I thought the meme "Hitler did nothing wrong" was a joke until i watched an eye-opening 6 hour documentary which outlines the true story of Hitler's rise and events through WWII (see "The Greatest Story Never Told").

>Germany was screwed over at the end of WWI (which Germany had won) by the treaty of Versailles (see "the stab in the back")

>War of 1918, communist Jews from Russia use Germany's weak state and try to overthrow the government, sparking a civil war

>Hitler created over 6 million jobs in 2 years and made the greatest economic recovery in history

>Jews made up 2% of the German population yet comprised over 50% of media, 70% of judges, and nearly 100% of the banking system

>Hitler was compassionate towards Jews by agreeing to let them immigrate to Palestine with all of their assets from 1933- start of WWII (see the Haavara Agreement)

>Poland started WWII by inflicting atrocities on ethnic Germans inside Poland (see Danzig Massacres)

>Russia and Germany invaded Poland together but the allies only waged war against Germany

>Hitler offered a 16 point peace plan and Britain refused to report it to the public because the British people would find it fair, and Poland refused to even look at it

>268,000 Jews were killed inside of concentration camps (most of them died from typhoid and allied bombs- per International Red Cross)

Why don't they teach you these facts in school?

Other urls found in this thread:











Welcome to the redpill user


You forgot to mention that he offered peace terms to Churchill over 20 times before and during the Battle of Britain.

Yes, accurate summary.

Could use some more detail, though.

where are the proofs



ill add it for next time

ty i will try to expand for next time as well

Burdern of Proof is on jews to prove the numbers, which they have never done. Why did Auschwitz change its death count but the oberall figure has remained a steady 6 million?

I was told about all of that on my history class. I guess it's just NA education.


i'm more curious about these two desu
>Hitler offered a 16 point peace plan and Britain refused to report it to the public because the British people would find it fair, and Poland refused to even look at it

>268,000 Jews were killed inside of concentration camps (most of them died from typhoid and allied bombs- per International Red Cross)

Looks comfy.

Well if you watched the fucking documentary you would see..... Jesus

Bernie holstein, stolen soul page 117

But we never gave in, not really; there was that one time just before liberation but other than that we were strong. We would see the boys they put on those masturbating machines just drop, just die, right there in front of us. The absolute cruelty was beyond our belief.

That they could do these things to us, that human beings were doing it to other human beings... and we would hobble back to camp with painfully swollen scrotums whimpering: "Don't bump me! Please, just don't touch me!"

I'd say you can't make this s*** up but apparently you can.

You have no idea how bad things are.


Also watch "Hitler vs world Jewry". Does borrow some scenes from tgsnt but also goes into more why Jew's were kicked out of a lot of countries. Killing Christian children and draining their blood, etc.

Google Red Cross concentration camp death records

you covered everything except for Poland started the war is a bit of a stretch user

The nonagression pact, in which Hitler and Stalin agreed not to attack each other for 10 years was signed shortly before both countries attacked Poland within 16 days

The only official numbers from German documents place the death toll below even the 200k+ figure. There was never an extermination plan. No remains have been shown.

Read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I learned all sorts of interesting personal details about Hitler reading that.

>when se Frauen are just right

Poland pretty much did start it. They refused to return german land that ethnic germans lived on they even refused to deport the ethnic germans back. They continued to commit horrific violations of human rights on them, seeing this and how Poland reacted Hitler was so furious he realized the only way he could save his people was to decal war on Poland and forcefully take his people back but he was afraid that France and england would (and they did) declare war on germany if he did this. thats why he signed the peace treaty with russia prior to the invasion.

A big emphasis on the economy prior to Hitler's rise and, I'm not sure about this, how the Reichsbank caused hyperinflation.

Hitler created a new sort of currency that was earned with work, got rid of financial institutions, and was very successful in creating jobs and increasing production. He was also able to trade with foreign neighbors without any financial institutions.

Winston Churchill even said something about how, "The winners are now the losers, and the losers the winners."

You should also mention how Hitler spared the lives of hundreds of thousands of British servicemen escape at Dunkirk prior to WWII.

And why the German public hated the Jews. Some of their hate involved discriminatory practices practiced by the top-level Jews.

With a special note of how Germany was plundered by the International Bankers.

(you) are Invited to the Memetic Principality of Kek forum. We're creating the utopia. 1espzufmsehqffgzbvz3fkwhjzalqqatjo.club/index.php

Hitler was hooked on drugs, upper and downers.
he suffered from chronic constipation and stomach cramps. To alleviate his pain, he took
Morphine. The side effect of morphine is constipation, so he couldn't break the cycle.
To wake him up, he was given amphetamines
And vitamin b12. I'm telling ya, the guy was a walking pharmacy.


Yeah, that sort of thing. Also about his time as a starving artist in Vienna and lots of details about his family history. Uncle Adolf was an interesting guy.

wtf dude that's my wifes kid on there!

>>Germany was screwed over at the end of WWI (which Germany had won) by the treaty of Versailles (see "the stab in the back")
germany started the WW1, lost and deserved everything they got
>War of 1918, communist Jews from Russia use Germany's weak state and try to overthrow the government, sparking a civi
communist Jews from Germany led by German JEW Karl Marx and paid by the German JEWISH banking family SCHIFF overthrown Russian White Christian government and kille about 15 000 000 White Russian Christians

the rest is somewhat true

Also, maybe elaborate on the concentration camps a little.

The camps had good facilities especially compared to the concentration camps America built for the Japanese Americans.

The camps were just used to detainment so that the Jews may be deported to Israel/Palestine so the Jews may have their own state. Netanhayu recently even said this.

I've seen someone mention about how the law was strict for those working at the camps. Some colonel was arrested and imprisoned for theft of inmate property.

