Why are Americans so obsessed with 18+?

Even in some of the states its legal to date and make love with a woman that is 16 or 17. Yet burgers are so obessed with you can only like 18+ or you're a pervert . They even attack men that go to countries seeking fun LEGALLY according to that nations AOC and the extraterritorial laws of the US.

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Americans are mentally ill

They do have a lot of puritan values which seems like a mental illness.

It's 18 for porn nationally and (I think) 18 in Hollywood, are these actual people you're talking about or just characters on television shows?

18 is the age most people graduate from high school and are generally considered to be adults.

The period between around age 14 and 18 is when one is supposed to be transitioning from child to adult. People in this age range are just discovering their own sexuality and have not yet learned how to have control over their animal desires and emotions. For someone in their mid-20s to date a 16 year old is sort of seen like a professional athlete competing in a kid's game. It's not fair and they're going to dominate too much.

I know this isn't true for everyone, people mature at different rates but this is at least where the idea comes from and for the most part it works.

Because high school kids are fucking retarded and it helps prevent older men and women from taking advantage of them.

>and the extraterritorial laws of the US.
Wrong, if you go outside your state of residence, regardless of what the local AOC is, federal law mandates 18+.

So many people I've talked to think a man is a pedophile if he wants a 16 or 17 year old even if its legal in his state or he travels overseas.

It mandates 16+
The 18+ is for engaging in sex for money or an act where 1 party or both may go to jail ie sex in a public setting.

>Sex outside the country. The PROTECT Act, ยง105(a)(c), modified the law against "sex tourism" and establishes an age of consent of 18 for Americans engaging in any sexual encounter outside the USA. Thus, even in places where it is legal and socially acceptable for an adult to date an adolescent, an American doing so is subject to prosecution for it by the US government. There is no exception for marriage, so an American of any age marrying anyone under 18 in another country, even with the blessings of the parents and with a legitimate marriage license from the local jurisdiction, is breaking this law.


Educate yourself before you get in trouble friend.

Because feminist thought has permeated the public consciousness. Every rational man knows that young girls are good for sexing and it's good for girls to be married young but they've been taught it's wrong so they won't say it.

if you dare even think a single day younger than 21 is acceptable, you deserve to hang

Because having sex with children is wrong, you filthy pederast.

No, this can't be right. If you do something in another country you are not subject to your own countries laws. So if I bring a gun to X country, that's not allowed because i'm an American all of the sudden. That's called chaos.

It's unenforcable anyway. We don't have all of these agents in X country just waiting to catch people paying prostitutes.

I already know this isn't correct.

>Because having sex with children is wrong
What's wrong with it? They like it.

Sex Tourism = Paying for sex
That site is giving misinformation



CAs laws are 18+ And they control most of the movie, tv show, and porn productions.

But looking up your local laws and federal laws isn't that complicated. Most people should know its okay or not depending on their home state.

All of these extraterritorial bullshit is just scare tactics.

You're telling me they're gonna somehow have jurisdiction over X countrys police department and get access to all of this evidence and etc etc. That's assuming that X country would even cooperate considering that would cause a massive drop in tourism plus put one their own citizens in the spotlight.


The law is just for the sick fucks that fuck under 16 or pay under 18 for sex. Meeting some 16/17 year old at a club or on facebook and not saying anything obscene is legal.

You want 12 year olds? Tf

12yo are hot and good for sex. Girls younger than that are too.

Who said anything about that?
16/17 is normal to want and actually get with except in some parts of BurgerLand.


personally seeing a 20 year old with a 16 year old is pretty sad to me, its like the 12 year old that has no friends and has to play with the younger kids

not all, but generally how it goes

Not that long ago it was pretty normal