Maybe it was actually good that Trump won since after his unmitigated disaster of a presidency conservatives will never EVER hold any power again.
Liberal gloat thread
Hillary was playing 12D chess all along, she had the longterm planned out
then why even run? her campaign was absurdly expensive
>implying democrats will either after the whine fest they've had this year
if the election was being held tomorrow Trump couldn't be elected dogcatcher.
You gloat over your loss?
Nigga, u just went full potato.
That's what we said about Obama except we were actually right.
>living in a world of "if"
That's why Trump WOULD win again and again.
gonna be browsing pol with a shit-eating grin on my face all night long
read the paper today, kiddo? Obamacare is here for good, and Trump's on his way out. Or do you only get your news from Sup Forums?
The party with absolutely no power is gloating!! Good job Libs, you are a real bunch of winners.
Are people actually under the impression that Trump expected Ryancare to pass? It's Obamacare-lite. This wasn't even Trump's plan.
President Trump is pretty much the best president since... I guess Eisenhower. Not sure what liberals would be gloating about.
>Can't give up the fantasy
still butthurt over hilldawg losing I see.
Other people's money. Besides I've heard she's going back to politics (running for mayor of New York) or maybe running again in 2020?
Populism won't be in auge forever, the best antitode is let those morons govern and people realize how awful they are.
>Republicans own House, Senate, Executive Branch
>Judicial court swing is now neutral, potentially a conservative swing for the next 20 years
The great dealmaker got BTFO. He gave an ultimatum and his own party laughed in his face. Repeal and replace is now, "uhh maybe we'll work together on a bipartisan bill, eventually..."
Clinton age is over, she's too old to run for 2020 and her health is worsening every day.
They are grooming her to daughter to run for NY.
That's what you think. Lel
>he thinks Trump supporters don't like seeing establishment Republicans and neocon filth torpedoing their own careers
>he thinks we aren't here to burn it all down
Dream on, retard.
>yet they still can't get anything done.
Loving this Sup Forums salt.
>He gave an ultimatum and his own party laughed in his face
Yeah, he told them pass it or he's moving on.
So now he's moving on.
Totally BTFO.
Is this your first election?
It swings back and forth constantly.
Young neomillennial liberals think this is the end of the world but don't know actual political tragedy like W.
Oh, uhh, I guess. It wasn't even his bill though? Did he even promote it at all? It's not really that big of a deal, and I'm not sure how it equates to some sort of major loss for Trump.
Also, it sounds like Ryancare sucked. Why would this be disappointing for Trump or his supporters?
You aren't special. You aren't clever. Since the beginning of /tg/, we have seen -quite literally- THOUSANDS of leftist shills (just like you) enter these threads armed with clickbait narratives and an air of smug superiority, certain that they could outsmart us. Every last one of them was shit out the other end of /tg/ having made no impact whatsoever.
You WILL fail, just like the rest. This is not a prediction; it's a statement of fact. You won't change any minds. No one will remember you. These threads are still going strong, which speaks volumes about the ineffectuality of past shills.
You can't argue against this, all that you can do is sarcastically dismiss it. Whether or not you choose to admit it, we both know that I'm right. No matter what you say or do, you'll be getting fucked for the next 8 years while we laugh at you. Go fuck yourself.
P.S. this post is pasta - I wouldn't waste any real time on you.
>obamacare remains in place and crashes
>dems need to run on the smoldering wreckage in 2018
good luck
haha, let me guess - was he "just trolling"
cuckservative tears are the greatest
I don't know why. You're only 3 months in bitch.
>buying into appeals to fear
did daddy spank you too much after drinking?
Hmmm.... I wonder who could be behind this...
This would be true if the Democrats learned a solitary thing from their loss and didn't still run the same fundraising whoring corporate lobbyist cucks the Republicans run while Bernie still can't locate his little balls
These maniacal attacks are not dividing us. They are bringing us closer. In fact the worse thing about the attacks are that alt right news can bash these poor refugees. But the chances of dying in an attack are so low. It's a small price to pay for all the blessed refugees contribute
hi i want to shill where can i apply
I'll be honest, I can't tell if you're trolling or not. Is this a ruse? I'm not sure if it really looked like I was crying or what?
Like, do you seriously sense some kind of frustration in what I wrote? What is this? What are you doing?, tell them john sent you
please Sup Forums i really need the money and wont be serious
Win for conservatives too. RynaCare sucked. Gorsuch will be confirmed. Hurr durr we wasz kangs.
It's been less than 3 months, and Trump doesn't even have all his appointees voted in yet...
Obama three months in was still getting to used to flying on a private airplane and living in a big house.
It is good to dream
>Slide Thread
Obamacare has more support from the people than ever. Trump tried to dismantle Obama's signature domestic achievement and failed spectacularly. There is a criminal investigation on the president within his first three months of office. But no, here on Sup Forums everything's fine, he's BTFO of libcucks at every opportunity. What reality do you clowns live in?
>I..I'm glad Trump won
Yup, and its okay to be sad - you voted for an incompetent president
No need to convince me!
Conservatives won actually. Repeal and replace just turned into repeal only. The free market is coming back in 2018.
>tfw I admire that Trump accepted the bill was no good instead of ramming it through like obamacare
>still can't get shit done
>haven't had a plan in place despite seven years of bitching about blackmancare
Yeah, they're not doing great, but Trump's favorability is higher now than at any point during the election, including when he beat Hillary. Given that the Dems are clearly not looking to fix their shit, I wouldn't be gloating about a guaranteed victory. I'd honestly bet you'll still lose.
>Hillary really won! She got the popular vote! Recount! Recount!
>f-f-fuck d-drumpf
(You) are here and are now entering:
>Maybe it was actually good that Trump won
next comes depression and then finally acceptance
i wish you well (not really) on your road to recovery you brainwashed globalist pawn
Troll thread aside, people actually believe this shit. It's fascinating to me that staunch liberals everywhere have somehow managed to keep the spirit of the "DRUMPF HAS NO CHANCE" meme alive even after he's won the election and is currently doing more to immediately kickstart the fulfillment of all his most dreaded promises than any president I've ever heard of. I thought my opinion of the average American couldn't get any lower, and yet here 50% of the country is, exercising mass delusion on a level that is both deeply horrifying and utterly hilarious. People really will believe exactly and only what they want to believe.
We lost, therefore we won. Good logic, there.
Remember that time Trump revealed top-secret, compartmentalized, Special Access Program information about our nuclear weapons program on internationally-broadcast live TV during the presidential debates? Oh wait, no, that was Clinton. Trump never had a security clearance where he would have had access to that information. What did she say the time from order to launch was during the third debate, 4 minutes? That's what we like to call a felony under the Espionage Act, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, and witnessed in real-time by tens of millions of people no less. Good job. Maybe pick a candidate who understands OPSEC next time. That's kind of important during a war.
Since I don't have a security clearance, I can talk about these things. So, you know, don't give me shit about compounding the problem or whatever.