How the fuck is this possible? How do you make people produce stuff for the common good without heavy use of force and authority?
How the fuck is this possible...
uhmm... racist and sexist much?
the green square is the habitat of the millennial. Thin skinned and hollow skulked, the millennial knows nothing about politics yet claims to have the moral high ground in any argument. The green square is not an indication of political opinion, but an indication of a combination of stupidity, ignorance, virtue signalling and undercover authoritarianism.
You don't need to ban drugs and abortions to enforce economic regulations
While you're absolutely right, there are some legitimate ideologies on the green square, such as the hippies one.
They're one of the few leftists I actually respect. They reject capitalism but instead of leeching and savoring the system like hypocrites, they actually leave society and go live off by making crafts or agriculture.
Also, the green square is the hedonist paradise, where you don't produce anything worthwhile but wishes to enjoy the most of life.
If everyone would stop being selfish dicks, it's not actually that hard. Human nature, however...
basically state-enforced economic stuff (ranging from basic regulations to full blown communism) but socially minimalist state, like allowing abortion and drugs and polygamy and that kinda thing
Left-lib is basically just "Help out the people who live near to you if you want to". AKA primitivism.
That is the hippie commune society quadrant. Never works out long term. It only has a chance amongst very small dedicated groups of folk. As with top left quadrant, the whole thing is based on human nature regarding competition for resources being something other than it is or ever can be, and so not feasible.
>my shitty system can only work if people don't act like people
its socially liberal and economically authoritarian
Hmm I think some dude wrote 5 books or something about this
And you stumbled on the biggest issue with the green square. The green square is filled with trust fund kids that have zero idea on how anything works.
There is no left square. They're using Libertarian wrong.
The X-axis is economic
The Y-axis is socio-cultural
The Z-axis is Statism.
Libertarians are on the Z-axis, not the x and y axis.
Ummm, it is a good idea actually. If everyone just, like, I can't even...
We did it for thousands of years in small hunter-gatherer tribes.
Inuits still do it.
The test doesn't test for much in the socio-cultural sphere. So your Y-axis is collapsed...leaving the current rubric
Hol up, so you be sayin it should look something more like this?
With x-axis
The term "libertarian" wasn't invented by capitalists and their using it completely. Conflating the rights of individuals with the rights of business organizations is a modern propaganda victory.
>Inuits still do it.
their drunk and on welfare, they aren't noble savages
"we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
>degree of hierarchy
>communism on the left
If you don't suck tovarish Stalin/Mao/Kimmy's dick, off to gulag you go.
That box contains recruitment material. Because the people in that box believe lies, and the redpill shows the truth.
Most people are right-wing libertarians. If they don't think they are, it's because they've been lied to.
And anyone who's on the authoritarian side is retarded.
Yeah, thinking man's choice is Donald Trump, trickle down and stuff.
A communist society should be classless in theory, but it never really plays out that way, does it?
>Sup Forums too stupid to understand anarchy
Not surprised honestly.
TFW you meet a braindead on the Internet
That can describe bottom right too m8
It's the strangest thing. They think that the government should be responsible for their well-being, which makes them reliant upon said government.
Then they expect that newly empowered state wont fall to the whims of the first totalitarian despot that might want to take power.
Leftists are just retarded I guess.
as equally retarded as
With this
then why is it when people want to form white only communes, people call it far-right?
Works for me. I just want to live on my farm and mind my own business.
Maybe it's just a fantasy world. I imagine everyone in society contributing to the best of their ability. When your neighbor falls on hard times, you help him out. I feel like I should have lived 1000 years ago.