Is anyone actually depressed today?

Is anyone actually depressed today?

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I'm pretty much ready to end it. Trump was my last hope, but he's just another cuckservative. See ya on the otherside


I'm taking a really big dump right now and I'm feeling a lot better.


Just a reminder that any leaf that insults the Prophet are to be reported.

Yes but not because of politics. Filing my first response in my first lawsuit and feeling the inadequacy when I see opposing counsel's vicious allegations. Not because they're right or because I'm really inadequate, more just fear of fucking up.

something about his body ratios just seems off to me

like his torso is too long for his arms, but he has long legs?

Hopefully Trump's feeling of loss will help his decision making during the revolution. Bouncing thoughts around, don't raid my house please.

I didn't expect him to be competent anyway to be honest.

Very common. Law school needs 2 years of legal theory and 1 year of legal trade school.

How are you depressed?

This will most certain be blamed on Ryan in the coming days. I'm skeptical Trump set this up but it wouldn't surprise me that it was a giant ruse to oust the leader of the Republican cucks.

That always helps me.

>Is anyone actually depressed today?
Moar liek, when am I not depressed?

As for today, Republicans losing a lot of face over the Obamacare repeal was depressing but unsurprising. After all the crowing they did about repeal and replace, when their put up or shut up moment came, they never got their bill past the spitball stage.

At this point, I just want to see the medical insurance industry implode so we can get some much needed changes done, but that won't happen even if all the healthy people ditched.

no, he said the republican retards need to come together and do their job or he would walk, and he did. Its the right thing to do, you don't bluff if you don't have a hand, he showed some balls today

Healthcare will explode in 5 years if it isn't fixed. I pay 3x as much now as I did before Obamacare and I haven't seen any projections that suggest insurance premiums are going to decline anytime soon. Just last year, my premium went from 350 dollars to 450 for the same coverage. I'm a healthy 26yo male of average weight. There's no reason I should be paying this much. I've never even been to the hospital.

That it does.

At least I've got the research skill to look at another docket from a different trial-level case trying a similar strategy to know what my shit should look like and what my follow-up steps should be.

I've arguably overprepared for this motion. But at least my brief is going to be fucking rock solid.

A little.

Trump needs to take action on something so the Democrats and the media will shut up about this and Russia.

Hiring a special prosecutor to look into and lock Hillary Clinton would be a good start.

I thought everyone copied each other in law anyway? 60% of my brief would be verbatim from another case.

70yo twitter addicted orangutan inbred


100% degenerate

He's getting impeached kid



Briefs, I write myself. It's the other shit that always throws me. Specificity of pleadings (fact pleading states ftw), do I need to verify, do I need an affidavit in support of the motion, what should be in the affidavit, what should be carefully skirted around in the affidavit to avoid an admission, etc.

Nope. Saw the bill failing coming from a mile away. Still got plenty of time.

>Hiring a special prosecutor to look into and lock Hillary Clinton would be a good start.

another 7 years of brilliant planning?

Nope, I'm feeling optimistic.

I love Trump!

>I'm a healthy 26yo male of average weight.
Glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself.

In traditional insurance pools, your premiums will climb with inflation regardless or if the people you are sharing the pool tapping the benefits harder.

With Obamacare, we have gone from risk sharing to full blown subsidy politics with money being raked from the healthy for the Boomers and ER abusers (granted, some state level systems are built around this). I know a few millenials myself that were on board until they saw the price tag.

liberals are shit at memes thats not even the right verse you stupid cuck SAGE AND IGNORE SLIDE THREADS

My premiums were climbing anyway, but the jump under Obamacare is absurd. There's no way we can keep the current course for any reasonable amount of time. Something has to give.

Guess I'll go back to going to the emergency room for any minor ailment I have and never paying the bill.

I will kill myself.
I used to support Trump.

The healthy people start hunting down and killing the least healthy in their risk pools, dragging them as far away from hospitals as they do so.

>I will kill myself.
Livestream it.

Obamacare attempted to compensate for this by forcing insurance companies to subsidize an unprofitable health insurance division with profitable ones. The result? Companies like Cigna drop entire markets when they think they can't make a profit.