>no wall
>she is not in prison
>shitty little ""muslim ban""
>israel is our greatest ally
>tiny inauguration audience
>no mass deportations
>no drain the swamp
>cucked on obamacare
>cabinet full of globalists and billionares (DRAIN THE SWAMP FAIL)
>most hated president in history
>no reversal of the demographic shift
>no proof for wiretap
Drumpfucks will defend this
>shills learned to use meme arrow
Sage goes in all fields
>muh "he must be paid because my opinions dont match with his"
Stupid Trumpcucks.
he's been president for only a couple of months, and the wall is under construction..
the one that makes me the most mad is
>she is not in prison
lock her up!!!!! Lock her up!!!!
it is so simple and straight forward. Literal crowds of thousands of people chanting this WITH Trump and he doesn't do it
why? get the prosecutor and put her on trial
there are so many crimes to go after her for
I hate Hillary so much I want her in jail
> cucked on obamacare
>>no wall
Not yet
>>she is not in prison
>>shitty little ""muslim ban""
Trump initially said he'd ban muzzie immigration, but in his proposals he changed it into banning people from certain countries that spawn terrorists. His ban did just that. I agree he should have excluded green card holders to make it more legally solid.
>>israel is our greatest ally
Israel ass-kissing is kinda sad, but not very important.
>>tiny inauguration audience
Non-issue created by butthurt lefties in the MSM
>>no mass deportations
Really? What about all the sob stories from beaners that got deported after Trump took office.
>>no drain the swamp
What about the bill that imposes term limits on congressmen?
>>cucked on obamacare
Ryan's fault.
>>cabinet full of globalists and billionares (DRAIN THE SWAMP FAIL)
He didn't fill his cabinet with random politicians who get a nice position for their party loyalty, that's enough for me.
>>most hated president in history
That he makes lefties salty is a good thing
>>no reversal of the demographic shift
Too early to tell
>>no proof for wiretap
That's how shitlfinging works. There isn't any proof for Russian hacking either.
paid shill
Drumpf ruined my life :(
I can't believe I voted for that conman
>>>she is not in prison
this is an issue, he promised, we chanted, she deserves it, the country deserves justice
he needs no congressional authority to put her on trial
he is a liar
y...y...y...you're a shill
stoopid shill
Sounds good. What’s your problem, Finland?
>it's a Trump shills complain about other shills existing episode
How much does he pay you guys?
Watch out leaf, you can go to jail for posting that image.
Trump voter here. I'll give him 6 months to impress me.
Drumpf is a cuck! Hillary should have won! she is a badass godess yaasssssss
When somebody says Sage goes in all fields, they mean write Sage in your post, write sage in your name, and write Sage in the options
Every Time you see those posts, you know the ones I'm talking about.
do not respond to the shills and the leftists, just report and hide shill threads. Even if you start getting a message saying you need to wait before you can report a thread, you need to report, hide, and you need to make a new thread using this picture or any variant of it.
This thread will most likely get shills responding, and you know what I'm going to do when I see them? I'm going to make another thread like this.
>Fuck Leaf Posters
Fuck Leaf Posters
>Fuck Leafs
Fuck Leafs
We can not let this board become a colony for reddit or normies. If that makes this a safe place then fine.
>tfw this man will never be our president
all of these things are going to happen any day now, you stupid shill! don't you understand four dimensional chess? haven't you read the art of the deal?
Drumpf will be impeached any day now
>no wall
He's been in office for less than 3 months, did you expect that shit to get erected the day after Election Day?
>she is not in prison
Isn't that what you want?
>shitty little ""muslim ban""
Shitty little "muh dieversity"
>israel is our greatest ally
They're jews fighting shitskins, let them thin each other out and we can deal with whats left.
>tiny inauguration audience
6 gorrilion less ooga-boogas than king president ogga-booga, drumpthenstein btfotbqhlgbt.
>no mass deportations
Deportations are in progress. What did you expect to happen, illegals loaded off by the train load to Auschwitz?
>no drain the swamp
I don't know, Paul Ryan is looking to get the shaft pretty soon.
>cucked on obamacare
>cabinet full of globalists and billionares (DRAIN THE SWAMP FAIL)
Theres a difference between entering a position as a wealthy individual, and entering a position to become a wealthy individual.
>most hated president in history
According to 100% non fake (((CNN))) news.
>no reversal of the demographic shift
Once again, you expect something like that to happen overnight?
>no proof for wiretap
"If I close my eyes, I can't see the evidence. Therefor it doesn't exist!" -OP
6/10 bait, you made me respond.
David Brock
noshes cock
The purpose of a shill is to appear impartial. We aren't impartial. I'm the Trump train all the way to Auschwitz. See you there when you get. RAKED
>It's yet another shills try to subvert Sup Forums but it's back to normal the next day episode
Who got more votes?
>>she is not in prison
>Isn't that what you want?
yes, yes yes
how can you possibly be a Trump supporter and not want Hill behind bars?
she is a criminal and needs to be held to account
can't hear you over your 1000+ euro speeding fines
¿Who is the preseident?
Trump sucks ultimate cock and is a fucking manchild. Call me a shill but he got beat in the popular vote by like 3 mil so fuck you niggers.
The loser who got less votes.
drumpf will be impeached
>Who got more votes?
With millions of illegals, who knows?
Who got more electoral college votes?
and mate.
Honestly, we wouldn't be having the problems if the president had more control.
This presidency is just turning me into a fascist.
Why would shills be posting slide threads when all the news today is bad news for Trump? Wouldn't they want all the relevant current events at the top of the board? If anything, seems like a false flag slide thread by triggered Drumpfkeks.
wall is being built
deportations have increased
what's the issue?
Every president gets ultra redpilled by all the other government agencies once in office, and the result is real politik every time.
Consider Obama, peace prize winner.
Campaign promise: close gitmo.
Campaign promise: Iran best friends.
Campaign promise: some healthcare something.
Obama killed more innocent people with drone strikes than any other president, after winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
Anyone who expects Trump to act differently than Obama or Bush is going to be disappointed.
she won by 6 MILLION votes and shes running again in 2020
how scared are drumpfkins right now
2 months... fuck off shill.
1. Not Hillary.
2. Destroyed TPP.
3. Will appoint a Conservative SC Justice.
4. Culturally destroys the SJWs.
5. sage
Are you seriously making fun of the mentally disabled?
>hillary clinton is not president
>libtard salt daily
Im okay with this.