Prepping for inflation / end of USD

How should I prep for the upcoming inflation and removal of the US dollar as the world reserve currency?

I do believe the US Dollar will stop being the World Reserve Currency within my lifetime, if not within the next 5 years. Interest rates are rising into a weak economy and Trump wants to double the national debt again. The last time there were interest rates rising in a weak economy, the economy crashed and the USD inflated. This upcoming recession could be worse than even the Great Depression.

How should I prep for this? I really think bad things are on the horizon before the end of Trump's 4 years. I do plan on silver stacking, but I don't have much money in the first place to buy silver with (only around $7000) and I need to spend that money on other things like a car and rent.

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Just remember to prep the bull and everything will be OK.

Stop consuming so much.

Just bought an ounce of silver today.

Just one? Your going to need a lot more than that if you want to stave off inflation and save your wealth before the USD stops being the world reserve currency and goes through hyper-inflation and st

inflation, which is essentially greed, can be controlled by Congress.
stop worrying and support reasonable political aims.

The Humanity Party proposes replacing the income tax with a sales tax, not exceeding 20%.

Good man - anyone with even a small amount of physical precious metals is going to come out of the next major stage of this financial crisis looking relatively good compared to those who didn't bother diversifying from fiat and stocks.

>Falling for the bullion meme

In the event of an financial collapse the only things that have any value are food, alcohol,salt, steel tools, weapons, medicine, recreational drugs and land ownership. Bullion will be quite useless.

That picture is aesthetic

Wrong. Gold and silver have been money for over 5000 years. In the event of major collapses in the "value" of fiat currencies people *will* flock back to PMs as they always have done.

The oceans are awash with dissolved gold but there's no way to extract an ounce for less than the cost of an ounce. However, algae and seaweed genetically engineered to accumulate precious metals are probably just around the corner, which means soon gold may be worth copper, or less.

how much will you need?

what is gold backed by besides traditional use as currency? it's value seems as speculative and psychological as fiat money.

you're such a retard. what the fuck are people going to do with gold when society collapses? people are going to trade for what they need. guy has some chickens? maybe you trade for ammo. gold will be worthless until maybe much later on

Gold is a physical resource in and of itself, it doesn't need to be backed by anything. The properties of the metal are what make it valuable - it is fungible, divisible, convertible, durable and, most importantly, it is a store of value over long periods of time.

It depends on how severe of a collapse.

If the USD collapses and markets continue to operate with some new currency, then precious metals will likely be exchangeable for the new currency.

However if shit goes full Mad Max, then food, water, and firearms will be far more valuable.

It's a rough situation for somebody thinking what to do with just $7k, since you really can't do much of anything with that much.

Personally, I'd say start by investing in things that are affected by markets or social collapse. That would be stuff like skills, connections, tools, survival needs, etc.

>How should I prep for inflation?
Binge on CattyN comics.

That's cool and all in a functioning society, but what are you going to do with it in a society that has collapsed? Trade it to the guy who has stockpiled guns and food, what's to stop him from just shooting you and taking it?

Tfw nafta is in place.

Tfw us has taken precious metals from its citizens before in times of need.

Right now saving is not the way to go. Spend but spend right. Buy objects that will hold value whether its metals or weapons.

Guns are a great investment look up how to store them and you have minimal losses if any. If things go bad you will be set up like a king. If things dont go bad you sell at cost and make your money back.

Things people are addicted to will be great currency. Cigs, booze, and pain killers.

Silver is for chumps. It takes forever to move and with the quantity you need to buy to make it matter you might as well had got gold. This is even more evident when you consider you may be storing water and food.

>gold will be worthless until maybe much later on

Are you trying to act retarded? Gold and silver have been a staple of currency ever since the idea of money has been around. Bartering only works up to a point, gold is a element that has scarcity making it pretty hard to inflate. Instead of saying Ill trade you 3 chickens for a pig You could say Ill give you three ounces of gold for 3 pigs and your daughter. You can have alot more gold and alot less chickens this way

Ok a complete collapse is different, I agree. Food and water would, indeed, be more valuable in such a case. But, that said, I do think precious metals would also be incredibly valuable - at least an order of magnitude more so than today.

You underestimate how quickly an economy forms, and how a more universal form of settling accounts appears. It will be useful as soon as 5 years into SHTF. Any form of moderate economy demands it. Even just a village scale one.

It'll be worthless when the People's Republic of America declares all gold and silver property of the people.

