sharing My Blue
is being on the losing side of history a meme Sup Forums ?
stay mad special Sup Forums snowflakes triggered ITT
Nigger your face is a nigger.
I can't believe you retards are still pushing the russian narrative, it just reeks of desperation
>Echo Chamber
Spoiler: If you're seeing a bunch of opinions that you disagree with, it's not an echo chamber.
imagine being so devastated that you voted for the wrong candidate that you have to pretend that trump hasnt fucked up at all
the dark side of kek speaks through you
How does it feel to know that your face is so black, you got counted absent at night school.
Nigger. Your made up garbage is nigger-tier. Your whole family is a bunch of niggers. Your news is nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.
How does it feel to be nigger.
Oh no, that sucks....
We have a Communism general every day, sometimes more than once a day. How can we be called an echochamber?
People only supported Trump for keks
The fact he's a failure of a leader is more kek worthy and expected
Sup Forums is the definition of an echo chamber
So Democraps aren't willing to work with Trump just like Republicunts weren't willing to work with Obama?
Color me surprised.
lol Trump wasted 1 of his 3 free assassinations. Can't even do that right.
It's 64 days shill. Ban and ACA/Trumpcare are because rigged establishment doesn't want to change. Wall was a cuck idea thinking he can make Mexico pay but it would pay for itself anyway. And dunno enough about Russia thing to say for either side.
That's why I only come here occasionally. But now that Trump is in office and really fucking it up I'm coming back to laugh at these retards.
>1 of 3
>i-i-its rigged!
delicious tears hahaha
You're a joke
>keeping all of his promises
>not pushing a shitty healthcare bill
yeah fuck off moron, this place is better without you
Where that Nunes proof at?
No he got Rothschild
>muh Russians
>muh popular vote
delicious tears, hahaha
Delicious butthurt lmao
>where that Nunes proof at
>where that
If only there were some way to tell if you were a nigger...
It absolutely is an echo chamber when every dissenting opinion is dismissed as being a shill post and threads which go against the narrative are saged and deleted.
Sup Forums at least the new Sup Forums is 100% an echo chamber and is reddit tier levels of censorship.
Lol echo chamber, half the threads of liberals jacking themselves off
All beliefs are discussed here. If you get your shit pushed in, either learn to debate better or adopt a stance that isn't pants on head retarded.
Also, wasn't sage disabled?
spic not nigger
what are you talking about how is there censorship, shariablue tards run rampant and though we call them out there's no censorship of them. You're just making up problems now.
None of this even happens. You and your fantasies, while you post on Sup Forums
What's the difference
>reddit tier levels of censorship
buddy theres an actual pol that is an actual echo chamber. Go check it out and compare it to here. Better yet, go back to r/politics.
There is no debate or actual discussion here though. It's all meme talk. Every dissenting opinion is dismissed as a shill post or attack using ad-hominems.
Sup Forums is like the retarded brother of Reddit. Same levels of echo chamber except people have lower IQ and are more obnoxious.
winning debates has nothing to do with the truth or facts though. any idiot with enough charisma and communications skill can win a debate lol
Are you shadow banned here? No? You can actually have debates and discussions? The worst you can complain about is that people call you names and don't buy your bullshit? Then you're not in an echo chamber sweetie.
Obamaleaf threads get 500 replies in 20 minutes. Retards fall for your shill threads all the time. The fuck are you talking about?
Sage was not disabled, and the only reason you don't downvote people or otherwise censor them is because the users here don't have the power to.
>If you get your shit pushed in, either learn to debate better or adopt a stance that isn't pants on head retarded.
So if you got a leftist website and get BTFO when it's 100 people arguing against you only, you'd accept the outcome? Even if they call you a "shill" just for disagreeing with them?
Literally a thread on reddit atm about shilling on Sup Forums.
the shills are out in full force. this is how you know we're winning
Are you still lying.
Have you even tried looking at democrats currently?
They're so fucked up they can't even propose a plan that doesn't cut out a third of their constituents.
you have to go back, bad hombre
Oh? Then what is it we're having right now? What's that? A debate? And you're full of shit?
shouldn't you be busy fighting off lethal crawly bits?
> no time to be trolling your betters round the globe
If you go to leftist website and try to debate them, they will just ban you.
the how the hell are you posting you inbreed retarded fuck.
>and the only reason you don't downvote people or otherwise censor them is because the users here don't have the power to.
Eat shit leaf, if we wanted to downboat and censor people we'd go to reddit.
fuck off shareblue
Nope. Currently enjoying my medi-cal and pell grant.
