There's still time to fix healthcare my friends.
There's still time to fix healthcare my friends
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Thank God Ryancare failed and so will Obamacare!!!
Democrats and the MSM will go down with the sinking ship known as Obamacare!!!
Democrats now have to run in 2018 and 2020 on Obamacare dieing just like the Republicans said it would!!!
Any Democrat who crosses the isle to work with Trump will get destroyed by their own base!!!
Trump can now spend his political capitol on tax reform and sit back and wait for the Dems to come crawling!!!
Those in the White House... Thanks for doing the right thing!!! Now work on tax reform.
Exactly. Medicare for everyone.
Unless you want the Republicans to never again win an election.
RandCare = BestCare
Fuck the insurance parasites. Single payer now!
I have an idea, how about people just pay their own money for medical services (and go in debt if they can't afford it) instead of leeching from taxpayers?
The issue is simple, America has a massive underclass that can neither afford healthcare for themselves or significantly contribute to the system. Elsewhere, the solution is to focus on education and hope they achieve skilled employment, in which then you can simply focus on welfare for children, but in America their totally not racist media decided to promote anti intellectualism amongst this same group.
If black people understood what's really keeping them down, they'd lynch Kanye at his next concert.
>Unless you want the Republicans to never again win an election.
Drumpf doesn't have a chance!!! Say it with me... Madam Pedo Queen Hillary Clinton!!!
Fuck off cucksucker can you image how shitty government run health care will be in a nation that has 40% of the population obese and prone to all kinds of illness not to mention filled with smokers and junkies
>Medicare for everyone
Fuck off, euro trash.
We left Europe to escape your socialist ideals.
58 %, you have to work with it if you like it or not.
Also, 80 % hated the Gop proposal.
With half the country as a non-white underclass
People old as fuck
Lots of long term health issues like diebetus
All the systemic issues causing problems in the US health care don't disappear with a single payer system...
>Also, 80 % hated the Gop proposal.
Fine. Watch Obamacare collapse and take the insurance industry with it.
I work in healthcare finance. Sen Paul's plan is the only one that (that I know of) which actually returns some power to the individual. This is why it hasn't gone anywhere; the powers that be do not want that.
ok mr mason whats your solution
>The GOP healthcare bill failed because it was far too conservative, so the solution is to make sure it's 100% conservative! That'll show them!
His solution is commie care
Trump says everyone will be covered though.. isn't that universal healthcare in a way?
Trump announced at his Kentucky rally that he will be working with Rand Paul on healthcare. Fuck Paul Ryan.
Trump's a lying sach of shit
>remove coverage for pre existing conditions
>remove coverage for those up to age 26 on parents insurance
Nothing will go wrong. It'll be really popular because all of America will be enlightened by these conservative principles.
Who better than an actual fucking DOCTOR?
Also, Rand for Speaker
>he thinks there's a way to salvage any facet of America without first letting it collapse
Do what the socialist hellholes Japan and South Korea are doing.
>And take the insurance industry with it
I'm fine with it.
>remove coverage for those up to age 26 on parents insurance
It doesn't do that
Rand Paul thinks that giving people healthcare is slavery.. so Rand's plan would be even more conservative. Either way Trump will lose when 24 million people lose coverage including those that supported him.
I thought that's what the House Freedom Caucus wants. If Rand care is so much better than Ryan care then how come Rand cant get any votes for it?
It's so easy for you to say that in such a small country that's mostly homogenized.
Something like that would never work in a country as large is this, with so many niggers and spics, (as well as white trash influenced by nigger culture) leeching off the system.
It's just not sustainable here. It's just not. The best thing we can do to improve America now is to let the dependents die. Trying to help them would only make America worse.
Rancid Paul sucks.. he and his nutcase pappy need to leave american politics alone.
it lost because it wasn't conservative enough you utter moron. Look up what the freedom caucus is then realize how retarded you are.