If you want my serious answer; you should prepare for your own death as seriously as you would prepare for this. Repent for your sins and get right with God. Also, learn how to live humbly and without vice and no matter how bad things get you will survive. God finds a way in fact you can thank Him for what you have now and remember that nothing on earth is certain all of it will decay and vanish

you're a stupid fucking nigger. you can't even spell "alot" correctly. don't ever reply to me again. gold and silver will be worthless if a society collapses. believe me or not, i don't care. i'm not bringing up the citations

Societies don't collapse; they are just subject to change--you may have guns and pain killers but you have to sleep some time and when you do what makes you think someone hungrier and more brutal than you won't just end your life in a second and take all of that? Your soul is the only thing that doesn't lose value and if you lose that you may as well consider yourself destitute eternally.

I have a few thousand el cheapo lighters bought on eBay. $120 or so per thou

>one of the most widely distributed metals in the world, besides iron

Pick one

Silver is good to prep, just start buying a certain amount each month and let it build up over time.

Gold is certainly good, but you would need to buy the small size coins (1/4 ounce or equivalent) to be useful in barter type situations, people wouldn't have the money to change a 1 ounce gold coin that would be worth thousands in a shtf scenario.

Also, it is good to start saving a really decent amount of cash to have safely hidden away for such an occasion. There will always be a need for cash.

People will still be able to play their money games. What the Republic of America will do is simply free people from the money game when it comes to their own survival.

During the last recession, the peak price of silver in 2011 was around $48 per ounce. So I'm thinking of only buying as much silver necessary for 2-3 month's of rent.

I do take into account the possibility of new technologies that will make gold and silver be worth less. Once space mining becomes a thing, I think the prices of precious metals will drop dramatically.

In every prepping thread, there is always the guy who says "your a retard! buy guns and ammo! lol, I'm going to shoot you and steal your gold."

I'll probably just end up killing myself anyway if I had a gun, so I'm not going to buy one. I'm preparing for the high certainty (around 70%) of hyper-inflation and the USD stopping being the World Reserve Currency. I'm not so focused on preparing for the less than 1% chance of Fallout 4 or Mad Max becoming local.

Haha I don't even have any wealth to conserve! Take that globalists

$10k... should take you a few months of saving.

10k in metals isnt too much to carry or stash.

10k is what I feel would give me a pretty decent head start in a new economy. Any extra should be invested into assets that will hold value or be worth something in a future economy. (like farm equipment or guns, not a new PC or rims)

Bitcoin is another option to stash a few bucks, but be careful.

Remember bullion was illegal to possess in the 1920s-30's in the united states. They can never take skills from you.

I mean, even if there was a global economic collapse...

Why wouldn't people just create a new currency and start over?

As an individual, keep enough cash on hand for 3mo living expenses as a priority vs. starting to stack silver.

Definitely nothing wrong with the suggestion above of just setting a few bux per month aside and buying a little bit more on any good dip. Just mind the overhead (e.g. shipping cost) of buying small amounts. If the overhead doesn't make sense, use an ETF or similar until you have enough saved up to buy physical in larger quantities.

There has never nor will there ever be a global economic collapse barring nuclear war..all that will happen is that the rich will use the government to keep the poor from full chimp out.

So, all the people stockpiling gold and silver are retards?

no, just assholes.

Here OP...

The guy in the video lived through argentina after it's economy crashed, so he has some real world knowledge on the subject.

Why are they assholes, user?

It takes time and a lot of political squabbling, inflation, and chaos in the meantime. The Eurozone countries may split into national currencies once again. I think the Euro only existed for around 18 years. Someone living in the EU today in Greece, Spain, or France may want to spend his Euros and convert them to gold or silver before the Euro becomes de-monitized in their country or inflates.

The new currency isn't guaranteed to be much better than the old one either. Gold and silver are consistent.

>tfw you were prepping since you were a child

Trading for 10 goats. PST


The usa dollar is forever going down and down. When you put 10k in the bank say that could have bought you a honda. well in a year the honda that was 10k is now 12k thanks to the decreasing value of the dollar.

Metals however are not at a fixed value so if he did his part and put 10k in metals he could, if he wasnt stupid, exchange it and keep up with inflation if not make more money.

This is more true than others.

Bullion is more of a, "well, it didn't collapse completely so now I have wealth" thing.

Buy gold.

Does the value of metals actually tend to keep up with inflation?

If so, why dont rich people buy all of it?

If you buy 7k in silver, you're off to a good start.
Hope you don't live in an urban area though, because nothing you do will matter then.

How do you fucks feel about other precious metals like Palladium, Platinum, and Iridium?

Buy a reloading bench, tons of primers, powder, bullets, and casings.

Food, water, shelter, defense.

Gold is a holdout for a recovery. Silver MIGHT be used as replacement coinage. Like others have said, not everyone wants to barter with PMs because they need food, water, shelter, defense.

