The parents of these two little girls (Dad is white and their mother Korean) had to flee Korea after being harassed by the locals (This is from their blog) who didn't aprove her marrying and having kids with a foreigner.
How do we end racism against whites in Korea ? It's a taste of our own medicine perhaps ?
Racism against whites in South Korea
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Hi, just came here to save the cute pic
Have a bump as a "thank you"
It's correct, though.
All races have a right to an ethnostate. They are doing what all nations should do.
>Hi, just came here to save the cute pic
this desu.
would kiss and cuddle/10
You think daddy gives them the D? I would if they were mine.
If hapa's had their own civilization hundreds of years from now would Sup Forums still be racist towards them? Who would look at these little girls and think they're subhuman just because they don't fit any rigid racial construct. Most of the bigotry against hapa's is unjustifiable and built of strawmen.
Those girls are fucking adorable. I'd breed with a Korean QT if I knew I was only going to have daughters.
What about the girls
where should they go ?
Hapas is like half-elves, ain't good as either species.
Friendly public service announcement that this thread is spam. Do not respond. Hide and sage all spam threads. Do your part. Thanks.
Hapa's deserve their own nation, but anyone who thinks they're a threat as a minority in white nations are irrationally biggoted
He looks based
>future open-borders shills
Some people are rude. If you are having enormous social problems in this country it is because you are too heavily socialized to begin with. Get an internal life and learn to live as your own person.
Hapa's are the bridge between the east and the west. Hapa culture has the potential to be great. Free Hapa's, create a Hapa homeland
Hello captain autism
This was posted yesterday
Same pics and same posts and same poster
Good for them. They haven't been jewed enough to let their country get overrun yet.
>trying to eat a camera lens cap.
I think i found the problem
Cute pics, always good.
What is autistic is having this thread every hour
only whites can be racist, the white family was obviously hurting their culture.
>Dad is white and their mother Korean
Poor things are doomed
The Dutch at one time were planning to create a Eurasian homeland is western New Guinea
yeah qt hapa waifus are the best, especially when they are lollis
Saving so many pictures of males, i'm afraid you may be gay.
You joke, but foreigners always undermine a nation's nationalism
they're not males
Is this gay?
Females go crazy too
>Morons actually think Sup Forums are white supremacists
we agree on an Ethno state for every culture. Whites get the fuck out of other countries and come back home
Be me be what pol would call an unholy mixture of eastern and centeral european mixed with spanish, native south american and african...only race im missing is asian. I have a very angular face my cheek bones , and forehead and nose scream centeral european. My jaw line sçreams African. Yes i used the eugenic measurment system for racial and cranial classification on race.. learned it in college forensics, while not perfect its good for forming a base id if you have no DNA evidence.. (Aka short angular jawline.) my skin color is highly dependent on exposure to sun most of the time i am very light and can pass for white if i shave my hair off . However if i stay out in the sun i get a dark tank and look like a ligh mocha.. plus side i dont burn...
Over all im 6 foot weigh 183 and athletic. My proportions are an algamation of centeral europeans and african ex strong v shaped chest and long thick legs...
Intelect wise i am slightly above average but nothing special.
Any way i just want to point out that you can have successful multi racial quadroons that dont spontaniously combust upon contact with the atmosphere...
Oh, man
Why the fuck does mix of white and asian (korea/china/japan) produce most cutest women ever...
Race mixing is okay if they're white/asian.
Then they would have their own civilization
Mixed civilizations exist, but have their own culture that took centuries to create. Ones that aren't as good as pure civilizations
But a new hapa can't just join these places. These places have their own cultures
That's the problem, and why everyone is only posting girls. I had a half korean boy in my school and he was the biggest bitch in town. Fat, shorter than practically every other boy, not any more intelligent than his peers, even puberty seemed to skip over him compared to the other boys. Marrying an asian (asian men are repugnant to me, no thanks) nets you 50/50 chance of raising a total bitchboy, i'll pass.
Feel sorry for master race whites being harassed by those gook moron subhuman shitheads.