>Places that have more money spend more money
Why do you think this is a bad thing
Good, our current experiment in health insurance is fucking garbage
Because the GOP is full of establishment Cucks
Trump promised coverage for all, that's what his supporters voted on. If he doesn't deliver this then it's going to be a disaster for him
Trump has to choose between populism and small government fiscal conservatism.. because you can't have both.
People voted against Hillary and against Socialism not for Trump
Trump made concessions to the freedom caucus last night and lost moderate Republicans this morning you total fucking failure. Trump is not thrilled with the freedom caucus at all, and now he is forced to go around them and work with the Dems. God damn you are so thick. This is partly Trump's strategy, he wanted the extreme right to fail so they are forced to move to the middle.
Any healthcare reform that doesn't include forcing them to cover Pre-Existing Conditions is never going to be popular or last.
Get over it, conservative fucks.
Easy fix: smokers and fatties get one chance to pull their act together and after a two year period no longer qualify for anything besides ER, counseling for dieting/smoking, and basic generic pills. No cancer treatment, no pacemaker surgeries, and no expensive diabetes drugs. If they want a 100,000 knee surgey they have to pay that shit themselves.
>Implying Ron Paul isn't god tier
No.. it's because Rand is a libertarian and way more far right when it comes to economics than the rest of the GOPe. Most Republicans are either moderate or mainstream conservative.
>Homogenized country
Our schools are literally 75 % immigrants.
If you spend more money on a service or good than you need to you're making a bad investment. Sad.
you need to take that back you cuck need to disavow!
>Rand Paul thinks that giving people healthcare is slavery.
Hey, what do you know, a lying liberal. What else is new? His argument is that "free healthcare" implies indentured servitude.. In other words, you geniuses who call it "free healthcare" are literally retarded. Being taxed to pay for something doesn't make it free.
If it does trump and the republicans will take the blame, since they are the ones controlling it now
>it lost because it wasn't conservative enough you utter moron
It lost because Trump tried to yank it suddenly to the right, and the moderate Repubs jumped ship.
All of it was a moot point anyways because a far right health care bill will NOT pass the Senate. Even when they were the most optimistic about Ryan's flaming turd they knew it would never pass the senate.
Yea I'm sure the Dems will allow that those fucks would even give illegals free health care it'll be mess
>Most Republicans are either moderate or mainstream conservative.
No one likes RINOs I'd rather have Trudeau leftist with misguided principles running the government than Cuckservatives
>Rand is a libertarian and way more far right
i think your grammar is wrong, you mean to say he is way more "correct"
Yes and his point was retarded because the same principle of 'free healthcare' is used for public infrastructure. We don't say 'free roads' because everyone agrees that public infrastructure is essential to a modern society. 'Free healthcare' is used to make it more appealing.. nobody actually believes you don't pay for it via taxes.
Just accept that most of the country doesn't like your far right ultraconservative crap already
>75 % immigrants.
Poles, Ukranians, and Bosnians are the same as niggers
If the insurance industry goes down, the world economy eats shit thanks to how investment banking and insurance are now so closely tied together.
Whats wrong? You libs loved Obamacare up until you found out that Trump will let it die on its own!!
>Sup Forums: Obamacare sucks
>libs: Fucking racist!!! Obamacare is fine.
>Trump: The Ryan bill is not good. Obamacare can collapse on it own.
>libs: You were suppose to repeal Obamacare and create Trumpcare we can run on in 2018 and 2020!!!!
>Sup Forums: Libs get fucked!!
Fuck single payer. Make health insurance illegal. Set up charities for people who can't afford health care and encourage people to donate. Let the market sort it's shit out.
>yfw Trump kicks out Mexican leeches and gives America single payer
if your country had as many fat slobs as we do then you'd be pissed about having to subsidize them too. try to look at it from someone else's perspective for once!
Insuring pre existing conditions doesn't even make sense. It's not insruance at that point. It makes as much sense as buying home insurance after your home has burned down. The problem with our healthcare system is everyone keeps trying to treat health insurance as healthcare rather than insurance.