I like all precious metals in general but I mostly own Gold and Silver right now. The latter is *very* cheap at the moment all things considered.

Platinum is fairly cheap right now too, not looked into Palladium nor Iridium.

I might try and buy £50-£100 of sliver a month , any good websites?

You will need : Lots of silver. 1 oz Govt. issued coins are the best for prepping, ideally issued by the country you reside in. For the USA, thats silver eagles. I think they are ugly, but they are the best for prepping with.

You will also need a stock of cash as well. When the collapse happens, banks will shut off debit and credit cards, and put $20 per day limits on cash withdrawl, if there even is any withdrawl allowed.

You will also need guns and ammo. Prepare to barricade your home. Robberies and home invasions will increase massively after the crash, possibly within the same day.

It may be a good idea to keep a stock of gasoline as well, but gasoline does go bad over time, so cycle it out.

Now's as good a time as any.

BullionByPost are a pretty reliable dealer.

You faggots always talk about society collapsing and not being able to use precious metals.
I got some bad news for you.
If America collapses financially things will be tough around the world and you are going to want to preserve your wealth for the recovery.
Metals will never be worthless in a world that uses currency full stop.
If you have spare cash and shit looks shakey buy some and who knows, you might be able to nab some cheap land for that metal in harder times when cash is worthless.

The first thing is to realize that full societal collapse is unlikely.

Start small and prepare for more minor threats like natural disasters like floods, blizzards, or tornadoes ravaging his community and shutting things down. He should strive to expand his pantry with a rotating stock of enough non-perishables so that he can go a few weeks on his own if the stores are empty. This should include the means to purify drinking water and a means to cook/clean if your kitchen appliances are inoperable. Firearms to protect yourself when the police are too overwhelmed and too far away to help. Trustworthy friends to watch your back.

Once prepared for dealing with those much more likely but more mundane crisis scenarios, then he can start worrying about financial collapse. Gold shouldn't be thought of as an investment. Instead it should be thought of as a refuge for wealth. Mr 7k should focus first on growing his wealth while the economy is still working. First priority is establishing an emergency pile of cash at your fingertips that can pay for emergency expenses around the house or to live off of temporarily if you lose your job. Then focus should be spent towards paying off any debts as rapidly as possible. Finally he can start looking at investing his disposable income into diversified investment plans. His wealth needs to start growing before he starts thinking about safeguarding a percentage of it in precious metals.

my friend tells me that the True Capitalist Radio broadcast is loaded with free million dollar financial advice and market analysis you're not gonna get anywhere else.
I'm thinking giving it a listen, you should as well, OP.

Doomsdayers who buy real gold are fucking retarded.
You can buy realistic fake gold for like $2 an ounce

>Why don't rich people buy all of it?

They've already started months ago.

If you need that paltry 7,000 dollars to pay for your car and rent, then you don't need to worry about gold and silver yet.

You need to focus on your job, finding a waifu, and raising Aryan children to fight in the upcoming race war. If you don't have that, you won't care if you have precious metals or not, even if things go south.

First things first.

one ounce of .999 silver can purify a gallon of water in a handful of hours

I agree with you 100%

The greatest Aussie con of them all. You'd probably get killed if anyone found out you had that much "gold" on hand, though. Better to stick with silver and an absolute miniscule amount of gold for bigger purchases, like property or firearms.

>That's cool and all in a functioning society, but what are you going to do with it in a society that has collapsed?

Trade it to the guy who has stockpiled guns and food, what's to stop him from just shooting you and taking it?

You are describing Somalia scenario. Even if we get to this bad of a scenario, in the case where some zombies are trying to kill you, you are armed, (with a rifle) and you have even odds in the fight.

I don't believe in gold, silver and minerals. Any of those can flood the market and be reduced to having no value. Like how Debeers controls the diamond market. If they just started selling all their diamonds and flood the market, how low would it go? I don't believe in things that only other people put value (gold, silver) because if no one values it tomorrow, what good is it? There aren't that many uses for them.

Guns and ammo are great, even if they don't hold their value and are flooding the market, you can still use them for defense as well as hunting game for food.

Food and water, you can always use and will always need. Electricity and water may possibly not be available. Solar generators, wood stockpile, lighters, solar lights, solar battery charger, fuel, security stuff (fencing, battery operated motion alarm).

Families group up for security reasons, someone should always be up and ready to guard the home, you take turns with 2-3 groups. There can be small communities of neighbors that will help fight off foreign invaders.

If Greece wasn't bailed out, it would look much worst there. It's looking pretty bad in Venuezuela right now too due to the lack of supplies.