Can I gas them all on behalf of whites?
Stop lying
Hapas are never as attractive as pure people
And even attractive ones are self conscious about one half
Plus 34% of hapas are more likely for mental illness
They are better off in America. Females can achieve nothing, yet be praised and rewarded. These females can literally marry silicon valley millionaires and divorce them for cash, especially if they are willing to stoop so low as to consider asian-american males as potential targets.
Are you gonna fuck your daughters?
Adorable looking children - I might consider a Korean woman too or Japanese - Would create the Homo Superior species
But, why we would tell Koreans what to do? Majority hates race mixing and good for them. let those who want Westerners do by their choice, not brainwashing like in the West
Oh no. This was not at all like what happens in their dad's favorite anime! : (
Kimmy has a concentration camp they can go to.
>our own medicine
Korea is a nation built on immigrants user. They need to accept multiculturalism, it is inevitable. Diversity is our strength
I can empathize with the Koreans. They too have gone through the Jewish brainwashing. The Jews told the Asian women about the big white cock (BWC) and now the Korean men hate white men.
>I love Asian culture for being homogeneous, xenophobic, and traditional!
>What they don't like me?
>Stupid rice niggers accept me, muh dick!
Hey man if whites have bigger cocks wait till they get blacked.... and after they get blacked we will make a gentically modified race of super men that are the children of the 1 percent and they shall have gigantic 2 foot long schlongs.
Wait, so what comes out when happa breeds with another happa? And then that happa breeds with another double happa? Do they eventually become full white or full asian? Or do happa children just stay happa?
Lets be real here, Asians are considerably better than nigglet halfbreeds.
>Muh racial legacy
Either breed with degenerate white women (leftie roasties) or get yellow fever and colonise asia, creating a superhuman half-breed race with +10 science and math stats.
>tfw our "superiority" over asians is the same "superiority" blacks have over us
Hapas can barely breed with anyone
It is not a waste if it makes something better (potentially) than pure and doomed to become a minority
WM/AF makes decent kids but the second generation is a fucking mess no matter how you look at it.
Globalism and them be mixed with white people is inevitable. All great innovations and change has come from the white man. I guess it would be best just to accept it already.
What source?
Same with Arabs. They created numbers and coffee user
It's a new race. Once hapa's are able to develop a sovereign identity most of the mental issues that Sup Forums goes on about will be gone, eventually they'll evolve just like any other race.
As a mixed race non asian i can tell you. It deepends on the dominant genotypes that each individual carries along with a good deal of chance . Ex skin color is determined using a Punnets square that has 64 boxes ... Anyway slowly they will tend towards what ever genes are dominant.
That implies they will breed
You remember that story bout them nogs who had twins that looked very different because the parents were such mongrels? Is like that.
Do you really need a source to understand that if a hapa fucks a chink they have extra chink kids?
the Sweden one looks half mudslime
hehe well played
How about not fucking trash people of any race and only letting the most successful and productive breed. You breed trash white people you will get white trash children. Same for blacks or asians.
Source that WMAF hapas are decent, or even will breed
Only time will tell, hapa's can be very attractive and intelligent. I'm a quapa, I've had white and asian gf's before but I've deciding I'm only going to breed with a hapa girl, I plan on dedicating my life towards establishing hapa identity and pushing for the creation of a homeland.
I feels weird seeing people discussing about my race so trivially
Those kids remind me of when i was a child too
You're not a hapa
I've seen whites that look more Asiatic than this.
Yes, the arab world will soon become 90% white. Globalism and them be mixed with white people is inevitable. All great innovations and change has come from the white man. I guess it would be best just to accept it already.
>my race
>Asian Halfbreeds not bonobo apes
Good White women are rare here in Québec, conservative ones even harder to find
Isn't a WW2 movie on the Soviets' side?
They should have killed the family.
Oh Sweden
what flag is bottom middle?
Close enough, my children will be more Eurasian than me. White's are becoming more racialist, and that's fine as white's should be preserved as well. All I want is to establish and preserve Eurasian identity