>far right ultraconservative crap
That's a funny way of saying freedom no get lost to France cuck
It will be the biggest happening since 1929.
I have a burning hatred for all non producing """"industries"""".
Libertarians are wrong about everything and are literally autistic retards. Even libertarians don't actually believe in their principles which is why they have to moderate themselves as they can't deal with the logical conclusions of their kid-tier political philosophy.
Another easy fix
>Trump cares A LOT about illegal worker health
>So much that under his new plan any business where an illegal worker is found to be without a generous company funded healthcare plan will pay a fine equal to the average lifetime medicare cost for any other person, in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
It sounds compassionate but it creates a fun little incentive to fire illegal workers.
>Watch Obamacare collapse
Don't believe Trump's meming. No entitlement program has ever collapsed. These programs are set up to make people dependent on government. As they do this, the economy worsens and more people are forced to become dependent on these programs. The worse country gets, the stronger these programs get. There needs to be intervention before it gets too big to be stopped.
> treat health insurance as healthcare rather than insurance.
Because Healthcare is legitimately impossible to get without insurance, and Health Insurance and Healthcare in general as it stands is a system that rewards PROCEDURES instead of PREVENTION. That's why we have the obesity epidemic and a million other problems.
It's worse for your economy if these people spend their whole lives in debt because of the higher health cost because it means they have less no money to buy other shit.
Every single modern Western country has universal healthcare. And it's cheaper than your system but you guys are simply way too cucked by insurance companies and big pharma to see what bullshit you are being fed.
Rand could literally single handedly solve 60% of our problems as POTUS
Gold star post
America provides an army for its allies who are able to prop up "socialist paradises" that provide free healthcare. The smartest thing Trump every said was we should fucking charge these parasites for our services. Then we'd be able to afford health Care.
Right. In a world with robot drivers, car insurance would cost next to nothing because risk was minimized to close to zero.
In a world where every patient got preventative care from John Hopkins tier doctors, people would still get sick and die.
Healthcare should be though of more like maintenace for interstates
>I... no longer believe that, Paul...
Australia is neither under immediate threat of invasion nor has strictly free healthcare.
yea, if the government gets involved i'm sure it will lower prices, even though that's the exact opposite of what just happened with Obamacare.
exactly. the problem was that Obamacare focused on making health _insurance_ available to everyone. what we actually wanted was health _care_. we should have less regulations, not more. if we must have some regulations then at least make them sensible.
>muh regulations
Health_care_ will never be inexpensive and affordable as long as we pay doctors and hospitals these outrageous salaries and allow Insurance Companies to negotiate and effect the rates for healthcare.
You could remove every regulation in the universe and it would still be a giant racket.
>Don't believe Trump's meming.
That is CBO numbers you stupid faggot.
I will stand with Rand until the day I die
America is too retarded to negotiate prices with health care providers
>MRI in France 350 $
>MRI in USA 1.300 $, USA NUMBER ONE!!!
The time for UBI is now!
Or until Sweden collapses and you cucks get invaded.
The best thing we can do is make everyone healthy. If the entire population would only adopt veganism and take their supplements this wouldn't be an issue.
Don't compare our two coutries 60 Austrias could fit in America a Bigger nation always has bigger problems
>describe my country with one pic
It's only illegal if you penetrate him.
Insurance companies negotiate with healthcare providers and get preferred rates. They then have the providers set astronomical silly rates so that when people get their benefit statements they see OH MY GOD HEALTH INSURANCE SAVED ME SOOOOOOO MUCH MONEY! and people without insurance get fucked.
Meanwhile the insurance company is paying that $350 rate.
It's a giant racket.
The dye has been cast. GG.
the problem with obama care is that they focused on capping profit margins and not capping overall cost
>corp makes 100mil in revenue, 10mil of that profit, from insurance premiums
>Obamacare says you must not exceed 5% profit, so extra 5 mil is reinvested
>corp cleverly figures out that if an MRI, surgery, hip joint, etc costs double, their premiums can increase, and so their revenue is 200 mil with *10mil* to keep as profit.