Falling for the inflation meme again?

Listen kiddo, it'll never happen. If anything, the trend will reverse and we will see deflation. (((they))) don't want to lose money so they'll control the fed for the benefit of all of us.

The gold movement of today is the money world's version of pretentious hipsters.

That's the most retarded thing I've read today. Although silver has anti-microbial properties and can be used to purify water, the process isn't by dropping your ounce of silver into a gallon of water.

Regardless there are far more economical ways to purify water.

It'd be better to spend a few onces of silver on a proper filter. Mines came in pretty darn handy in a few instances where I actually had to rely on it to provide clean, safe drinking water.

>tfw I turned my small $2500 savings into silver before the election.
Its not much, but its all I have

>tfw will get to sell smokes for a living some day
I'm gonna avoid things like alcohol though. I dont want to have to turn my house into a fortress. gonna keep stockpiles hidden underground and pretend i get a limited supply of smokes every week.

This. Fucking retards don't understand that societal collapse is immediately followed by order, whether spontaneous or externally imposed.

Every goddamn thread there are people crying about how you should buy guns and food. Obviously if you don't have any of the basic survival necessities, those must be addressed first. But unless the person in question is a total poorfag, he'll already have that shit. Bullion and coins are what saves you once the economy kicks into gear again, and that comes pretty quick after the most violent and savage people kill each other off and the civilized people start rebuilding.

Filters are great, but I'd recommend having several methods on hand depending on type of contamination or if your filter breaks.

A homemade gravel /sand/charcoal filter won't work as good as your professional filter, but it should clear up murky water enough so that it will be safe to drink once boiled.

A means to distill water will deal with any contamination, although you'll want to add some minerals back in so that you're not consuming straight distilled water.

Small quantities of bleach can be used to purify water. The bleach will also be valuable for sanitation work.

Iodine tablets are easy to stockpile and transport. They're also a prime candidate to be a valuable bartering item once SHTF.

And as soon as things stabilized (ie. The point where gold is actually valuable in SHTF) your pseudo gold would be worthless because people would start testing it. Also they'd probably string you up from the nearest lamp post for trying to defraud people.

Find you some bad-ass lolis, follow their lead.

Bleach: so important. Tracking closely the Hurricane Katrina fallout rammed home for me the importance of having a means of maintaining sanity.

PROTIP: don't store your bottles of bleach sideways. Even though they are supposed to be sealed, one of them will leak, and that can really cause a lot of damage by the time you notice.

Fortunately, my dad made me watch Mr. Wizard as a kid, so I know how to improvise a distillation rig. Also once saw a clip of somebody building one of those rock/gravel/sand filters in like Africa or whatever, so it's good to have a halfway decent memory. I wish this kind of stuff would be taught in schools or revived through Boy Scouts and families going camping or whatever, since when you're a kid this stuff is fun to learn and do.

Buy a gun, that's always useful.

Poor man's purity test: sound. This is why it's good to buy even just one coin or round of gold and of silver if you seriously expect to have to use any in trade.

1. Balance coin on knuckle
2. Hold right up to ear
3. Flick it with your fingernail

Even at the 90% purity often used for durability, nothing has that pure ring like gold or silver.

Another advantage to distillation is if you can distill water then you're one step closer to distilling alcohol. That moonshine will be valuable both as a drink and as an antiseptic.

Don't forget to include charcoal in your homemade filter. You can make it in your fires. The carbon helps leech some chemical contaminants out of the water.

> full societal collapse is unlikely

Tell that to the Russians in the late 80s/early 90s.

I dunno, just find ways to live outside their system. That's more important than buying PMs or guns etc.

Think of what collapse might look like and adjust your lifestyle to get there first. Probably involves a lot of DIY. Might involve some gardening. Might involve generating your own electricity. Might involve you going nomadic.

Probably the worst place to be is in an apartment in a big city working a 10hour a day office job that gives you no free time to think or do anything else.

Do you have reading comprehension problems? I said that it's unlikely compared to a natural disaster fucking over your community. You can't tell me with a straight face that more economies have collapsed than towns getting screwed over by tornadoes, floods, ice storms, etc.

>it's another gold/silver shill thread

the economy is collapsing, goy, buy some of my bullion so I can put my grandson through yeshiva!

Something that is 20 times heavier then thing it's in is suspended in it. Okie-dokie. If you say so.

It's true. They've been talking about how to take advantage of whatever metabolic process does that.

Don't forget, gold is just an atom, so all it needs is to form a molecule such that the density or whatever else that molecule interacts with is such that it can be swirled around the ocean. It's not as if the earth is a centrifuge where the densest stuff is separated out into layers of purity.