Y'all hyped for tommorow??

>some trump supporters to hold rally at independence hall tommorow
>every antifa snowflake group in the northeast corridor coming to try and "disrupt" it
>will probably get cucked by hundreds of trump supporters
>PA is also a concealed carry state

Other urls found in this thread:

Same day of the pizzagate march.

What did Soros and Alegantis de Rothchild mean by this?

Bump. Any philly bros going

>>PA is also a concealed carry state

Well then, you know what to do.

>Fear for your life
>Pew pew pew

FYI this is also the same group that orchestrated the DC riots and burned the limo.

If they have a mask on, mace them so they have to take it off and get them on video. Title the video when you upload it saying they attacked you first and let the state police handle the rest.

Wish I could go. I hope the anons that attend will document stuff. Especially find the leaders/directors of the antifa/liberal hordes.

I have to work that day. Pissed to since I would have gone just to troll them

Wish me luck, fellas

Also if that fucking leaf that lives here is lurking the thread, text me because I got a new phone

iron your flag you faggot. what the fuck is the purpose of that dust mask

Hey kids, it's completely unrelated random science fact funtime: did you know that cyanoacrylate (superglue) reacts rather nastily with both cotton and synthetic fibres, rendering them airtight and, in some cases, causing spontaneous combustion?

Pepper spray. A few seconds burst can fill an entire block

Jesus, they're all hideous.

That mask won't protect you, it's designed to handle sawdust and nothing more. What you want is a VOC respirator (incidentally, these are also vulnerable to cyanoacrylate, don't know why I'm mentioning this, it's just interesting that the glue completely clogs the filters and renders them useless).

>>will probably get cucked by hundreds of trump supporters
i forgot, when was the last time this happened?

Reminder that if you are gonna Conceal Carry, don't post it on any social media site (Sup Forums included) as it can be used against you in a court

See: BLM vs /K/ommandos 2016

>all of that acne

must be why they like to tip over trash cans, they eat garbage

debating on going for KeK what are ppls opinions?

>concealed carry estate

They do fine for indirect spray that lingers in the air. If you're getting directly sprayed by the cops though you're obviously on the wrong side lmao.

>Pepper spray. A few seconds burst can fill an entire block
It wont do shit. Its called a dust mask for a reason. Stop being a fag and buy a proper mask.

>every antifa snowflake group in the northeast corridor coming to try and "disrupt" it

Will August-chan be there?

Your eyes are more vulnerable than your respiratory system. If there's a spray in the air you'll need airtight goggles.

I don't want to sound like a queer for cyanoacrylate but, funnily enough, it also does a great job of fogging both glass and most clear polymer windows.

Girl on the right is cute tho. And that Aidan on the bottom looks like he knows ninja moves.


A bunch of pampered white kids in skinny jeans rioting in Philly?

Them bitches gonna get mugged hard.

Who the fuck thinks this gross thing is attractive in the slightest? Goddamn, It's like a reincarnation of someone's grandmother and a hipster.

Don't go alone. And don't leave your buddy behind.
Remember the anarchists train together.



What if it has a dick? ;)

Daily reminder that all Antifa are SHOOT ON SIGHT

I wouldn't be the least bit suprised. I'm more betting on her having a mangled smelly pussy.

You only need shoot these guys up once and they will never protest again. Just shoot them.

Tommorrow is the day. The first case of w Antifa being shot killed. Antifa will say that the Patriot shot and killed because he wanted too, but video will surface to prove it was self-defense. MSM will only show the part where he shot and killed Antifa. Kek wills it. God speed Philly Bros.

central PA here. I'm thinking about it.

I live in Philly and going. I got my brass Knuckles, mace, blade, tear gas,stun gun and Kubotan. Not sure about a helmet. Also shin pads. I hope those left fags show up...

Has he been sentenced yet?

He's gonna be in deep shit in prison. The sad part is, he might end up joining a white trash drug gang like the AB just to get allies.

I don't know about Philly proper, but PA has pretty lax gun laws. Lots of hunters here.

I really don't fucking understand why these people stay in this country when they hate it so much. Reading what they have to say, it sounds like they have a very deep disgust for this country.

i... i dont have any friends though. Im kind of weird like not the most socially comfortable person.

should I just not go?

Get some bear mace with 30ft reach. Chances are it's illegal though

>i... i dont have any friends though. Im kind of weird like not the most socially comfortable person.

Maybe you should go, to make a new friend?

Laziness, if they had the motivation to move to a country more receptive to their politics they wouldn't be such colossal failures. It's really easy to be a noisy douchebag and fantasise about how much better their situation would be if everything went to shit (ironically, they'd likely be the first up against the wall in the revolution they so covet).

Just do it. The more supporters that are there, the more outnumbered the libtard "protesters" will be.

This is PA. The only thing illegal is full-auto.

Phillyfag here. This is the first I'm hearing about this. I might go - nothing else to do tomorrow. That's a very classy write-up in OP's link by antifa as always, by the way. Degenerate scum.

Trust me when I say Trump supporters will be supremely outnumbered though with this shithole faggot city.