You should also mention how the atrocities committed by the Germans as they swept in the Soviet Union were actually done by Soviets.

Oh no he took vitamin b12

>germany started the WW1


Saw this the other night. I put it on at about 11pm planning to fall asleep watching it. Stayed up right to the end, couldn't sleep, all fucked up and disjointed at work.

I'm still having trouble digesting it all.


>germany started the WW1, lost and deserved everything they got

>.> even basic high school education tells you germany didn't start WW1 ........... rest of your statement is all BS and any other BS you sperg out will be disregarded.

germany wanted to play empire inside Europe
lost war
wash rense repeat
again Germany starting another empire war
germany loses again
wash rense repeat

>red pill
>one guy spamming a thread with hitler pics and muh infographics
lol hi CIA/schizophrenic/troll

>even basic high school education tells you germany didn't start WW1 ........... rest of your statement is all BS and any other BS you sperg out will be disregarded.
i can't even


Because those arent facts.

Danzig massacre was a SS false flag. You're dumb OP.

I think youre mixing up Germany with Austria-Hungary, if they hadn't been sperging all over Europe and Serbia in particular, then the war probably wouldnt have happened.

intentionally forgeting how
germany and austrohungary activelly supported the unrest and chaos in the Russia
financed commie bolscheviks
created fake artificial nation of ukraine and supported separatist movements troughout ukraine and belorussia

>I think youre mixing up Germany with Austria-Hungary,
difference is mostly supperficial and political
bu they're the same autistic souldead hive minded humorless morons that can't into diplomacy and casual life
>if they hadn't been sperging all over Europe and Serbia in particular, then the war probably wouldnt have happened.
zero reason for them to do that

Anyone have a link to/name of the documentary

>being this lazzy

the jews are the good guys. Hitler was a maniac who wnated to kill them all off,he killed six million.

>hurr I watched this 6 hour long propaganda documentary with no sources wtf Hitler was a saint yo

>>one guy spamming a thread with hitler pics and muh infographics
>one guy
>hitler pics

>on Sup Forums

>lol hi CIA/schizophrenic/troll

Hello newfag.

>16 point peace plan
Sauce? Id like to read it

>Believing Jewish history books

Good goy



>Austro-Hungary and Germany were essentially the same country.
Nigga wut?

Yeah, that's not complete revisionist history AT ALL. Moron.

its more than fair

I suppose lifting threads from 8pol is better than the shilling going around here.

that is baby number compared to Holodomor

>the true story
cool story fagtard

I don't like points 11 and 12, simply because I don't fucking believe Third Reich would demilitarize Danzig. As for the plebiscyt it would probably end up the same as the one in the north Poland, so a crushing win of Germany, and would be just an illusion of choice. It's really a shame that it all came to war. The relations between nazi Germany and Poland were not that bad before ww2. Poland was developing, we had some nice culture, infrastructure, and military was starting to get nice. We should've marched together on Stalin, instead of getting betrayed by UK and France. Too bad.

this. germany didnt necessarily start the war but by the end they basically had to sign an agreement that said "we were responsible for all of this". This anger is put on the german people is part of the reasons tension built up for WWII

>muh evil pooland
know my history better than I do, time to clean toilet I guess

Gotta catch em Poland ball

But also this, the part about Poland starting ww2 is total bullshit communist anti Polish propaganda from the fourties.

Aw, that's actually kinda sweet

Also, checked

>Hitler did nothing wrong
>The holocaust is a hoax

Pick one

You can have both you autismo.

>democracy is an illusion

wew, how liberal and freedom loving of you.

>muh supirior rase beaten by a pack of drunken sub-human

zieg haiel xD

Yeah its not like your Jozef Beck was a stupid asshole who relied on Britains empty promises of support in case of war so he drove provocation after provocation against Germany.

The offer of Hitler regarding the corridor was reasonable and you, as arrogant as ever, snubbed it.

And then portray yourselves as the poor victims

>implying it isn't
The difference between democracy and dictatorship, is that in dictatorship government can do what it wants and you can't say anything about it, in democracy you can say as much as you like, and the government will still do what it wants

I was talking about the plebiscite.

You admitted Poles blocked it because they would lose it because it was rightful German clay.

This is true. Beck was either an useful idiot or a straight up foreign agent. The good Polish-German relationships ended with Piłsudski's death.

Hitler addressed that near the end. If germans weren't willing to fight and win to the last man then they deserved to be overrun. Simple social Darwinism

They weren't as willing to use their own as cannon fodder as the soviets were

>, in democracy you can say as much as you like, and the government will still do what it wants

European "hate speech" laws disprove that notion completely

When did I say it wasn't reasonable? It was reasonable as fuck, especially considering the consequences of declining it. But it were Polish lands basically always and I understand the decisions of my right winged as fuck politicians back then, even though it bringed a disaster upon us.

Nazi Germany was the only one nation that declared national mourning after Piłsudski's death. Fucking hell I wonder how things would go if he lived for another couple of years.

How different things would have been if England was on the opposite side.
We truly are living in the worst timeline


This picture alone questions the offical narrative massively.

Why would Hitler attend the funeral of a subhuman?

Also Poles hated Jews and Gypsies and still do. Its so hypocritcal how they play the jews best friends today.

true. Europeans dun goofed

> Stabbed in the back.

I stopped reading there.

If you believe this you know nothing about the Treaty of Versailles and the post-war settlement.

>Austro-Hungary and Germany were essentially the same country.
same peopple retard

>that reading comprehensions



It was a stab in the back though since 95% of the war was not fought on Germany territory, our troops even went 50 miles near Paris and Allies were tired of warfare.