Syndicalism, ironically, provides an answer to gov oversight: panel of imaging engineers, doctors, and community members should set prices on stuff like MRIs to fit an overall budget: if a brand new MRI technique is WAY better, it makes sense to spend more, otherwise, stick w older tech and wait for a better bid. This makes competition occur on the level of device manufacturers, drug makers, and hospitals and not require individual consumers become phd educated about something as hyper complex as healthcare costs.
Did you even read my post? Fucking Americans
Instant non starter idea in the USA, sorry
doctors and hospitals are the components of the free market, and they're the actual experts. insurance companies actually have an economic incentive to lower the prices that doctors charge patients because the insurance company is the one footing the bill.
the government is the racket, they know nothing and do nothing except follow the impulse of the blind masses of disaffected michael moore documentary viewers.
the free market is far from perfect, and it does need some regulation to preserve peoples rights, but bad regulations need to be discarded when they are obviously misguided.
or you could just get rid of the mindless government profit caps and then you wouldn't need an industry cabal to set price controls either. no one should be allowed to have a monopoly, not the government or the corporations. the government's only task should be enforcing the free market and making corporations compete against each other.
I don't have much hope. A single payer system is the only one that's going to work and what I'm hoping for.
Pretty much. If government let people buy discount health plans (kind alike discount dental plans) I think they'd be very popular. I'd love to pay 100 a year to get the insurance company rate and just pay the discounted rate myself, since thanks to the Unaffordable Care Acts insane deductibles that's what I'm doing anyway.
I am glad Ryancare was cockblocked. Literally the opposite of Trumps interest trying to be pushed by sneaky gop multi-millionaires.
They need to figure out a good plan of action that awards reduced prices on health care for house holds making between 30-60k a year and give people making under 30k free check-ups only.
You don't put out, you don't get anything back. We need people to start buying houses again and not living in roach pads working 24-29 hours a week barely getting by with some other fuck ups and spending any extra cash at the end of the month of beer and weed.
There is two exaggerated situations for Socialized Healthcare.
Person A
>29 years old
>Drinks like a fish
>Buys/Uses illegal drugs
>Smokes tobacco or uses dip
>No exercise
I don't want to pay for healthcare for that.
Person B
>Single parent
>Works 70 hours a week
>Has 2 young kids
>Gets a brain tumor
>On chemo
>Can't work as much anymore
I wouldn't mind helping out that person to make sure the kids get a chance at a real future and don't turn into Person A.
Same with college. I don't want to pay for a retard to get a gender studies degree, or some shit in psychology.
If some extremely smart kid who excelled through school wants to go into STEM and can actually complete the courses. It's ok for some tax money to be used for that. Obviously if the grades drop below B the student is no longer covered and needs to figure it the fuck out.
Rand's hair should be the new JUST hair
>Also, 80 % hated the Gop proposal.
Who cares what idiots think?
>Stand with Rand
>is norway
Yea, easiest way REPEAL THE FUCKING THING! Let the free market be FREE! The government FUCKS EVERYTHING UP!
>'Free healthcare' is used to make it more appealing..
In other words, you're liars. Thanks for proving Rand's point.
> because the insurance company is the one footing the bill.
You actually believe those insurance companies are paying the numbers that you see on hospital pricing lists? What a fucking laugh. They negotiate rates down to pennies on the dollar compared to what an uninsured person would see. Them sliding their greedy jew mitts in between consumers and the actual healthcare free market are what caused the whole system to go apeshit in the first place, and now they've got you so brainwashed that you actually defend them.
i wanted this health care bill to fail. i honestly don't get what these brigaders have to gloat about.
Yeah, I get that that's the CNN's narrative today, but it's not true.
Mark Meadows said that FC won't vote for it, and it's 29 votes.
yea, well if you don't like insurance then you don't have to bu-