Post antifa fighting kits

>Maybe you should go, to make a new friend?
Ok I could do that but then I dont have someone for the buddy system, isnt that asking for trouble? Antifa is gonna see Im alone and single me out which would suck.

dude, personally, i wouldn't go alone.
but if you do go, go prepared.

As a fellow MN fag here, i have to admit he doesn't have a chance. Mark Dayton will pull some libcuck

with $20 and an ID you can go to the local police station and walk out with a concealed permit in about 15-20 minutes

Why are they all white?

What would bad luck 13 do?

Has anyone given the Trump rallygoers some sort of warning that antifa is coming and to show up prepared?

>dude, personally, i wouldn't go alone.
I guess I will go and watch then from the sidelines, thats what Ive dont all my life I guess. This feels like for once something in my backyard happening so I will at least go watch

You'll definitely make some friends there.

Just suit up and prepare for a fight, since most of the "socialists" come in numbers rather then strength

I'll be your friend, proxyfag. I'll be the one in the red MAGA hat and matching red button down shirt with black jeans. Come see me - we'll get a beer afterwards.

because their parents are white.

There is an Asian in there though.

Don't let us down philly bros, bash some antifa skulls in for us. These commies think they can silence free speech? lol fuck em up

oh yeah me and a friend are going!

>The march will be disrupted,” he said. "They will not march all the way to the Art Museum.

>“These fascist enablers will be told to leave because they’re not allowed in Philadelphia. We want them to feel very unwelcome in our city. This is not going to be a family-friendly event.”

Awwwwwww shit

I long for the day that one of these antifa-ggots gets shot

Can't wait to watch some college kids get their shit kicked in.

Bring bats and get medival on them, philly bros

How scared are drumpfkins right now?

Figure out what's legal in philly, is pepper spray legal?

If so, every man bring a can. Crush them with massive volleys of liquid pain.

Ehh you never know. I'm in muh gunz country but bear mace is illegal. If it's not get it, that shit can get the entire crowd of people

Do we even need that warning anymore? It's like an unwritten rule at this point.

some neckbeards save her pics and post about her while she is getting DICKED

just waifu cuck shit

Pepper spray is indeed legal. Have a can for myself but I'm going to be out of town for this sadly.

This but it's mainly just college kids or people who still act like children despite their age. Most of the adults I know voted for Trump.

>Just suit up and prepare for a fight, since most of the "socialists" come in numbers rather then strength

i only gonna look for those who follow kek, the regulars are ok but not who i could talk too.

tha-thanks user! red and red ok im gonna wear so far black cargo pants figuring out shirt now.

if their marching to the art museum that is far and annoying. but wathever im down.

Guns are the future and the future cant be escaped, you monkey.

I cannot wait. I live within walking distance of the hall. Will be there waiting for these left cowards to show up. Philly does not fuck around. The lefts Wil get stomped. I am prepared and got my defense gear. Bring it on cowards. We will march and if you get in our way ,u will get stomped. I suggest to bring some protective gear. I have brass knuckles, mace, stun gun, tear gas, Kubotan and shin pads. Maga


So a normal day in Filthadelphia?

Frank Rizzo shut SJWs down 30 years ago with just a baseball bat.

No guns. We don't want any Trump supporters arrested over some bullshit. Just bring a bat.

well yeah, but this time it's not going to be swarms of niggers

If you're in a crowd fending off a bunch of rich white kids, every mans gonna be your bro.

Here's an idea I have.

>PA anons with CCW go to march
>Wear normal street clothes, nothing political
>walk towards antifa
>if they blockade you or act thratening pull out ccw and mag dump into them
>make sure someone is recording
>also make sure to say that you had no idea what was going on and was minding your own business
>I.E. Dindu nuffin

Yeah, that's not the most flattering pick of her, she looked like a qt worth the cookie in her mouth

God I hope people shoot these antifa faggots.

Theyre going to start the war; we're gonna finish it.

The rally is set to begin at 11:30 a.m. for any other Phillyfags here

Well whatever you, don't record yourself on youtube bragging about how you are going to provoke antifa into attacking you so you can shoot them.

Don't pull a Scarsella.

Rooting for you philly bros! Remember the only good antifa is an antifa with it's skull cracked.

Gee gramps, whats the method of dispersal that you would recommend.

What should I put on the playlist for my bluetooth speaker?



>if their marching to the art museum that is far and annoying. but wathever im down.

>mfw we march to Girard Ave

Bring. A. Weapon.

>shadilay( and various remixes)
>Never come down
>I am a real american
>mac tonight


I hope it looks like the 5 points in gangs of new York where the rightful Americans btfo the dirty Irish.

See you white trash faggots tomorrow!

Dixie's Land
music by Triarii
Sabaton's The Last Stand

Post your stickman's

Riot all you like. You'll only ever get arrested and it won't make a damn bit of difference.

oh also just standard patriotic songs like the star spangled banner and battle hymn of the republic would be good.

It's going to be kind of a long march so I wanted some other stuff to fill it out


also any eurobeat song ever made.