Is Obama real?

The more I think about this "person," the more confused I get. Sheriff Joe Arpaio already proved his so-called birth certificate is a fraud, but where exactly WAS he born then? If he's from Kenya, then why did the powers that be pick some random Kenyan peasant to be the (officially) most powerful person in the world for 8 years? Doesn't add up.

Furthermore, how come NOBODY knows anything about his past? All of his records, if they even exist, are sealed. How come not one person from his past has come forth to say they knew the president when they were in college or whatever? It's like he just appeared out of thin air a few decades ago. Who or what is he that (((they))) would thrust him out of utter obscurity into the Senate and soon after the presidency?

The Kenyan thing doesn't add up at all, and you'd think SOMEONE from Kenya would've spoken up about this by now. What I'm thinking now is... what if he literally doesn't and has never actually existed? Could he be a clandestine CIA experiment or plant? A literal advanced hologram that they put into the White House, knowing it would be far more loyal than any flesh and blood human puppet could ever be?

inb4 I'm vanned for this post.

Other urls found in this thread:

>There is no spoon


Obama doesn't exist. Neither does Washington D.C. Or America for that matter.

He's a creation.

Look into his mom's funding through the Ford Foundation. Her handler was Turbo Timmy's dad Peter Geithner.

Funding third world political crap during the Cold War is prime CIA shit.

Barrack Obama Sr. ("his dad") was brought to the United States under a CIA scholar program. Or the CIA created that retroactively to give Obama a backstory.

cia had their eyes on him for years

I found the Arpaio press conference to be compelling. I'm disappointed in media and government for ignoring it.

>america doesn't exist
nice try AIDF

this sends chills down my spine



what does it mean when you've got malik tweeting this

Reminder that Obongo never reviewed a single law, even the MSM says it's true.

Allegedly he did review one law, though his name isn't on it.
You will be pleased to know that a dead fetus can't sue its mother.

Dude make sure you read this, I was wondering the exact same shit when his birth certificate faud thing came out. Think about this now...

If he isn't who he says he is, and we know he's a part of this globalist cabal (/international jews), why was it so important for him literally to be president? Why him? Why fake it all to get him in when you could get any other person? Hell Hillary herself was already running at the time.....

Why...... disturbing ideas about antichrists are literally my only possible answer, insane as they may be.

Blackmail? Control? He's one of the best snake oil salesmen ever and maybe they saw something in him to further their goals. He has checks the boxes for charismatic, black, and his ideology matches them. I'm not really sure but I saw the layered document that was downloadable. That was too fucking weird.

It's so strange. I hate what he did and is still doing but he still seems so likeable.

It's not too shocking to imagine Obama being CIA when you realize that they've controlled nearly every post WW II presidency.

Had a professor give a talk back in undergrad who was apparently one of Barry's Harvard professors. Told stories about him as a student/mentoring him to go political early on.

I like this thread, but it's far more probable that an unscrupulous Chicago community organizer with a short resume, an empty head, but a knack for giving flowery speeches was a great candidate to do what (((they))) say than some idea of a hologram or "fake" person.


The best story I ever read about Obama said he was groomed by top global communists back when the soviet empire was still in full awful swing. It's a long anecdotal story about someone being told about Obama years before he had ever become a public figure. Anyone remember this ancient copypasta?

He was sent from the future to use 5 million illegals to tap trump's wires and ruin Trump's presidency so humanity doesn't die out from an infection that eventually spreads from tainted orange spray tan bottles and cheaply made chinese red hats soaked in toxic chemicals.

Oh.. he's been around awhile.