It depends on what site. I've gone and debated leftists before and stirred up shit and I didn't get banned.
There are plenty of actual posts. What I see, more often than not, is that people ignore the well constructed posts on a subject because it handily beats their arguments and they instead respond to the
Don't get comfortable.
100 people wouldn't see it before it was censored, leaf.
>the only reason you don't downvote people or otherwise censor them
wrong, retard
the reason we use this site is because it doesn't have cancerous 'le downboating XD' features and you don't get banned for having unpopular opinions
if that's what we wanted then we'd literally be using reddit right now
but that's more of a leftist thing, most of us here don't have an interest in that shit
Honestly, im really embarassed with trump
Hes done a lot. Got rid of foreign funding for abortion, passed both DAPL and Keystone XL, has another ban on muslims going, started legislation and accpeting blueprints for a wall
But this god.
Even with a supermajority in house and senate
We couldn't even REPEAL obamacare
> Sup Forums is an Echo Chamber
And still still thread gets 44 replies in just a few minutes.
If this would be your beloved Plebbit, you would be banned immediately or downvoted into oblivion.So what is the echo chamber?
At least sage!
>64 days in.
Don't spoil his narrative
Kill yourself turbo-autist, the pic the other leaf posted mentioned downvotes.
Illegals are being deported at record numbers. Yea I am happy.
What the fuck is this sweetie shit?
Probably because you're a moron. Anyone who is intelligent enough to competently challenge the liberal narrative on a leftist site is usually banned.
Why hide behind an US-flag?, the fuck is wrong with you leafposters?.
Nobody wanted Ryancare, Rand Paul is where its at.
Threads that criticize Trump are spammed with "roll" pictures and are quickly reported and deleted.
Just stop.
Except it's not.
None of you would've accomplished those things in 64 days. Do you retards even realize how hard it is to implement such changes?
That's why we call you shills and sage, your opinion isn't worth shit it's just inconstructive criticism.
Fuck these faggots on Sup Forums. We should kill nazis and jews and niggers in the name of antifa. True antifa hates niggers and faggots, and we especiallly hate jews. Help me spread the word my fellow comrade
Congratulations. You've discovered why the left currently dominates the mainstream opinions.
sage won't work when the mods are letting these threads stay up
>supermajority in the Senate
The shills are always out in force. Their favorite thread is /ptg/.
You missed the point like an autistic idiot. You claim to be above downvoting and censoring people here, but you have no power to do either of those things in the first place. So kill yourself.
Oh geez, just a few months in... It's like the goal post was moved by people who don't like the person already so they're trying to raise the time table standards on things they don't want to get done not getting done fast enough.
Imagine being so desperate for attention you call everything Trump does a fuck up just to get (you)s.
repeal aca and trumpcare are the effectively the same thing in legislative terms and i agree he failed but you made 2 items to make it seem twice as worse.
he hasn't even started to build a wall. so not a fail.
and he did have a muslim ban, he did his job. other people chose not to enforce it.
Nice thread, m8.
fuck off shareblue
What fantasy world are you living in? Half the threads up right now are the shitty bait you spam the board with.
>Muslim ban [X]
Tell this to a liberal
>implying anyone unironically supported a pedo like trump
>moving the goal posts
Just admit you're wrong, you angry little fag. You're just too much of a coward to leave the Sup Forums echo chamber, so you really don't know what you're even talking about.
>echo chamber
>people on pol agree with each other
el oh el
every single thread results in an argument
>Quickly reported and deleted
Is that why this thread is still up? We're about to hit triple-digit post number with 47 posters. I'm pretty sure it hasn't fallen off the first page once since it got a single reply.
The only thread that's quickly deleted is HWNDU. Hell the janitors leave up nigger dick threads for 30 minutes.
Hillary still not president.
Your mum is a joke. One that all the niggers like to cum on.
You're a fucking retard
we're above it because we choose to congregate on a site that doesn't have those features, instead of congregating on a site which does
if we were actually interested in silencing dissent, we would just move somewhere else that allowed us to police opinions more easily, like reddit
now fuck off
>literally 2 months of an 8 year presidency
>already done more than most presidents in the same time period
It's fairly eye-opening to see how many leftists are new to politics.
Fuck these faggots on Sup Forums. We should kill nazis and jews and niggers in the name of antifa. True antifa hates niggers and faggots, and we especiallly hate jews. Help me spread the word my fellow comrade
fuck off shareblue
Then why are half the threads about how "drumpf was btfo"?
Reminder to use the Sage function, whenever you deem it applicable
shill harder faggot