Would you die for your country pol?

Would you die for your country pol?

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Would you die to protect western women?

only if i was fighting muslims. I would hate to kill and be killed by my fellow aryan brothers.

Might as well suck David Rothschild's dead dick.

I would for my people but not for my country

I'd rather make the other guy die for his country

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

Depends on how foreign and/or dark skinned the enemy is.


and not fighting other white people.

No but I would kill

I turned 18 this month. I'm doing the same, but I am doing it primarily for the personal benefits.

I'm in the Air Force so no

Not with it's current government.
more willing to die to have it removed at this point.

I'd die to protect freedom and the people I love.
If that means doing it for my country, I would.
If that means doing it against my country, I would.

I'm too good to ever join the military. I had those faggots calling me up in 2006 when they needed more soldiers and I told them "no".

Joining the military is for white trash and stupid minorities.

I would die if it were explicitly to save Trump, because I think he's the last chance for our country. I wouldn't just die in some retarded war for no reason.

Hell no.
In fact, if the only options were to die or to kill everyone in my country myself, I would choose the latter.

Life is all we have, there's nothing worth discarding it for.

I'd happily die if it means two muslims die.

I wouldn't even step outside my house.

You're so ignorant it hurts.

This. You die for a cause, not for a country.

Leaves occasionally have something good to say.

only for the confederacy.

Boy there's nothing I love better than to make some other poor bastard die for his country.

not for my beta generation

I already did.

In what regard, sir?

For my fellow aryan brothers? YES
For the cucked shithole of swedistan? Fuck no

We all die any ways.

No, I would only fight and die for my state.


Fuck no.

sure, just let me get through this big bag of Cheetos first

I would die for my family. I would die for my community which I am invested in, and which is in turn invested in me and mine. Whether that community is as large as a country is irrelevant. Right now I don't have that family which I would call mine ,which to die for. Right now I don't have that community which I would call mine, which I would die for. But like so many before me I'm prepared to die for the possibility that someone else in the future may have those things.

Life sucks, our situations suck. But there is purpose to be found in making it not suck, even if you know you wont be around to witness your repercussions. That meaning is enough for me to die for any day.

Yeah. Even though there are certain shitty things about the U.S, especially the mainstream, its still the land with the most raw opportunity for just about anything. Srsly, everyone here takes for granted how good it is to be here.

its a quote from some fag that's shared around on sites like reddit and imgur. leafs will try to trick you, don't fall for the eternal leaf!

fuck no!
the ideals that country was supposedly built on
are not what this country is, or even ever was
...the dream is still alive though


I'll fight before I let the muzzies take over, if it ever came to war on the streets.


in defense, yeah, without blinking
in foreign soil? depends if i believe in the cause